Amazing Doctor With Super Vision

Chapter 133

Li Yong is embarra.s.sed. Seeing that Lyu Chun and Du Duoduo are even more embarra.s.sed than him, he hurriedly says to them, "I have a clear conscience, and I"m not chasing after you or flirting with you. Don"t listen to her. I"ll go and explain myself."

Then he rushes into the building, goes upstairs and rushes into Han Lu"s bedroom. Looking at Han Lu who is washing and dressing with a sullen expression and graceful figure, Li Yong smiles and says, "Darling, how should we continue?"

Han Lu has already taken up a pillow and was ready to fight back when seeing Li Yong suddenly rush to her with gleaming red eyes. Then she says faintly, "I"m telling you to continue to chase after other girls."

"Yes! I"m coming, Darling, come on! Let me have you, beautiful girl." Li Yong grins and opens his arms to hug Han Lu.

"Boring." Han Lu turns around, walks to the dresser and sits down to dress herself up.

Li Yong looks at her with interest. He finds that it"s a kind of enjoyment watching Han Lu get angry and make up. As if it"s enjoyable for him as long as he can see her.

"We"ve got money now. Go and pay off the debts first." Han Lu says while penciling her eyebrows, "After paying back the money, make a clean break with her. And you mustn"t contact her anymore."

"Darling, you"re talking about Wu Yuting, right? When we were in trouble, she helped us so desperately and almost sold the company in order to raise money for us. She"s a true friend. It"s not easy to have one or two true friends in a lifetime. But you want me to make a clean break with such a friend. Isn"t it a little bit..." Li Yong is in a dilemma.

"I don"t care. You just can"t keep in touch with her." Han Lu looks sullen and says seriously.

"Fine." Li Yong replies weakly. Is it what forces a man lie?

"Why did she help you so desperately?" Han Lu asks straight.

"Not just me. She helped us." Li Yong stresses.

"She wouldn"t help me at all. She surely helped you." Han Lu is very clear about this.

"Whoever she helped, she did it with goodwill." Li Yong says cautiously.

"Well, there are so many people in the world, and people in trouble can be seen everywhere. She doesn"t go to help anyone else. Why was she so desperate to help you? Doesn"t that mean anything? Don"t you understand, you fool?"

Han Lu stands up and stares at Li Yong, as if she"s caught something. So she sneers and asks.

Fool? Li Yong is called this for the first time. He really doesn"t know why she calls him a fool.

"What could that mean?" Li Yong feels a burst of bitterness. Has Han Lu already known everything? He doesn"t know what crazy reaction she will have if she knows that he has slept with Wu Yuting.

"You fool, that means she has requests for you and she"s plotting something. n.o.body in the world will make efforts for others without any reason. You"ve made the pharmaceutical company of the Wu Family unable to gain a foothold in Zhonghai City and quit the market. She will surely take revenge on you. So you have to be careful not to be fooled by her."

Han Lu says these earnestly and seriously.

Li Yong breathes a sigh of relief and feels warmth in the heart.

It turns out that she"s caring about him!

"OK, I"ll be careful, Darling." Li Yong smiles and says, feeling that Han Lu becomes more charming.

After breakfast, watching Lyu Chun and Du Duoduo go to work with Han Lu and Han Fei, Li Yong takes out his phone and calls Wu Yuting. He has to listen to his wife, so he decides to pay back the money first.

It"s after eight o"clock in the morning, and Wu Yuting still hasn"t got up. She yawns drowsily while saying h.e.l.lo on the phone, and then has a little spirit as soon as she hears Li Yong"s voice.

Li Yong wants to ask Wu Yuting out and tells her to choose a place. But Wu Yuting says that she"s very busy with company affairs and she will go directly to the company after getting up. She asks Li Yong to go to see her in the company.

Wu Yuting owns a cosmetics company, which was once a small company. After getting Li Yong"s prescription for maintaining beauty and keeping young, the company"s volume of business has been surging. And now it has developed a certain scale.

Now Wu Yuting has established a health care products company, and the company has produced two kinds of products based on Li Yong"s ancient prescription. One is for men and the other is for women. The products have been in great demand since they first entered the market.

The two companies are in one building.

