Amazing Doctor With Super Vision

Chapter 63

Publishedat 9th of June 2019 10:08:53 PMChapter 63
Chapter 63 A Strange Noise

Wu Dan and his men are freaked out . The divine doctor who they believe to be aboveboard is now seriously beaten?

Angry as they are, they dare not go near . In their eyes, Li Yong is so horrifying .

They look at each other and hasten to leave the room together . Some of them call the police and some of them ask for help . Everything is in a mess . And some of them go to notify the hotel person-in-charge .

In the room Li Yong walks slowly to the bald man and steps on his chest, asking smilingly, “Baldy, what’s your name?”

The bald man only sneers and shows the blood in his mouth without replying .

“Fine, you won . ” Li Yong grins and kicks him, directly striking him away towards the wall heavily . Bang! The bald man falls down on the ground and looks like dying soon .

“Honey, call the police and tell them we have caught a killer . ” Li Yong looks towards Han Lu and says to the beauty who is scared with a pale face .

Han Lu takes out her phone and calls the police as told by Li Yong .

In 20 minutes, a group of armed police arrive in a hurry . They cordon off the area and investigate actively .

Li Yong and Han Lu tell the police about what just happened . The police take the notes and write down verbal evidence, and then take the bald man away .

Along with the bald man, Wu Dan and his men are also taken away .

When Wu Dan is taken into the police wagon, Li Yong pats his shoulder and says in a low voice, “If you don’t want to die, remember to find me . I can save your life without any charge . ”

“I will never find you . Never in this life . ” Wu Dan says arrogantly and then gets into the police wagon .

Li Yong and Han Lu don’t go to the police station, for they have told everything clearly there .

Li Yong even admits honestly the fact he beats the killer to serious injury .

As a descendent of divine doctors and a master of martial arts, Li Yong feels that he ought to make contribution to the society .

After this incident, Han Lu has changed her opinion about Li Yong . Li Yong has the most direct feeling that she is much more obedient than before . She is cooperative when Li Yong asks her to get in the car, sit up straight or walk faster .

When they return to the Han’s villa, Han Lu asks Li Yong to sit on the sofa and pours him a cup of tea, asking gaily, “Xiaoyong, do you want to have some ramen?”

Li Yong feels stunned and looks her up and down, asking her instantly, “Do you want to have some ramen?”

“You are tired . Just let me cook some ramen for you . ” Saying that, Han Lu chuckles and runs into the kitchen . She fries two eggs and then takes out some dry noodles to boil .

Li Yong realizes that she really means having ramen . He pats his head . He is being so wretched . It is all Zhang Yurong’s fault . His mind is full of so many dirty thoughts .

Having ramen . What a pure offer! How can he think in that way?

Not for a while, Han Lu brings the ramen towards Li Yong . It turns out that the ramen Han Lu cooks is quite delicious except that it is so salty . It seems that it is not the second time that she has cooked .

Even the eggs are burnt and black . It is definitely not the second time that she has cooked .

Tearing off the black exterior carefully, he finds that the inside is still eggs . Taking a bite, he feels it quite yummy except that it tastes too salty .

After eating, Han Lu asks again, “Xiaoyong, what do you want to eat for dinner? How about rice?”

“Okay . ” Li Yong is fine anyway . With Han Lu serving him around, he doesn’t hurry to the Yong Kang Clinic now . Bonding with Han Lu is the most important thing for him now . If possible, he wants to win over Han Lu’s heart quickly .

“Then I will go to cook the rice now . ” Saying that, Han Lu runs into the kitchen happily .

After having two cups of tea in a row on the sofa, Li Yong has his stomach full of water . Then he stands up and goes into the kitchen . He sees Han Lu put the electric cooker on the gas, which startles him . He hastens to run over and turns off the gas . He raises the cooker to take a look only to find the below part is burnt and gives off a pungent smell .

It is so dangerous . If it were not the fact that he came here to take a look, once it exploded or caught fire, the consequence would be unimaginable!

“Honey, are you trying to commit suicide?” Li Yong asks .

