Amazing Doctor With Super Vision

Chapter 122

"I will never go out to find a woman again. I swear. If I go out to find a woman, I will be crushed by a car." Sun Qiang vows. Li Yong doesn"t believe him.

"Go to Doctor Liu to take the medicine! I"m leaving." Li Yong says and goes to the parking lot.

At this time, it is already noon. Li Yong has no time to have lunch. He calls Wu Yuting, the only person he can borrow money from. He just doesn"t know how much money he can borrow.

The phone is quickly connected. Wu Yuting is very happy to hear Li Yong"s voice. She is eating with her friends. She asks Li Yong to come to accompany them hurriedly and says that she will wait for him.

Li Yong is also hungry. So he drives on the road right away.

Li Yong thinks that it takes only ten minutes, but he encounters a traffic jam.

Someone says that a car accident occurs, so Li Yong is as curious as other drivers and comes up to see.

It is an ordinary domestic car that has been knocked over by a box truck. The man in the car has been taken out of the car and fallen into a coma. Li Yong sees that this man is thin and tall in his forties, and he dresses quite plainly.

Several warm-hearted citizens want to carry the injured man to a car and send him to a nearby hospital. Li Yong hurriedly stops them and says, "Don"t move him. The bones on his body are badly broken, especially the three broken ribs on his chest. If you lift him, his internal organs will be hurt, causing internal bleeding and endangering his life."

"Don"t be a speaker. But is it just watching him lying here and bleeding?"

"How can you stop us from saving him? If he is dead, are you responsible for it?"

"Who are you? Do you really understand emergency rescue?"

"Get out of the way. We need to save him. The road is blocked and the ambulance cannot drive here. We must take him to the hospital as quickly as possible."

"I am a doctor. Let me take care of him." Li Yong shows his ident.i.ty.

"Are you?" Many people don"t believe him.

However, Li Yong has pushed the crowd away and walked to the innermost. He squats down and takes out a silver needle, and suddenly pierces the man"s b.l.o.o.d.y arm.

He can see clearly that though the man is hurt badly, his life is not endangered. However, if the large amount of blood coming out of the artery cannot be stopped, he is very likely to die due to excessive blood loss.

Fortunately, Li Yong"s memory has a Hemostatic Needle Method. The effect is good. After three needles are stabbed, the bleeding stops immediately and the blood no longer flows outward.

"The boy is really professional!"

"You are really a doctor. We misunderstood you."

"Without you, this person would lose his life."

At this time, a good-hearted citizen sends a car-mounted first-aid kit, and Li Yong skillfully wraps the wound with gauze. Then he stands up and tells the crowd, "Don"t move him. Please wait for professional ambulancemen to come."

Everyone nods, and no one questions him.

"Brother Yong." At this time, the voice of Han Fei sounds outside.

Hearing the voice, Li Yong looks and sees Han Fei waving her small hand far away with her half body put out of the car. It turns out that she is also stuck in the road.

Li Yong walks away from the crowd, gets the tissue handed over by Han Fei, and wipes the hand with blood.

"Brother Yong, you are so powerful. Do not forget to charge fees from the man you saved. We are short of money now. Even several hundred yuan will help, which is enough for a few days of living expenses…" Han Fei smiles.

Li Yong does not have time to charge medical examination fees here. He throws his car key to Han Fei and says, "Drive our car back. I will go to visit a friend and see if I can borrow money."

"Good." When Han Fei hears that Li Yong is going to borrow money, she doesn"t waste his time but hurriedly agrees.

Thirty minutes later, Li Yong rushes to the private room of the hotel where Wu Yuting, Feng Miaomiao and Chen Xiuju are sitting around a round table. The three women dressed in fashion are all beautiful, and they haven"t eaten the delicious food.

"Finally. If you don"t come, we will be starved to faint." As soon as Li Yong comes in, Wu Yuting can"t help complaining, "How can you be so slow in such a short distance?"

"Three cups of wine for punishment." Feng Miaomiao gets up and pours wine.

"He doesn"t drink." Chen Xiuju remembers it clearly, but her tone is a bit weird.

"I drink three cups of tea!" Li Yong smiles apologetically.

"No, drink six cups of tea." Feng Miaomiao says.

"You want him to run to toilet every ten minutes!" Wu Yuting stops Feng Miaomiao"s joking, reaches out her hand and takes Li Yong to sit next to her, and smiles and asks, "What"s the matter?"

"I want to borrow some money for emergency use." Li Yong smiles.

"You come to borrow money! If you don"t need money, won"t you come to see me?" Wu Yuting"s heart is bitter and faintly asks, "You haven"t called me for a long time. What are you busy doing all day?"

