Amazing Doctor With Super Vision

Chapter 113

Publishedat 29th of July 2019 11:35:52 PMChapter 113
Chapter 113 Insomnia Is Not a Disease

“I will buy them . You can make a price . ” Li Yong says faintly .

Li Yong doesn’t believe that this greedy professor will refuse him .

“50,000 yuan . ” Wei Hongbing thinks for a moment and wants to agree . After saying the price, he puts out a finger and says in a low voice, “A seed . ”

Li Yong sneers and says, “50,000 yuan half a kilo is okay for me . ”

“Since you can’t afford it, don’t stay here . ” Wei Hongbing says coldly and makes a gesture to send Li Yong away . He wants to drive Li Yong away .

Seeing that the business can’t be negotiated, Li Yong turns and goes out . But Wei Hongbing stops him suddenly and says, “Delete my photos . ”

“It has been deleted . ” Li Yong says faintly .

“Show me your phone . ” Wei Hongbing says loudly .

“Here you are . ” Li Yong hands it over . But Wei Hongbing doesn’t grasp it . It turns out that Li Yong bluffed him deliberately . When he grasps nothing, Li Yong has already walked out quickly .

“Stop . ” Wei Hongbing runs after Li Yong .

However, Li Yong grabs a chair casually and throws it in front of Wei Hongbing . Wei Hongbing is suddenly stumbled .

Li Yong goes outside and stops by a garden . He uploads the photos he took just now to the Internet and names an attractive name, “A professor of the Zhonghai Medical College watches the adult film during his working hours . There are pictures and facts . ”

Then Li Yong goes to the office building of the school leaders .

He knows that Wei Hongbing is not the only one who studies medicinal materials . But Li Yong has no friendship with other professors . It will be too abrupt for him to look for them directly . So he goes straight to the’s office .

Li Yong finds the Tang Wenwu and explains his intention to Tang Wenwu .

Tang Wenwu picks up the phone and says with a smile, “Wait a minute . I have to ask first . ”

After hanging up the phone, Tang Wenwu laughs and says, “You can go to find Zhao . He is in the laboratory . ”

So Li Yong comes to the laboratory and finds Zhao Chunlei .

It turns out that Zhao Chunlei is in charge of a national project for planting precious and rare medicinal materials . The state funds are in place . His team is preparing to find a field for experiment . But now Li Yong comes to find him, so he doesn’t need to rent a field .

They reach an agreement easily .

Li Yong provides the field and Zhao Chunlei provides the seeds . The medicinal materials planted will be divided equally .

Li Yong sees that Zhao Chunlei not only plants the three precious and rare medicinal materials he needs, but also plants more than ten kinds of more precious and rarer medicinal materials . If they divide equally, Han’s Pharmaceutical Group will make a big profit .

Li Yong knows that it doesn’t cost much to rent a field and ask some people to take care of it . But these precious medicinal materials can’t be bought with money .

So Li Yong offers Zhao Chunlei good conditions while talking . Li Yong can provide housing, three meals a day and some entertainment services to Zhao Chunlei .

Zhao Chunlei laughs, pats Li Yong on the shoulder and says, “I still have one condition . ”

“What condition?” Li Yong asks happily .

“I have a niece who suffers from insomnia . She has seen many doctors at home and abroad and has taken many medicines but they have no effect at all . Please help me see her . If you can cure her, we will not treat you badly . ” Zhao Chunlei says sincerely and earnestly .

“I’m a doctor . It’s my duty to cure the sickness . Where’s your niece?” Li Yong doesn’t refuse .

“Wait for me . I have to ask . ”

After making a phone call, Zhao Chunlei laughs and says, “She is in the library . I have informed her and she is coming . Professor Li, come and sit in my office first . ”

They talk about some details of their cooperation after coming to Zhao Chunlei’s office .

Someone knocks on the door soon . Before Zhao Chunlei reacts, the door has been pushed open .

A beautiful woman in white with long hair walks in gracefully . Her white face is still full of sweet and beautiful smiles as if she is a flower .

She has a spiritual body . She gives Li Yong a very special feeling and lets Li Yong feel very comfortable .

“Uncle Zhao . ” She calls liquidly and politely .

Li Yong has recognized her at first glance . It was the beautiful girl who played guitar and sang in the lakeside pavilion that day . The song was beautiful, the voice was beautiful and she is more beautiful . Li Yong is shocked by her beauty once again . He stands up and says with a smile, “h.e.l.lo, we meet again . ”

“It turns out to be you?” Song Xiaojie frowns with her beautiful eyebrows . It seems that she is very surprised .

“Xiaojie, have you known each other?” Zhao Chunlei asks with a smile .

“No . ” Song Xiaojie says lightly .

“Let me introduce him . His name is Li Yong . He is the youngest professor in our college . He is very skilled in medicine, especially in acupuncture . He can cure almost any disease . ” Zhao Chunlei says bombastically .

“Can he cure my illness?” Song Xiaojie asks .

Zhao Chunlei can’t answer this question, so he looks at Li Yong .

Li Yong has already opened his clairvoyant vision and seen through Song Xiaojie’s body . The white light on her forehead is still there and there is nothing wrong with her except that special white light .

“Come here, let me see . ” Li Yong doesn’t give up so he calls Song Xiaojie in front of him .

“What will you do?” Song Xiaojie asks doubtfully . Being stared at by Li Yong, she is a little unnatural .

