Amazing Doctor With Super Vision

Chapter 101

Publishedat 18th of July 2019 12:29:54 AMChapter 101
Chapter 101 I’m a Policeman and I’m Working on a Case

“Did you hit Tang Yourou last time, Brother Yong?” Han Fei puts down her phone and raises her head .

“Yes! Did I hit him too lightly?” Li Yong laughs and says .

“Do you know he is an official of the State Administration for Industry and Commerce? He said that our company evaded taxes and he would check on our company . There’s no problem with our company . We’ve been operating legally all the time . We have paid all the taxes we should pay . But if he checks on our company, our company’s reputation will be damaged and there will be many negative effects . For example, customs clearance will not be so smooth . . . ” Han Fei complains helplessly .

“Oh, it seems that I must have a good talk with him . ” Li Yong thinks for a moment and says .

“Brother Yong, won’t you hit him again? Hitting him won’t solve the problem . ” Han Fei advises .

“Do you think I’m so violent? We are civilized people . ” Li Yong stands up and goes out . Han Fei follows him .

Then Han Fei drives the car and takes Li Yong to the State Administration for Industry and Commerce .

However, Tang Yourou is not there . Han Fei inquires of the staff . It turns out that Tang Yourou has taken a long vacation and has been recuperating at home since he was. .h.i.t last time .

Han Fei calls Tang Yourou directly and says that she has something to talk to him .

Tang Yourou is very excited to receive the phone call from Han Fei . Others don’t know the purpose of Han Fei to come to him, but he knows very well . He thinks that Han Fei will plead with him .

Tang Yourou makes a joke first and then he appoints a place .

After hanging up the phone, Han Fei says angrily, “This b.a.s.t.a.r.d told me to go to the hotel . He said he had reserved a room and he would wait for me . What should we do, Brother Yong?”

“Let’s go and find him . ” Li Yong immediately decides with a furious gleam in his eyes .

Twenty minutes later, they drive to a nice hotel .

In the hotel lobby, a round-faced fat man is waiting for Han Fei . He walks towards Han Fei and smiles, “Ms . Han, Director Tang asked me to wait for you here . This is . . . ”

Han Fei hesitates for a moment and says, “My a.s.sistant . ”

“Director Tang said that he would see you alone . ” The fat man shows embarra.s.sment . He looks at Li Yong contemptuously and says, “He is just an a.s.sistant . You’d better let him go back! He can’t follow you wherever you go . ”

Han Fei looks at Li Yong . Li Yong nods softly and says, “Go up and talk to him first . Don’t be afraid . If there is an accident, I will come at any time . ”

“Hum, is this an a.s.sistant or a bodyguard?” The fat man sneers .

Han Fei doesn’t speak but she goes straight to the elevator . The fat man runs up ahead of her and takes her up .

Li Yong sits on the sofa, opens his clairvoyant vision and keeps an eye on Han Fei’s movements . Han Fei is brought by him and he must ensure Han Fei’s safety . He sees Han Fei go into the sixth floor and be taken to Room 606 by the fat man .

Because of the overlap of six floors, several rooms in between and a lot of sundries, Li Yong’s clairvoyant vision is greatly affected . He has to stand up and go to the stairs, and quickly runs to the sixth floor .

Li Yong sees the fat man walking out excitedly when he comes to the sixth floor .

But when the fat man sees Li Yong, he changes his face . He asks gloomily, “Why are you here?”

“Why can’t I be here?” Li Yong asks with a faint smile .

“How dare you follow me?” The fat man says angrily .

“I’m not interested in men . Why do I follow you?” Li Yong says disdainfully .

The fat man is so angry that he immediately quickens his pace and walks towards Li Yong . He says fiercely, “Don’t you still want to make a living here? Believe it or not, I can make you have no foothold in Zhonghai City . ”

Li Yong smiles slightly and says, “I don’t believe it . ”

“Get out of here . ” The fat man shows his arrogance and suddenly raises his hand to push Li Yong . He wants to drive Li Yong away by his height and burly body .

“Don’t touch me . ” Li Yong squints dangerously and reminds him unhappily .

“Well, if I touch you, what can you do? I not only want to touch you, but also want to hit you . I . . . ”

The fat man suddenly ends up saying arrogantly because Li Yong pinches his neck and lifts him, a fat man of more than 100 kilograms, directly without any effort . The fat man’s feet hang in the air and his face changes suddenly . He wants to say something but he can only whine and can’t say a word because he can’t breathe smoothly .

“If you don’t listen to me, you’ll suffer . ” Li Yong smiles slightly, raises his other hand, clenches his fist and hits the fat man directly in his abdomen . The fat man snorts and bows like a prawn, groaning bitterly .

Through his clairvoyant vision, Li Yong sees a couple of men and women overlapping in the next room . They are having s.e.x with great pa.s.sion . Li Yong pushes the door open and throws the fat man into the room directly .