"Yuting, don"t complain. He doesn"t love you at all. Come and eat." Chen Xiuju can tell that Wu Yuting really loves Li Yong; otherwise, she would not say such jealousy words.

"I went to the Lotus Town and rented lands to grow herbs." Li Yong explains while picking up chopsticks to eat.

"Is it your own business?" Wu Yuting asks curiously.

"No, it is for my wife." Li Yong tells the truth.

"Don"t say wife, okay? I"m awkward." Wu Yuting says with anger, "Just say Han Lu. Her family once was rich when you got married, but now, the Han family is doomed, and no one can save them. I always want to find you and tell you that you should divorce her quickly, break away from all relationships. Don"t be hurt by them..."

Li Yong"s face is cold, and he can"t listen anymore. He interrupts Wu Yuting"s words and says, "I am not such a person. We are going through hard times together."

Wu Yuting is very sad. She sighs and her eyes are filled with tears. She wants to break up Li Yong and Han Lu to create opportunities for herself. If Li Yong is willing to marry her, she is definitely willing.

"What a good man!" Wu Yuting gnashes her teeth and says. The words sound ironic.

"What a good man? This is stupid." Feng Miaomiao despises.

"What our Yuting do is all for your own, you don"t know, or pretend not to know?" Chen Xiuju also asks angrily, "She loves you!"

Li Yong does not have an appet.i.te to eat. He puts down his chopsticks and says, "I come to borrow money."

Wu Yuting also feels that her reaction is too radical. She restrains her emotion and asks, "How much do you want to borrow?"

"300 million." Li Yong says faintly.

"300 million? Are you for the Han family? You are really considerate to the Han family!" Wu Yuting knows that the Han family still owes 300 million in debt. If it is not paid within three days, Han Dongtao will be arrested.

"For Han Lu, are you willing to hurt the heart of our Yuting?" Feng Miaomiao asks.

"Leave Han Lu, be with our Yuting!" Chen Xiuju advises.

"Forget it. I don"t borrow money." Li Yong says, gets up and goes outside. He can"t accept the words of Wu Yuting, Feng Miaomiao and Chen Xiuju. They even persuade him to divorce Han Lu. Although he and Han Lu have not married officially, he never thinks of leaving Han Lu. Especially after the suffering of the Han family, he cannot leave.

This is his bottom line.

"Xiaoyong, stop. What are you angry for? You are asking me to lend money to you. How can you still have such a big temper?" Wu Yuting immediately catches up and grabs Li Yong"s wrist. She doesn"t want Li Yong to leave.

"If you don"t want to lend me money, I won"t ask you." Li Yong smiles lightly.

"I want to lend you, but I don"t have so much money! 300 million! Even I sell my company, I can"t raise that much." Wu Yuting tangles and says. She wants to help Li Yong, but she can do nothing.

"How much do you have?" Li Yong asks.

"I have the cash flow of more than 20 million at hand. I can lend it to you all. Then, I still have some futures, bonds and stocks. If I sell them all, there is almost 80 million. OK?" Wu Yuting says.

"Yuting, don"t be stupid!" Feng Miaomiao immediately says.

"Yuting, he is not worthy of you doing this. If he can"t pay it back, you will be miserable. He left you for a month and didn"t send you a message. If he leaves one day and never returns, what can you do?" Chen Xiuju also hurriedly says. They are all good sisters of Wu Yuting, and they really worry about Wu Yuting.

In the society, there are many examples. When someone cannot pay back loans, banks will use laws to enforce them to pay, and someone is even forced to commit suicide.

Some rich people have become nothing and become beggars on the streets.

Wu Yuting smiles coldly and says firmly, "I am willing to help him. If you treat me as a good friend, please help him. Don"t you often say that we can help people in emergency need but not those poor? I believe that he will be able to weather the storm."

Feng Miaomiao and Chen Xiuju look at each other and hesitate. They also know that if they help Li Yong, Li Yong will owe them a favor, but this also carries great risks, at least greater than the general investment risk.

Li Yong knows their thoughts and smiles, "Yuting, it is enough for you to help me. Don"t force others."

"They are my best sisters." Wu Yuting looks at Feng Miaomiao and Chen Xiuju, full of expectations.

"Friendship is beyond money..." Li Yong still wants to persuade her.

"Don"t prod me. For Yuting"s favor, I can help you. I have five million in my hand, I will lend you! But you have to pay interest, and if you have money, you have to give it back." Feng Miaomiao says with anger.

"I will also lend you five million!" Chen Xiuju then says faintly.

"Thank you." Li Yong smiles and says. He doesn"t know that the friendship among them and Wu Yuting is so deep. He is really grateful for their help when he is lack of money.