“I will see you with my heart . Sit down and give me your hand . . . ” Li Yong pats himself on the chest, takes Song Xiaojie’s hand and begins to take her pulse .

Since he couldn’t see the problem, he has to take her pulse .

When Li Yong takes her pulse, he closes his eyes and he is very attentive and serious just like old herbalist doctors .

Song Xiaojie is also very cooperative . She glances at Zhao Chunlei casually . Zhao Chunlei motions her not to move .

The office immediately becomes very quiet . They are waiting for the final result .

One minute, two minutes, three minutes . . . After ten minutes, Li Yong finally opens his eyes .

“What’s the problem?” Song Xiaojie asks uneasily . Every time she sees a doctor, she will be nervous .

“Can it be cured?” Zhao Chunlei is concerned about the final result .

Li Yong blinks his eyes and says faintly, “You are not ill . ”

“Ah? How come I’m not ill? I can’t sleep every night . I haven’t slept in my life . All the doctors said I was ill . They said I had insomnia . ” Song Xiaojie can’t believe Li Yong’s words .

Li Yong smiles faintly and asks, “Is your body uncomfortable?”

“No . ”

“Have you ever felt sleepy?”

“No . ”

“You can’t sleep . Will it affect your work and life?”

“No . ”

“Hha, so you are not ill . You can think so! Others sleep eight or nine hours a day but you can use the time . Your life is almost twice the life of others . You should feel happy and proud, and you shouldn’t always think that you are ill . ” Li Yong laughs and says .

Song Xiaojie thinks about it and says, “But I want to sleep . I want to experience the feeling of sleeping . ”

“It’s simple . Is it convenient for you to sleep here?” Li Yong points to the office .

“I . . . I want to sleep in my room . ” Song Xiaojie says lightly .

“Let’s go!” Li Yong stands up and says, “Take me to your room . I can let you sleep right away . ”

“What will you do to let me sleep?” Song Xiaojie asks .

“Acupuncture . ”

“Is this method feasible?”

“Of course . ”

“Really? Great . Come with me . ” Song Xiaojie happily runs ahead to lead the way .

Zhao Chunlei also follows them . Song Xiaojie lives in his home and he also wants to witness the miracle .

They drive to Zhao Chunlei’s home in the villa district .

According to Li Yong’s request, Song Xiaojie returns directly to her room . She sits on the edge of her bed with her legs closed genteelly . She also arranges her dress for a beautiful sleep .

She is a person who has never slept . Others can’t understand her desire for sleep .

Li Yong takes out the silver needle and directly penetrates Song Xiaojie’s insomnia acupoint according to the method of acupuncture in his memory .

If ordinary people’s insomnia acupoints are stimulated, they will immediately go to sleep and can’t wake up for a long time like a dead person . However, Song Xiaojie has no response . She is still sitting on the edge of the bed with her big eyes open and looking forward to sleeping .

Li Yong thinks that he penetrated the wrong place . He looks carefully and finds it is the right place . But why didn’t Song Xiaojie sleep? Is it because she has a spiritual body?

“Can’t you?” Seeing Li Yong frown, Song Xiaojie asks lightly .

Zhao Chunlei also asks in a hurry, “What’s the situation?”

Li Yong also doesn’t know the situation and he is also very surprised . He opens his clairvoyant vision again, stares at the white light spot on Song Xiaojie’s forehead and thinks about it .

Soon Li Yong takes out the silver needle from Song Xiaojie’s insomnia acupoint and penetrates it into the acupoint on her forehead . The silver needle is penetrated in a proper place . The needle tip just touches the outside of the white light spot .

Then Li Yong’s internal strength is poured into Song Xiaojie’s forehead slowly through the silver needle, gradually encircling the white light spot . With the increase of internal strength, Song Xiaojie’s face gradually shows sleepiness and fatigue . She yawns and finally has the need for sleep .

She experiences this feeling for the first time, which makes her happy and excited .

More and more internal strength becomes a hazy mist and eventually surrounds the white light spot completely . It acts as a barrier like surrounding the toxins in Han Lu’s body .

Li Yong uses his internal strength to isolate the white light spot .

When the white light spot is completely dark, Li Yong stops pouring into internal strength, he takes out a silver needle again and quickly penetrates Song Xiaojie’s insomnia acupoint .

Song Xiaojie opens her mouth and yawns . Then she closes her eyes and her soft body falls back on the bed . She finally falls asleep .

“I did it . ” Li Yong smiles slightly and takes out the silver needles one by one .

After seeing Li Yong’s medical skills, Zhao Chunlei admires him very much . He says happily, “Professor Li, you are indeed a divine doctor . Even the famous doctors in the world are at a loss but you cured her . ”

Li Yong says faintly, “She was not ill . I didn’t cure her . However, I cruelly destroyed her body function . In order to sleep, she will spend several days . In fact, it is not good for her . ”

Zhao Chunlei is stunned but he still laughs and says, “It is good for her to sleep . Thank you, Professor Li . How much should I pay you?”

“I just lifted a finger and I don’t want any consultation fee . Zhao, please pay more attention our cooperation . ” Li Yong laughs and says . Li Yong suddenly finds that he is sordid now .

“Our expert group will be there tomorrow . This is a project approved by the state and we dare not to delay it . But half of the harvest must belong to you . At that time, even if I give you 10% more, the state will not investigate . Don’t worry . I will not let you suffer loss . . . ” Zhao Chunlei says sophisticatedly .