“Bang . . . Ah . . . ”

Li Yong hears screams and dodges into another empty room, which is 604 and the next room is 606 .

Li Yong doesn’t pay attention to the hotel staff to deal with the thing that the fat man scared the customers’ free s.e.xual life . He opens his clairvoyant vision directly and looks into Room 606 .

Li Yong sees Tang Yourou, whose face is still red and swollen, sitting on the edge of the bed and smoking while Han Fei is standing in front of him with her right hand in her jeans pocket . Han Fei waves her left hand and says angrily, “What do you want to do?”

Tang Yourou looks at Han Fei with a gruesome smile and says, “Because you are young and innocent, I can remind you . In fact, it’s very simple . The matter of your company can be big or small . If you can make me happy and meet my needs, everything will be fine . Do you understand?”

“I don’t understand . ” Han Fei says angrily .

“Then I’ll tell you more frankly . I have two hobbies . One is beauty, the other is money . You can go to the bathroom and take off your clothes to accompany me or you send me 5 million yuan . Then we will stop checking on your company . If we start checking on your company, you will lose more than five million yuan . . . ”

“Bah, you b.a.s.t.a.r.d finally showed your true purposes . I’ve recorded all your words, so you can wait for me to inform against you . You’re asking for bribes forcibly . You’re screwed . ” Then Han Fei also raises her phone .

Li Yong says happily, “Well done . ”

Then Li Yong sighs, “What a silly girl! You did a beautiful job but why did you say that? Aren’t you threatening him here for your own misery? You’re not as powerful as him and you can’t beat him . He won’t let you take the evidence away even if he kills you . ”

As expected, when Li Yong sighs, Tang Yourou has suddenly stood up . Tang Yourou becomes very angry . He approaches Han Fei step by step and says hatefully, “Now that you didn’t do as I told you and wanted to make trouble, then don’t blame me . . . ”

“What are you doing? Don’t come over . ” Han Fei is frightened and suddenly finds that she is too impulsive . She should use wit and courage to confront such a person and not act willfully . She turns quickly and wants to escape from the room .

However, the door is locked and she doesn’t open it quickly .

Tang Yourou, who has caught up with her, drags her to the big bed and says with a sneer, “What am I doing? What do you think? Today I’ll make a video for you . . . ”

“Brother Yong, Brother Yong . . . ” Han Fei cries out . Li Yong said that if anything happened, he would come at once . Her only hope now is Li Yong .

“Shut up! If you shout again, I will plug up your mouth . . . ”

Just then, with a bang, the door is kicked open by violence . Li Yong rushes in suddenly . He moves quickly and comes directly to the front of Tang Yourou . He raises his fist and hits Tang Yourou on his face directly .

After screaming, Tang Yourou falls directly on the floor, covering his face with his hands and rolling on the floor . Han Fei plunges into Li Yong’s arms and says in fear, “Brother Yong, I knew you would come to save me . ”

Li Yong pats Han Fei’s hair and laughs, “Of course, I was in the next room . ”

“Then why did you come in so late? I was dragged and pulled by him . Look, my clothes are worn out . ” Han Fei purses her small mouth . She raises her arm and asks Li Yong to look at her armpit . The joint of the sleeve and the front part of her jacket really has a big hole . Li Yong even can see her bra with white lace .

Li Yong coughs softly and promptly reminds her, “Your chest is exposed . Put your arm down quickly . ”

Han Fei blushes, crosses her arms and holds her chest tightly . She is not afraid to be seen by Li Yong but afraid to be seen by Li Yong in front of others .

Tang Yourou is screaming on the floor . Han Fei looks at him and asks, “Brother Yong, this man is too bad . He must have harmed a lot of people . Today you hit him again . He will certainly retaliate . What should we do?”

“Which hand did he touch you?” Li Yong asks .

“He touched me with both hands . ” Han Fei answers .

“Well, you go out and wait for me for a moment . ” Then Li Yong pushes Han Fei outside the door . Seeing the staff coming, Li Yong asks Han Fei to stop them .

Then he goes back to the room and comes up to Tang Yourou . He kicks Tang Yourou in his chest . When Tang Yourou reached out to block, he steps on Tang Yourou’s palm .

Then Li Yong lifts his heels, twists his thighs like stepping on a cigarette b.u.t.t, shakes his toes from side to side and then suddenly steps down with great force . Tang Yourou’s palm makes a sound of broken phalanges .

When Tang Yourou screams, reaches out his other hand and tries to push Li Yong’s thigh away, Li Yong steps on his other hand and also steps down . Tang Yourou’s palm suddenly makes a sound like the other palm .

Tang Yourou can’t endure such painful torture . He screams miserably again and faints directly .

Li Yong steps out of the room with a cold face and shows his certificate to a group of the hotel staff . Then he says faintly, “I’m a policeman and I’m working on a case . You can’t enter the scene, please back off . ”