“I… I only want to cook the rice . ” Han Lu says out of embarra.s.sment .

“Honey, you had better not cook the rice . Don’t we have servants? We may as well ask them to do it . ” Li Yong persuades her .

Han Lu feels sorry and says, “I thought it was a pressure cooker . ”

She can barely recognize an electric cooker and a pressure cooker . It is absolutely not the second time that she has cooked .

Li Yong tries to distract her attention so he says, “You should do a body check now . Let’s go upstairs and I will check your body in the room in case that you feel painful suddenly and suffer . ”

They go upstairs . Han Lu lies down on the bed while Li Yong exerts the treatment on her with a silver needle in his hand .

Now, because Li Yong has practiced the fourth level of the Reviving Method, he has stronger internal strength inside his body . He uses the internal strength to clear Han Lu’s poison again .

Seeing that the black poison inside Han Lu’s body is reducing, Li Yong feels very delighted . It seems that as he practices the method continuously and his capabilities get enhanced, it may take less than three months to cure Han Lu .

At the first time when Li Yong tried to clear Han Lu’s poison, he got rid of only one tenth of it and then pa.s.sed out for being too exhausted . Afterwards, he was dizzy for two or three days before he recovered . However, this time Li Yong gets rid of one ninth of it and only feels a little dizzy . He stops immediately because he doesn’t want to exhaust his internal strength .

He doesn’t feel like pa.s.sing out for tiring himself out again . The feeling is not good .

After all, he has enough time . He will cure Han Lu for good with another eight treatments .

However, Li Yong doesn’t tell Han Lu the good news, for Han Lu is a workaholic, who will focus on working once getting well . Then the time they can spend together will be less .

Li Yong wants to spend more time with Han Lu, so he withdraws the silver needle and sighs, “Honey, do you feel better? The poison is too great . I wonder whether I can cure you within three months . ”

“If three months is not enough, then four months it is . ” Han Lu is fine with it . She trusts Li Yong very much now .

If it were not for Li Yong, she could have been killed by the bald man . Thinking of the issue that Wu Dan should work with the bald man to frame her up, she gets so furious .

After sitting up, she takes out her phone and calls Han Dongtao, telling him the scheme of the Wu Family . Han Dongtao flies into a rage, too, but he is too occupied with his own trouble, having no capabilities to avenge the Wu Family .

Though he claims seeking revenge on the Wu Family, he can only sigh after hanging off the phone .

Yet, after Han Lu hangs up the phone, she says with a happy face, “The Wu Family is doomed now . My dad said he would make them pay . ”

Li Yong smiles and says, “I have an idea . ”

“What is it?” Han Lu asks out of confusion .

“You will know it by then . ” Li Yong smirks mysteriously .

“Bah, forget about it . ” Han Lu pretends to be angry and says .

“If you kiss me, I will tell you . ” Li Yong says smilingly .

Han Lu puts on a look as if she is vomiting and then walks out of the room with a few doc.u.ments in her arms . She finds a place where the sunlight shines and sits down, starting to read the doc.u.ments .

Li Yong doesn’t disturb her . Noticing it is still early, he takes a taxi to the Yong Kang Clinic .

“Yong, you are finally here . ” Sun Qiang shows up in front of him as soon as Li Yong gets off the taxi .

Li Yong walks into the Yong Kang Clinic, asking casually, “What’s the matter?”

“I have got the driving license for you . Look, here you are . ” Sun Qiang a small pad to Li Yong .

“So fast?” Li Yong opens it and it is a C1 motor vehicle driving license indeed . With the license, he can drive various small steering-wheeled automobiles with four wheels . He smiles and says, “Thank you . ”

“My pleasure . Yong, do you need someone to help you?” Sun Qiang asks in a low voice .

“What do you mean?” Li Yong asks .

“My grandpa asks me to follow you . I want to work for you . ” Sun Qiang feels awkward and grins . Actually, he doesn’t need to worry about food or clothing, so technically he doesn’t have to work at all . However, he respects Li Yong very much and it is also Sun Shijie’s order . Plus, he is really bored . Hence, he comes here to find Li Yong .

