Almighty King Of Medicine

Chapter 99

Lu Chen turned a blind eye to the booth owner"s words.

He firmly grabbed the Six-Eyed Blood Silkworm in his hand and narrowed his eyes as he sized up these two unexpected guests.

When the two of them first appeared, Lu Chen could tell that they weren"t ordinary people.

He wasn"t just a simple pract.i.tioner, but he also contained spirit energy and already had some foundation.

So far, Lu Chen had already felt a similar power from Brother Qin, that fleeting shadow, Daoist Priest Zhang, his disciple Qing Yun, and Lin Siyun.

In comparison, the young one had the same spiritual energy as Taoist Zhang.

As for this middle-aged man, he was even stronger than the fully unleashed Brother Qin.

It seems like these two also belong to the Celestial Sect of Wonders.

This seemingly arrogant young man was a bit weaker than them, but he was close to reaching the edge of the hidden force.

The burly middle-aged man with a steady aura already possessed an early stage of Dark Jing cultivation.

The spirit energy in their bodies was surging, so Lu Chen had no doubt that if they were to fight, the two of them could rely on the augmentation of this spirit energy to display strength beyond their cultivation base.

Clearly seeing Lu Chen"s gaze on him, the middle-aged man smiled awkwardly and cupped his fists towards him:

"Sir, the item in your hand is really of great use to us. I hope you can forgive us for offending us!"

"Brother, what are you talking to him about? Didn"t he just pay up? The highest bidder had it! "Whisper, whimper, whimper, whimper, whimper, whimper, whimper, whimper, whimper, whimper, whimper, whimper, whimper, whimper, whimper, whimper, whimper, whimper, whimper, whimper. The young man said unhappily.

As he spoke, he wanted to come over and s.n.a.t.c.h it away.

When the middle-aged man saw this, he pulled his younger brother back.

"Old!" "Stop!"

As he said that, he looked at Lu Chen apologetically: "Sir, this item is very important to us. Please be magnanimous."

Lu Chen smiled lightly: "But it"s also very important to me, so I"m sorry."

The middle-aged man sized up Lu Chen from head to toe.

Although he couldn"t see through Lu Chen"s background, he could feel that Lu Chen"s aura was different from ordinary people.

The more it was like this, the more he felt that this young man in front of him was unfathomable.

With some hesitation, he said, "Mister, may I ask, do you know this?"

His question was totally random, but Lu Chen could understand what he meant.

"Since it"s so anxious, are we going to use it to treat illnesses?" Lu Chen asked.

When the middle-aged man heard this, he hurriedly cupped his hands together again. "I hope my wish is fulfilled!"

"Sorry! This thing can"t be given to you. " As Lu Chen spoke, he tossed the twenty thousand yuan he had on him to the vendor.

Even though the booth owner knew that he might have misjudged him.

He didn"t dare to believe He Qian"s words about knowing Master Yuan.

But he never would have thought that this young man in front of him was an expert.

Furthermore, based on his decisiveness in paying, the items in his hands must be worth a lot.

However, he didn"t dare to be too greedy since it was already this far. He quickly received the 20,000 yuan and considered it as having completed the transaction.

"Bro, are you looking for trouble?" The young man had a fiery temper with just a glance, coldly looking at Lu Chen as he spoke.

Lu Chen calmly replied, "Everything has to be said first come first served. You broke the rules by sticking your nose in. "

Hearing this, the young man"s face became gloomy, "Are you trying to cause trouble on purpose? Speak, what are your conditions? "

The middle-aged man pulled him behind him and cursed, "Old man, shut up!"

Then he bowed towards Lu Chen and said, "We were rude. This item was first chosen by mister, so it naturally belongs to mister. Let"s withdraw."

Although the young man was unwilling, he was clearly afraid of this middle-aged man. He glared fiercely at Lu Chen, and did not charge forward again.

He said unwillingly, "Brother, what about grandpa"s illness?"

"Let"s keep looking!" The middle-aged man shook his head and said in a low voice, "This is a ghost market, I believe there will be a subst.i.tute. There should be more than one person with sufficient Spiritual Qi. "

Upon hearing these words, Lu Chen immediately realized that he might have been thinking too much.

The two were only looking for something rich in spirit energy and didn"t know the true function of this Six-Eyed Heaven Silkworm.

The reason why they were able to lock onto their target was most likely because the Six-Eyed Blood Silkworm"s aura had surged when they had injected the power of karmic virtue into its body, which had attracted them over.

Moreover, he had already noticed that this middle-aged man was holding something that looked like a tortoise sh.e.l.l in his hand.

The young man gave Lu Chen a fierce look, then turned around and left with the middle-aged man.

The boss looked at Lu Chen and said with a smile, "Sir, forgive me for being presumptuous, but just what method does this have? "I hope that you can give me some pointers!"

Lu Chen smiled and said, "Truth be told, I"m not optimistic either. However, from the looks of it, they didn"t seem like the people that you intentionally arranged. Since they are all willing to offer a high price, then why wouldn"t I accept it? "

After saying this, Lu Chen pulled the two ladies away without waiting for the boss to speak.

Looking at Lu Chen"s back, the boss let out a heavy sigh. He actually started digging through the pile of ancient jade …

Half an hour later, He Qian and Hu Lingling each bought something that they liked.

Of course, the things in Hu Lingling"s hands were chosen by He Qian. Most of them were handstring type items.

Lu Chen took a look. They were all old things. It looked like He Qian had good taste.

After a round of shopping, it was unknowingly ten-thirty.

In the remaining time, Lu Chen had no intention of attacking again.

He had always felt that someone was following him, so he quickly locked onto the target. He immediately understood.

Before leaving, Lu Chen sent the two girls off to the car and suddenly said, "Wait for me for a moment, I"ll be back soon."

He Qian looked at Lu Chen suspiciously: "Did you find something again? "Why don"t we go back together?"

Although Hu Lingling did not say it, her eyes also shone as she looked at Lu Chen.

She was, after all, a girl. This round of shopping had given her quite a thrill.

Especially now, her three bracelet only cost her less than 1000, but the expert He Qian told her that she wouldn"t be able to hit 5000 if the time was right.

Hu Lingling"s family was not well off, and her thirst for money was often much stronger than others.

It was a good thing that she knew her own limits. She knew that it was all due to He Qian"s superb eyesight. Otherwise, if it was her, she would have to obediently pay the tuition.

Lu Chen shook his head and told a lie: "If you guys go together, then the target will be too big, and the other party might even raise the price."

He Qian nodded as if she had thought of something. Alright, be careful when you go back. Lingling and I will wait for you in the car. "

Lu Chen turned back and walked through the Ghost Market, heading straight towards a dark and s.p.a.cious area.

Suddenly, he stopped walking and slowly turned around: "Alright, there"s no one here. You guys can come out!"