Amazing Doctor With Super Vision

Chapter 85

There is really no standard to measure sincerity, but whether Li Yong has sincerity or not, Li Yong is very unwilling to send the Jade of Reincarnation to Wu Yuting.

This is not because it is valuable, but it is of great significance to him.

It is related to the mystery of his origin, and it can"t be lost.

Li Yong can"t explain this to Wu Yuting. He just turns his collar up and puts the Jade of Reincarnation in his clothes. He smiles bitterly and says, "It can"t be given to you. You can exchange it for something else. In this shopping mall, I can give you whatever you like and whatever you choose."

"Hum, I knew that you would be unwilling to give me. I am not important in your heart. I don"t need you to give me a gift. But who are you going to give these things to?" Wu Yuting asks with anger.

At the same time, she also throws the gifts she has checked into Li Yong"s hands.

Wu Yuting knows all about the goods and she can see the value of these things at a glance. The person who Li Yong wants to send such valuable things must be very important. So her tone is a little jealous.

"I will send these things to my wife!" Li Yong takes it for granted.

Wu Yuting feels sad in her heart and then she remembers that Li Yong is a man who has a wife. She and Li Yong are destined to have no good results. She has already figured it out, but she is still sad to see Li Yong buy his wife gifts.

"Oh, you really know how to please your wife, but why don"t you know how to please me?" Wu Yuting says sourly.

Li Yong grabs his hair. He really doesn"t know how to please women. He just thought he should send Han Lu some gifts, so he came and bought these things. But he really never thought of sending Wu Yuting gifts.

In Li Yong"s mind, Wu Yuting is his woman but she doesn"t need him to please her deliberately.

Wu Yuting"s two female companions have stared them with surprise. From the dialogue between Wu Yuting and Li Yong, they heard too much shocking information.

At this time, the two female companions can"t help anymore. A girl with big eyes and a round face says sweetly, "Ting, are you in love with a man who has a wife? How can you do this?"

"Ting, you can"t do this, you"re too wronged." The other girl with a long face and thin eyebrows says.

Wu Yuting looks at them and smiles, "You don"t understand. Don"t talk nonsense."

The two female companions look at each other and are silent together.

Yes! Love is a matter between two people. How can outsiders understand their feelings? Maybe Wu Yuting is very happy in her heart. Why are they worried about the happiness of their good friend?

Wu Yuting looks at Li Yong again. Suddenly, she smiles sweetly and says softly, "I was just joking with you. If you really send me such valuable things, I won"t accept them. If you don"t believe it, you can try!"

Li Yong smiles slightly and looks at Wu Yuting"s serious look. He touches the Jade of Reincarnation on his chest and says, "Then I really send it to you, do you want it?"

"Really? Give it to me." Wu Yuting stretches out and opens her hand in front of Li Yong in a hurry.

"Didn"t you say you didn"t want it?" Li Yong asks at once.

"Only a fool does not want a treasure worth 360 million yuan." Wu Yuting says with a smile, "But even if I accept it, I"ll just keep it for you for the time being. I won"t take it for myself."

"I"ll keep it for myself!" Li Yong sighs. If someone says that women are not sn.o.bbish, Li Yong will strongly disagree. Then Li Yong points to a jewelry counter and says, "You can choose any of these and I"ll pay for them."

"I don"t care." Wu Yuting says unhappily.

"Ting, it"s rare for this man to be so generous. You can"t waste this opportunity." Wu Yuting"s two female companions are not calm. When they see Li Yong boasting, they all want to let Li Yong make a fool of himself.

They are shocked that Li Yong should ask Wu Yuting to choose casually!

In their eyes, although Li Yong dresses decently, his tone is too inconceivable!

"Yes, Ting. He is a man who has a wife. If he can"t marry you, he must compensate you with material goods. I know you have money and you don"t care about these things. But no one will hate having too many things, right?"

The two female companions pull Wu Yuting hard and walk to the largest jewelry counter. One of them says, "Ting, if you don"t want to choose, we will help you choose."

The other goes on to say, "It"s beautiful, priced at 680,000 yuan. Ting, it really suits you."

"Look, this one is priced at 1.3 million yuan and it is more beautiful."

They only choose the expensive, not the right one.

They don"t care whether Wu Yuting looks good after wearing it or not, they just choose. They make up their minds to let Li Yong spend a lot of money.

But they can"t find Li Yong to pay the bill after choosing excitedly.

"Where is he?" They look around and look for Li Yong in the crowd.

But where is he? How could he disappear? Why did he disappear when he should pay the bill?

"Ting, how can you fall in love with such a b.a.s.t.a.r.d? He said he wanted to give you gifts, but he ran away before paying the bill." The beautiful girl with big eyes turns pale with anger and her sweet voice changes.