“What can you do?” Li Yong stops and watches Sun Qiang, asking him again .

“Anything . There is nothing I cannot do . ” Sun Qiang starts to brag .

“Can you be a doctor to cure patients?”

“Well… I am not a doctor . Of course I cannot do it . ” Sun Qiang is rather embarra.s.sed .

“Then you can be a security guard for the Yong Kang Clinic . ” Li Yong thinks for a while . It is not that he doesn’t want to give face to Sun Shijie, but the position of a security guard is all he can offer now . It is even impossible to ask Sun Qiang to be a nurse . Sun Qiang can never do well in any job related to serving others .

Since he cannot be a doctor or a nurse, he can only be a security guard in the clinic .

“Security guard? Why not let me be a bodyguard?” Sun Qiang says smilingly .

“Sure . But your job duty is the same . What you need to do is to keep the cars parked properly in front of the door and to prevent the stands blocking the way . ” Li Yong says with a smile, “Your salary is 5,000 a month . ”

“It’s too little for me to have a meal . ” Sun Qiang mumbles . He doesn’t know the standard salary of a bodyguard is only 2,500 per month . Li Yong’s offer of 5,000 is already quite much .

Li Yong also doesn’t regulate Sun Qiang’s working hours . For people like Sun Qiang, it is good enough for him to work for 10 days every month . Because Sun Shijie introduced him to be a professor of Zhonghai Medical College, he is fine with hiring Sun Qiang .

Afterwards, Li Yong finds Liu Lingyin, telling her the matters about Sun Qiang and asking her to leave him alone . If any troublesome thing comes up, she can ask him to handle it; regarding other things, she had better not bother him .

Then Li Yong doesn’t give medical advice to patients but go to the room upstairs to check his certificates and contracts . Now he has a driving license .

Suddenly, he hears a strange noise . It seems to be a groan of a young girl . Are there any people having s.e.x now? Yet, the noise sounds more like a groan of pain by a woman without any enjoyment or joys .

He raises his head immediately and looks at the direction where the noise comes from with his clairvoyant vision opened .

Chapter 63 A Strange Noise

Wu Dan and his men are freaked out . The divine doctor who they believe to be aboveboard is now seriously beaten?.


Angry as they are, they dare not go near . In their eyes, Li Yong is so horrifying


They look at each other and hasten to leave the room together . Some of them call the police and some of them ask for help . Everything is in a mess . And some of them go to notify the hotel person-in-charge


In the room Li Yong walks slowly to the bald man and steps on his chest, asking smilingly, “Baldy, what’s your name?”.


The bald man only sneers and shows the blood in his mouth without replying


“Fine, you won . ” Li Yong grins and kicks him, directly striking him away towards the wall heavily . Bang! The bald man falls down on the ground and looks like dying soon


“Honey, call the police and tell them we have caught a killer . ” Li Yong looks towards Han Lu and says to the beauty who is scared with a pale face


Han Lu takes out her phone and calls the police as told by Li Yong


In 20 minutes, a group of armed police arrive in a hurry . They cordon off the area and investigate actively


Li Yong and Han Lu tell the police about what just happened . The police take the notes and write down verbal evidence, and then take the bald man away


Along with the bald man, Wu Dan and his men are also taken away


When Wu Dan is taken into the police wagon, Li Yong pats his shoulder and says in a low voice, “If you don’t want to die, remember to find me . I can save your life without any charge . ”.


“I will never find you . Never in this life . ” Wu Dan says arrogantly and then gets into the police wagon


Li Yong and Han Lu don’t go to the police station, for they have told everything clearly there


Li Yong even admits honestly the fact he beats the killer to serious injury


As a descendent of divine doctors and a master of martial arts, Li Yong feels that he ought to make contribution to the society


After this incident, Han Lu has changed her opinion about Li Yong . Li Yong has the most direct feeling that she is much more obedient than before . She is cooperative when Li Yong asks her to get in the car, sit up straight or walk faster


When they return to the Han’s villa, Han Lu asks Li Yong to sit on the sofa and pours him a cup of tea, asking gaily, “Xiaoyong, do you want to have some ramen?”.


