Amazing Doctor With Super Vision

Chapter 90

Publishedat 6th of July 2019 11:53:33 PMChapter 90
Chapter 90 A Bodyguard With Personality and Bottom Line

The private room is very large and there is a lot of excellent wine and delicious food on the table . Zhao Hongyu is eating and drinking and two barmaids are serving him . They are occasionally touched by Zhao Hongyu and smile coquettishly .

A sullen hunchbacked old man stands behind Zhao Hongyu .

The old man is a bald man with grey eyebrows and a fierce face . Compared with Zhao Hongyu’s eating, drinking and laughing, he is slightly weird . However, it is this weird old man who stops Li Yong and dispels his idea of breaking into the room .

Li Yong feels that he has seen the old man somewhere . The old man seems to be a bit like the bald murderer he injured and handed over to the police . Is it just a coincidence that a young man and an old man look alike?

With such doubts, Li Yong uses his clairvoyant vision to look inside the old man’s body . Of course, Li Yong is not diagnosing the old man but looking at the old man’s meridians . His clairvoyant vision can judge a person’s martial arts level by the thickness and tenacity of his meridians .

The layers of the old man’s flesh gradually blur and then Li Yong sees a silky red meridian .

Although the silky meridian is very thin, it is enough to multiply a person’s physical strength . Those who practice through the meridians are not ordinary people . Moreover, the old man’s eyebrows are white, so his internal strength must have been strong .

Li Yong doesn’t want to act carelessly, so he continues to observe .

When Han Lu walks into the private room, Zhao Hongyu looks up and immediately shows his l.u.s.tful glances . Even Li Yong can be fascinated by Han Lu’ beauty, let alone this l.u.s.tful playboy .

Zhao Hongyu immediately waves away the two barmaids, tidies up his sleeves carefully, stands up and laughs, “You finally come . I’ve been waiting for you . I ask them to serve again . ”

Han Lu smiles faintly and says, “No, Mr . Zhao, I’m not here to eat . I just want to ask you, what’s the purpose of your refusing to supply and h.o.a.rding those medicines? Are you waiting for a higher price?”

“Hha . . . You’re wrong . ” Zhao Hongyu walks quickly to Han Lu and says affectionately, “I just want to see you . ”

Han Lu coughs and almost spits out her lunch . She suppresses her nausea and frowns, “Mr . Zhao, I’m here and you’ve seen me already . Please fulfill your obligations in accordance with the terms of the contract, credibility first . ”

Zhao Hongyu laughs again . Then he sits in his chair and says with a smile, “Well, if you want the medicinal materials, I can help you with one phone call . But I won’t make this call until you make me happy by drinking with me . ”

“You are shameless . ” Han Lu changes her face and she can’t pretend to be smiling . She turns and walks towards the door . Only then does she find that Li Yong has not followed her . Where is Li Yong? Didn’t this b.a.s.t.a.r.d say he wanted to protect me?

Han Lu becomes nervous at once . She is afraid that Zhao Hongyu will do something to her .

But the thing she is afraid of comes .

Before Han Lu reaches the door, Zhao Hongyu has quickly overtaken her and stopped in front of her . He also laughs l.u.s.tfully and says, “Ms . Han, do you think you can leave so easily now that you are here? To be honest, I’ve booked a presidential suite . If you can’t serve me comfortably tonight, n.o.body can save you . ”

Han Lu is very angry . She knows Zhao Hongyu’s shamelessness, but she doesn’t expect Zhao Hongyu to be so shameless .

“Get out of the way . ” Han Lu takes a deep breath and tries to calm herself down, but Zhao Hongyu is more attracted by her undulating soft chest .

Zhao Hongyu, who is a little drunk after drinking, can’t control himself . He steps forward, raises his hand and wants to grab Han Lu’s chest . He seems to have grasped the longing thing in his hand and has a satisfied smile on his face .

Li Yong, who uses his clairvoyant vision to observe the situation inside, is also angry . At this time, he can no longer care about how powerful the bald old man will be . He directly kicks the door open and bursts in .

Zhao Hongyu is. .h.i.t by the door which is suddenly opened . He screams miserably and almost falls down . When he sees Li Yong, he rushes to the bald old man and shouts, “Mr . Chu, save me . ”

Zhao Hongyu’s face turns pale with fear . It seems that Li Yong is the most terrible devil in his eyes .

The sullen bald old man guards Zhao Hongyu behind him and immediately stares at Li Yong with his triangular eyes hatefully . Li Yong could kick the door of the luxury private room open with one foot but the ordinary bodyguards can’t .

In the eyes of the old man, Li Yong is young but he has a lot of strength .

At this time, Li Yong embraces Han Lu who is frightened in his arms and comforts her gently . The four bodyguards also come in . They surround Li Yong but they have no courage to fight with Li Yong .

Li Yong just glances at them and easily frightens them away .

“Darling, I’m here . n.o.body can touch you . ” Li Yong smiles lightly .

Han Lu thumps Li Yong on his chest and says angrily, “Where have you been? How do you just come?”

Li Yong just kisses her square forehead instead of answering .

Han Lu is eager to push Li Yong aside and keep a distance with him . However, when she sees the bodyguards around her, she still chooses to hide in Li Yong’s arms . It’s still safe for her in Li Yong’s arms!

