Amazing Doctor With Super Vision

Chapter 111

Publishedat 28th of July 2019 12:14:19 AMChapter 111
Chapter 111 People Can’t Resist Temptation

“I didn’t hit anybody . ” Li Yong waves his hand .

“It was a woman . Where is the woman? It was the woman who hit people . ” Some villagers shout .

Their sons, nephews and illegitimate sons were badly hit . They came here indignantly to ask for an explanation for their sons, nephews and illegitimate sons . This is their territory . How can they stand the people who dared to hit their people on their territory?

At this time, Du Duoduo also comes out of the tent . Her beautiful cheeks and s.e.xy figure, illuminated by the light of the stars and the moon, immediately arouse a lot of praises around her . Those rude villagers become mild .

“I hit them . But I didn’t hit them as soon as I saw them . ” Du Duoduo’s voice is cold but very pleasant, “Did you ask them why I hit them but I didn’t hit anyone else?”

The dumpy village head stares at Du Duoduo and other villagers are also dumbfounded . When they see Du Duoduo’s face as bright as the moon, her skin as ruddy as rouge and her body as enchanting as a water snake, they think that the fairy goes down to earth and their hearts are full of excitement .

“I know it’s not your fault . Thank you for helping us to educate them . ” Someone laughs kindly .

“Yes! That group of b.a.s.t.a.r.ds must have evil intentions when they saw a fairy like you . What you did is very good . ” Someone expresses his understanding .

The dumpy village head is also unwilling to lag behind . He smiles with a big fat face and says, “Beauty, what’s your QQ number?”

“What’s your WeChat number?”

“Do you have a MOMO number?”

What kind of people are they? It seems that they had never seen a woman in their life . Li Yong shakes his head and shouts, “Go back! Don’t disturb our rest . ”

“Why are you shouting?”

“Shut up . ”

In the face of Li Yong, these farmers are not polite and they want to beat him to death .

Li Yong can’t hit these farmers, so he says to Du Duoduo, “Ask them to go away . ”

“Go away . ” Du Duoduo is apparently not in a better mood though they praised her . She says coldly, “Go away quickly . ”

“Don’t bother the fairy to rest, let’s go!” The villagers all leave .

Beautiful women even have this ability . Li Yong smiles and looks at Du Duoduo . Du Duoduo is tightly wrapped in black leather clothes and she is particularly beautiful and seductive in the dim moonlight .

Li Yong’s heart beats as if something touches his some soft part and his mood immediately improves .

“Do you know that you are charming?” Li Yong smiles faintly .

“It’s none of your business . ” Du Duoduo glares at Li Yong . She is very annoyed that she was interrupted in her practice .

“You’re so charming that those farmers forgot their hatred . You’re so charming that I can’t bear to hand you over to the police . So you should thank for your beauty . ” Li Yong says slowly, “You are beautiful and pleasant . ”

Du Duoduo goes straight back to the tent, closes the zipper and goes on practicing .

The appearance of Li Yong makes her realize her shortcomings . She wants to surpa.s.s Li Yong and defeat Li Yong .

At that time, she will leave Li Yong as her a.s.sistant . She will ask him to do anything and Li Yong won’t dare to resist .

“Don’t forget your ident.i.ty . ” Du Duoduo dared to show her temper . Li Yong shouts angrily at the tent and then returns to his tent to practice .

In the next few days, they live in tents . The two tents are not far away . Li Yong often opens his clairvoyant vision and looks at Du Duoduo . He sees Du Duoduo always sit there all night as if she is also practicing a mental cultivation method .

But the way she practices seems strange and not quite right .

“What mental cultivation method are you practicing?” In the evening, Li Yong asks .

“I don’t want to tell you . ” Du Duoduo grits her teeth and bravely refuses to answer .

“I don’t want to know . ” In Li Yong’s eyes, no mental cultivation method can match his Reviving Method .

When the farmland of one square kilometer is plowed, Niu Shuoshuo also buys the medicinal seeds . When Li Yong goes to town to hire farmers to help him sow seeds, Han Xifeng comes with two agricultural experts .

These two agricultural experts are as old as Han Xifeng . One of them has white hair and the other has gray hair . They don’t admit that they are aging . They are vigorous and amiable . They have been helped by Han Xifeng and they want to pay back now .

When Han Xifeng heard that Han Lu wanted to build a base of medicinal materials, he wanted to try his best to help . In fact, he was worried that the younger generation would screw the thing up because farming was not as simple as it seemed on the surface .

If old hands and tyros plant the same thing, the quality of the medicinal materials will be different, the efficacy will be different and the price will also be far different .

“Grandpa, why are you here?” Li Yong is very surprised because Han Xifeng is over seventy years old . He should enjoy his old age in peace and he is not suitable to run around .

“I come to have a look . These two are my friends . They are all agricultural experts . They can train the farmers you invited first and then let them sow seeds . These are precious medicinal materials . Don’t screw the thing up . ”

Li Yong naturally listens to Han Xifeng’s instructions . He finds that when Han Xifeng comes, he is much more relaxed .

“Where are the medicinal seeds? Let me see . ” Han Xifeng says .