"Ting, I feel sorry for you. Listening to his tone, it seems that he can buy this shopping mall. We just chose things that would cost him more than three million yuan, but he ran away. What kind of person is he? Don"t be with him in future..."

"He"s not such a person." Wu Yuting is also surprised. She thinks for a moment and defends Li Yong. Li Yong was even willing to give her 10 million yuan that day. How could he run away for this amount of money?

"Ting, why are you so silly? You"re still defending him by this time. Nowadays, there are too many boasters in the world. They always say that they are rich and they have hundreds of houses! You can"t believe it. We are the descendants of rich families and we are not short of money. Why do we want a man"s money?"

"Yes, love is more important than money..."

At this time, Li Yong walks over quickly and asks with a smile, "How is it? Have you chosen yet?"

Then under the gaze of their wide open eyes, Li Yong goes directly to the counter and asks how much it is. Without frowning, he hands over a card and pays off. After that, he takes the luxury goods from the staff and hands over to Wu Yuting the jewelry worth more than three million yuan. He laughs and says, "Take them."

The two female companions are very surprised and immediately doubt their judgment. They look at Li Yong with their shining eyes and feel that Li Yong is charming. No wonder Wu Yuting likes him.

"Where did you go just now?" Wu Yuting takes the jewelry in her hand and asks with a smile. Although she has a lot of jewelry and she doesn"t care about these, she is very happy to receive them from Li Yong.

"A thief stole your wallets and I got them back for you." Li Yong says proudly. The three wallets in Li Yong"s hand are Wu Yuting"s and her two female companions".


"G.o.d." The three women quickly open their bags and find that their wallets are missing.

"Here you are. You can see if there"s anything missing." Li Yong says with a smile.

The three women rush to check carefully. Fortunately, everything in their wallet is there. At this moment, they are full of grat.i.tude to Li Yong.

They don"t care about the money inside, but it"s hard to re-submit the ID cards and cards. If someone loses his card, he may have to queue repeatedly in government departments to prove that his father is his father, his mother is his mother, and he is his parents" own child.

People who haven"t re-submitted cards will not understand this feeling.

Li Yong helped them find their wallets, which definitely helped them a lot.

But they said that Li Yong was a boaster and they also scolded Li Yong just now.

Wu Yuting doesn"t care but her two female companions are embarra.s.sed. They blink their eyes at Wu Yuting together, hoping that Wu Yuting doesn"t mind what they just said and doesn"t say what they said.

Wu Yuting, of course, is not that kind of person. She directly changes the topic and asks Li Yong about the process of getting their wallets back from the thief. Her two female companions also look forward to knowing it, so they all stare at Li Yong and wait for Li Yong to answer.

Li Yong certainly doesn"t mind telling the three women about the process.

It turns out that when the three women were choosing jewelry, a child suddenly approached them. Because it was a child, the three women did not guard against him. But it was this child who stole their wallets.

Li Yong knew that children are naturally kind and they are impossible to steal things.

Instead of making public, Li Yong walked away following the child. Just a hundred meters away, the child gave the stolen wallets to a man with a beard and called the man Dad.

The man rewarded the child with a bunch of sugar-coated haws and the child ran away happily. Li Yong couldn"t stand such things, so he quietly approached the man with a beard, urged his internal strength secretly and smoothly stole the three wallets.

After this incident, Li Yong finds that internal strength can be used not only to strengthen his body and practice kung fu, but also to do things that others can"t do, such as stealing things when others are not aware of it.

But stealing is immoral and those who have cultivated their internal strength also disdain it. Otherwise, there will be many thieves in society and the police will be tired of catching the thieves.

"You can steal, too? Can you try?" Wu Yuting says curiously.

Li Yong smiles slightly and suddenly approaches a woman pa.s.sing by. Just for a moment, the mobile phone in the woman"s bag appears in Li Yong"s hand. But the woman goes on without realizing it.

"Hey, beauty, you dropped your phone." After waving to Wu Yuting and laughing smugly, Li Yong returns the phone to the woman.

"Great, but don"t be a thief." Wu Yuting warns.

"I just think it is fun." Li Yong is only 22 years old, so he has the nature to play.

Wu Yuting smiles happily and hands everything in her hand to her companions. Then she pulls Li Yong"s hand and says happily, "Follow me, I"ll give you some gifts."

"Er, I don"t seem to need anything." Li Yong doesn"t want to go shopping anymore. He wants to go back.

"Let"s go! Let"s go!"

"We also have gifts for you." Wu Yuting"s two female companions see that Wu Yuting drags Li Yong a little hard, so they stretch out their hands together to push Li Yong forward.

They use violence to prevent Li Yong from leaving.