Li Yong feels stunned and looks her up and down, asking her instantly, “Do you want to have some ramen?”.


“You are tired . Just let me cook some ramen for you . ” Saying that, Han Lu chuckles and runs into the kitchen . She fries two eggs and then takes out some dry noodles to boil


Li Yong realizes that she really means having ramen . He pats his head . He is being so wretched . It is all Zhang Yurong’s fault . His mind is full of so many dirty thoughts


Having ramen . What a pure offer! How can he think in that way?.


Not for a while, Han Lu brings the ramen towards Li Yong . It turns out that the ramen Han Lu cooks is quite delicious except that it is so salty . It seems that it is not the second time that she has cooked


Even the eggs are burnt and black . It is definitely not the second time that she has cooked


Tearing off the black exterior carefully, he finds that the inside is still eggs . Taking a bite, he feels it quite yummy except that it tastes too salty


After eating, Han Lu asks again, “Xiaoyong, what do you want to eat for dinner? How about rice?”.


“Okay . ” Li Yong is fine anyway . With Han Lu serving him around, he doesn’t hurry to the Yong Kang Clinic now . Bonding with Han Lu is the most important thing for him now . If possible, he wants to win over Han Lu’s heart quickly


“Then I will go to cook the rice now . ” Saying that, Han Lu runs into the kitchen happily


After having two cups of tea in a row on the sofa, Li Yong has his stomach full of water . Then he stands up and goes into the kitchen . He sees Han Lu put the electric cooker on the gas, which startles him . He hastens to run over and turns off the gas . He raises the cooker to take a look only to find the below part is burnt and gives off a pungent smell


It is so dangerous . If it were not the fact that he came here to take a look, once it exploded or caught fire, the consequence would be unimaginable!.


“Honey, are you trying to commit suicide?” Li Yong asks


“I… I only want to cook the rice . ” Han Lu says out of embarra.s.sment


“Honey, you had better not cook the rice . Don’t we have servants? We may as well ask them to do it . ” Li Yong persuades her


Han Lu feels sorry and says, “I thought it was a pressure cooker . ”.


She can barely recognize an electric cooker and a pressure cooker . It is absolutely not the second time that she has cooked


Li Yong tries to distract her attention so he says, “You should do a body check now . Let’s go upstairs and I will check your body in the room in case that you feel painful suddenly and suffer . ”.


They go upstairs . Han Lu lies down on the bed while Li Yong exerts the treatment on her with a silver needle in his hand


Now, because Li Yong has practiced the fourth level of the Reviving Method, he has stronger internal strength inside his body . He uses the internal strength to clear Han Lu’s poison again


Seeing that the black poison inside Han Lu’s body is reducing, Li Yong feels very delighted . It seems that as he practices the method continuously and his capabilities get enhanced, it may take less than three months to cure Han Lu


At the first time when Li Yong tried to clear Han Lu’s poison, he got rid of only one tenth of it and then pa.s.sed out for being too exhausted . Afterwards, he was dizzy for two or three days before he recovered . However, this time Li Yong gets rid of one ninth of it and only feels a little dizzy . He stops immediately because he doesn’t want to exhaust his internal strength


He doesn’t feel like pa.s.sing out for tiring himself out again . The feeling is not good


After all, he has enough time . He will cure Han Lu for good with another eight treatments


However, Li Yong doesn’t tell Han Lu the good news, for Han Lu is a workaholic, who will focus on working once getting well . Then the time they can spend together will be less


Li Yong wants to spend more time with Han Lu, so he withdraws the silver needle and sighs, “Honey, do you feel better? The poison is too great . I wonder whether I can cure you within three months . ”.