Li Yong takes him to the newly built bungalow . There is a special room for the storage of medicinal seeds .

“Who bought these?” Han Xifeng looks at the seeds one by one and asks with a serious face .

“My cla.s.smate . ” Li Yong laughs and says .

“They are fake . These are all fake . The rest are real seeds but they are of poor quality . ” Han Xifeng sighs and says, “If these are planted in the field, all our efforts will be in vain and there must be bad harvests . ”

Li Yong is very angry secretly . He immediately finds Niu Shuoshuo and questions him .

Niu Shuoshuo denies it at first and then he says that he didn’t understand and was deceived by others . But when Du Duoduo slaps him twice and takes out her dagger, saying that she will cut off his vital part, he tells the truth .

“I’m sorry, Yong . I bought the cheapest seeds at that time because I was so obsessed with money . It cost 0 . 3 million yuan, not 3 million yuan . I bought a house in the city with the rest of the money . . . ”

Li Yong grins bitterly and sighs . The matter has been developed to this point . It is redundant and useless for him to blame Niu Shuoshuo, so he says nothing but sighs helplessly .

What he sighed was not for his own loss, which was really nothing to him . He sighed for the fate and future of Niu Shuoshuo . He wanted to cultivate Niu Shuoshuo but he needs to consider again because of this matter .

People are greedy . In fact, this is not surprising . Li Yong consoles himself in his heart for a moment . Then he takes out another three million yuan and hands it to Han Xifeng, who will be in charge of purchasing seeds .

Then he asks Du Duoduo to take Niu Shuoshuo to the city and take the house back .

It takes only one day for Han Xifeng to buy back high-quality seeds . Han Xifeng hands them to two agricultural experts and then they are responsible for leading people to sow seeds together .

It also takes only one day for Du Duoduo to transfer ownership of the house Niu Shuoshuo has just bought to Li Yong and bring Niu Shuoshuo back .

Li Yong pats Niu Shuoshuo who is dejected on the shoulder and smiles faintly, “Thank you . You made me understand a truth . People can’t resist temptation and I shouldn’t trust anyone . Especially cla.s.smates, they are not reliable at all . It’s also my fault . I shouldn’t test you with three million yuan . Friendship can’t stand the test of money . ”

“You have graduated from a college and you know a lot . But in my opinion, you are not as good as this silly girl, Duoduo . ”

“You can leave or stay to work . You can choose by yourself!”

Li Yong wanted to drive Niu Shuoshuo away and cut off his relationship with him, but he is soft-hearted for a moment and gives him another chance because Niu Shuoshuo is his cla.s.smate . He thinks that if Niu Shuoshuo has integrity, he will certainly change .

If he finally stays, Li Yong will let him care for medicinal materials and will not keep him around .

What Li Yong lacks most now is trustworthy people . He can’t stay here every day . He needs trustworthy people to help him manage this medicinal base .

He wanted to cultivate Niu Shuoshuo originally but Niu Shuoshuo let him down .

Niu Shuoshuo didn’t stay, and he still left . Li Yong didn’t know when he left . He left secretly without saying goodbye to anyone .

Wan Baogan and more than 20 masons build 30 bungalows first and then begin to build walls for the farmland of one square kilometer .

Li Yong finds them and asks them if there is an engineering team to drill wells and bury water pipes . He will also build an irrigation system and a drainage system for the medicinal base .

Wan Baogan says that he can do it . As long as Li Yong needs, he can do everything . Then Li Yong talks with him about the price . Finally, he gives the projects of the irrigation system and drainage system to Wan Baogan’s engineering team .

On this day, Hu comes with his 16 brothers . They have recovered and can move freely . It seems that when they come to the countryside and see the beautiful scenery, they feel very happy .

Li Yong tells 16 brothers to follow two agricultural experts to sow seeds and then gives Hu 10,000 yuan to go to the market to buy some daily necessities for him and his brothers .

Hu pushes the money back and laughs, “Yong, we spent 180,000 yuan in the hospital . You gave me 500,000 yuan at that time and now there are still 320,000 yuan left . Don’t give me money . After buying these things, I’ll give you all the money left . ”

“Oh, don’t give the money back to me . That’s half a year’s salary for you . Now, you have to learn everything so your salary is a little low . When you are skilled in the work here six months later, you will each earn 10,000 yuan a month . ” Li Yong laughs . He feels that Hu is an honest man and maybe he can be entrusted with important tasks .

“Yong, I’m here to learn kung fu from you, not to work to make money . I’ll listen to you, but I don’t want the salary . ” Hu says seriously, “I will be very grateful to you if you can spare time to teach me kung fu . ”

Li Yong nods secretly and begins to trust Hu . He laughs and says, “Well, after this busy period of time, I will write a mental cultivation method to you to help you practice your internal strength . ”

Hu is overjoyed and hurries to thank Li Yong .

It is his greatest wish to practice his internal strength and become a three-stage warrior .

Only when he becomes a third-stage warrior can he possibly and hopefully avenge his family .

After buying some daily necessities, Hu also goes to the farmland to learn how to grow medicinal materials . The good farmland of one square kilometer can’t be planted in a moment .