In the private room, Zhao Hongyu feels protected and immediately calms down . Seeing that Li Yong’s eyes can frighten his well-paid bodyguards away, he immediately shouts angrily, “Go, catch him . ”

The bodyguards look at each other to exchange a look and then rush to Li Yong together .

Li Yong suddenly picks up Han Lu and Han Lu screams . Li Yong turns sharply to the left and Han Lu’s high-heeled shoes kick in the face of a bodyguard . The thin heels are pierced into the bodyguard’s nostrils . A clear and visible wound appears on the bodyguard’s nostrils, bleeding profusely . The bodyguard has no strength to fight again . He falls to the ground and can’t stand up .

From the position of the bodyguard, Li Yong jumps out of the ring of encirclement . He gently places Han Lu beside the wall and pats Han Lu’s head, praising, “Darling, you are amazing . You hurt the bodyguard badly with one foot . If it weren’t for you, we would have been surrounded by them and the consequence would have been unimaginable!”

Looking at the bodyguard who fell to the ground and screams, Han Lu blinks her eyes with fear . She has no idea what has just happened . Suddenly, she sees three other bodyguards coming, so she rushes to Li Yong’s arms .

In order not to frighten Han Lu again, Li Yong’s hand slides down from the top of Han Lu’s head . When his hand Han Lu’s acupuncture point of sleeping, Li Yong presses it lightly and Han Lu falls asleep immediately .

Li Yong gently puts Han Lu in a chair . Then he turns around and looks at the three bodyguards who rush towards him . In fact, the three bodyguards have time to attack when Li Yong is holding Han Lu .

But they’re so slow .

Maybe it’s because of fear . Now, Li Yong no longer gives them the chance to fear . He squints and rushes up against three bodyguards . He jumps into the air . His kicks two bodyguards in succession like springs . When the two bodyguards fall to the ground and scream, he lands gently .

Li Yong just lands in front of the last bodyguard . He raises his legs and blocks in front of the bodyguard with his 42-yard big foot . He shakes his ankle from side to side . When the bodyguard is dazzled, he suddenly crushes the nose of the bodyguard, causing the timid bodyguard to sit down on the ground and shout in pain .

In a flash, all four bodyguards fell to the ground with blood on their bodies .

Zhao Hongyu is not calm . When Zhao Hongyu sees that Chu Jianghe is still standing there and has no intention to step in, he can’t help urging, “Mr . Chu, when are you going to wait?”

Chu Jianghe is a master hired by Zhao Dazhou at great expense . As the saying goes, people who accept others’ money should eliminate disasters for them . In Zhao Hongyu’s opinion, Chu Jianghe has no reason not to step in . Can’t he beat Li Yong?

At the thought of this, Zhao Hongyu’s face turns pale again, and he is scared .

It seems that Chu Jianghe didn’t listen to Zhao Hongyu . He says in a husky and low voice when Li Yong pats his sleeves, “Young man, you are great . Who is your master?”

When Li Yong attacked just now, Chu Jianghe clearly saw that Li Yong’s style was free and unrestrained without hesitation like floating clouds and flowing water . In the face of four strong bodyguards, Li Yong only used almost four movements to beat them all .

In the process of fighting, Li Yong still had time to tease bodyguards . He held Han Lu and kicked the bodyguard with Han Lu’s foot . Especially when he kicked the last foot, he stayed for a moment before kicking, which showed his relaxation and casualness . It also showed that he only used a small part of his strength and his real strength must be stronger .

What’s more terrible is Li Yong’s age . He’s so young but he has been so strong . In Chu Jianghe’s view, if Li Yong is not a descendant of a rich aristocratic family, he may be a disciple of a great master .

No matter which one, Chu Jianghe is not willing to offend .

Chu Jianghe feels very bad . He feels that he is unlucky because he met a master before showing his ability . He also feels that the society is also complicated . He just came out to make some extra money but he met a master .

“You are not ent.i.tled to know . ” Li Yong also wants to know who his master is . Since he has no master, he might as well pretend to have .

Li Yong’s words really frighten Chu Jianghe . Suddenly Chu Jianghe bursts into a strange laughter and politely says, “Young man, your kung fu is so good that I can broaden my horizon . How about sitting down for a drink and making friends?”

Zhao Hongyu is dumbfounded . He didn’t expect that Chu Jianghe would flatter Li Yong and even ask Li Yong to have a drink . He can’t stand it, so he says intolerably, “Mr . Chu, don’t forget your promise . ”

Chu Jianghe turns his head and stares at Zhao Hongyu . Then he squints with danger and asks impatiently, “Have you been hit?”

Zhao Hongyu is shocked . Under the gaze of Chu Jianghe, he dares not breathe . The eyes of Chu Jianghe are like needles, which make him feel uncomfortable all over his body . He hurries to say in a low voice, “No . ”

“Are you hurt?” Chu Jianghe asks again .

“No . ” Zhao Hongyu is frightened with sweat on his forehead .

“My promise is to protect you from harm and bullying, not to hit people casually . ” Chu Jianghe says so firmly that Zhao Hongyu nods his head and Li Yong admires for a while .

A bodyguard with personality and bottom line is a good bodyguard .