“If three months is not enough, then four months it is . ” Han Lu is fine with it . She trusts Li Yong very much now


If it were not for Li Yong, she could have been killed by the bald man . Thinking of the issue that Wu Dan should work with the bald man to frame her up, she gets so furious


After sitting up, she takes out her phone and calls Han Dongtao, telling him the scheme of the Wu Family . Han Dongtao flies into a rage, too, but he is too occupied with his own trouble, having no capabilities to avenge the Wu Family


Though he claims seeking revenge on the Wu Family, he can only sigh after hanging off the phone


Yet, after Han Lu hangs up the phone, she says with a happy face, “The Wu Family is doomed now . My dad said he would make them pay . ”.


Li Yong smiles and says, “I have an idea . ”.


“What is it?” Han Lu asks out of confusion


“You will know it by then . ” Li Yong smirks mysteriously


“Bah, forget about it . ” Han Lu pretends to be angry and says


“If you kiss me, I will tell you . ” Li Yong says smilingly


Han Lu puts on a look as if she is vomiting and then walks out of the room with a few doc.u.ments in her arms . She finds a place where the sunlight shines and sits down, starting to read the doc.u.ments


Li Yong doesn’t disturb her . Noticing it is still early, he takes a taxi to the Yong Kang Clinic


“Yong, you are finally here . ” Sun Qiang shows up in front of him as soon as Li Yong gets off the taxi


Li Yong walks into the Yong Kang Clinic, asking casually, “What’s the matter?”.


“I have got the driving license for you . Look, here you are . ” Sun Qiang a small pad to Li Yong


“So fast?” Li Yong opens it and it is a C1 motor vehicle driving license indeed . With the license, he can drive various small steering-wheeled automobiles with four wheels . He smiles and says, “Thank you . ”.


“My pleasure . Yong, do you need someone to help you?” Sun Qiang asks in a low voice


“What do you mean?” Li Yong asks


“My grandpa asks me to follow you . I want to work for you . ” Sun Qiang feels awkward and grins . Actually, he doesn’t need to worry about food or clothing, so technically he doesn’t have to work at all . However, he respects Li Yong very much and it is also Sun Shijie’s order . Plus, he is really bored . Hence, he comes here to find Li Yong


“What can you do?” Li Yong stops and watches Sun Qiang, asking him again


“Anything . There is nothing I cannot do . ” Sun Qiang starts to brag


“Can you be a doctor to cure patients?”.


“Well… I am not a doctor . Of course I cannot do it . ” Sun Qiang is rather embarra.s.sed


“Then you can be a security guard for the Yong Kang Clinic . ” Li Yong thinks for a while . It is not that he doesn’t want to give face to Sun Shijie, but the position of a security guard is all he can offer now . It is even impossible to ask Sun Qiang to be a nurse . Sun Qiang can never do well in any job related to serving others


Since he cannot be a doctor or a nurse, he can only be a security guard in the clinic


“Security guard? Why not let me be a bodyguard?” Sun Qiang says smilingly


“Sure . But your job duty is the same . What you need to do is to keep the cars parked properly in front of the door and to prevent the stands blocking the way . ” Li Yong says with a smile, “Your salary is 5,000 a month . ”.


“It’s too little for me to have a meal . ” Sun Qiang mumbles . He doesn’t know the standard salary of a bodyguard is only 2,500 per month . Li Yong’s offer of 5,000 is already quite much


Li Yong also doesn’t regulate Sun Qiang’s working hours . For people like Sun Qiang, it is good enough for him to work for 10 days every month . Because Sun Shijie introduced him to be a professor of Zhonghai Medical College, he is fine with hiring Sun Qiang


Afterwards, Li Yong finds Liu Lingyin, telling her the matters about Sun Qiang and asking her to leave him alone . If any troublesome thing comes up, she can ask him to handle it; regarding other things, she had better not bother him


Then Li Yong doesn’t give medical advice to patients but go to the room upstairs to check his certificates and contracts . Now he has a driving license


Suddenly, he hears a strange noise . It seems to be a groan of a young girl . Are there any people having s.e.x now? Yet, the noise sounds more like a groan of pain by a woman without any enjoyment or joys


He raises his head immediately and looks at the direction where the noise comes from with his clairvoyant vision opened