When Li Yong arrives, he confronts with Wu Yuting who comes in a hurry. She wears a dark blue OL suit, looking elegant, dignified, s.e.xy and n.o.ble.

Her appearance in a hurry is like a ray of sunshine that can light people"s mind.

They smile at each other and walk into the elevator together. Seeing that n.o.body is in the elevator for the time being, Wu Yuting grabs Li Yong"s hand and leans her head on his shoulder.

It seems to be the place she wants most, and the weariness on her face begins to fade.

"Why do you come to me? Do you want to borrow more money? The company is doing well these days and has made deals with several agents. Now I have more than 10 million and I can lend it to you now." Wu Yuting says with a gentle smile.

Li Yong is touched greatly. He puts his hand around Wu Yuting"s slender waist and laughs, "I"m here to pay back the money."

"Ah? So soon?" Wu Yuting is very surprised. She doesn"t know how Li Yong got so much money, but she doesn"t need it urgently. She really wants to help him and doesn"t want the money back in a short time.

"Yes, I just made 800 million yuan yesterday." Li Yong laughs proudly.

"Wow, 800 million? How did you make it?" Wu Yuting is so excited that she hugs Li Yong from behind, leaning herself tightly on his back. She even jumps several times excitedly, as if she"s happier than making 800 million herself.

At the moment, the elevator stops and someone comes in. Wu Yuting pinches Li Yong"s hand and hurriedly parts from him, keeping a certain distance and signaling to him not to say anything.

Then it"s very silent in the elevator and no one talks. Wu Yuting directly brings Li Yong into her office and shuts the door. She"s overjoyed and asks, "How did you make 800 million?"

So Li Yong tells her about his gambling on stones in Shikang City.

When hearing that Li Yong bought the stones with jade inside using his sixth sense, Wu Yuting is surprised and shouts, "Wow, this will do? You"re so amazing!"

After chatting for a while, Li Yong takes out a bank card and transfers the money he owes to Wu Yuting directly. Besides, he asks Wu Yuting to call Feng Miaomiao and Chen Xiuju, and then pays off their money.

He wanted to pay extra tens of thousands of interest, but he was rejected by Wu Yuting, Feng Miaomiao and Chen Xiuju. They say that Li Yong has only borrowed the money for three or four days, so he needn"t pay them the interest.

Li Yong doesn"t insist. He knows that Wu Yuting is sincerely helping him, and Feng Miaomiao and Chen Xiuju don"t care about such a little money. Li Yong will remember the goodness of Wu Yuting, and will give a hand when Feng Miaomiao and Chen Xiuju need help.

At last, Li Yong thinks for a moment and says, "Yuting, I"ll give you another prescription to express my thanks to you. You can have it for free and needn"t share the profit with me."

"You are so good to me?" Wu Yuting smiles prettily with enchanting big eyes.

She used to be a cold G.o.ddess. But after sleeping with Li Yong, she"s been like a different person. Especially when facing him, she can always be extremely charming.

"Because you are also very good to me." Li Yong says seriously. Then he picks up a pen and writes it on Wu Yuting"s notebook. This prescription is used to remove freckles. He came up with it several days ago.

It is also a kind of product to maintain beauty and keep young.

There are numerous prescriptions in his memory, but they are all very ancient. Therefore, some of the medicines are extinct and nowhere to find now. Besides, he can"t understand some of the prescriptions and doesn"t know the effect. He only writes down what comes to his mind occasionally and can be developed. And others are useless even if he writes them down.

After finishing writing, he underlines the last two herbs and says, "These two herbs are not easy to find in the market and are very expensive. The medicinal materials base the Han Family has just established is cultivating these two herbs. They will be cultivated in about half a year. By then, we can sign a medicine supply contract. I"ll give you a lower price if we can have a long-term cooperation."

"Then I"ll develop this new product half a year later." Wu Yuting laughs happily, "I happen to be very busy recently. The effect of the health care product is remarkably well. The demand almost exceeds the supply."

"You know? The product for women sells even better than the product for men."

"Are women today so crazy?" Li Yong asks wonderingly.

"You tell me." Wu Yuting throws a wink charmingly, "People are living a stressful life now. Eating health care products is also a way to relieve stress. Besides, it is especially effective for those women who are s.e.xless."

Li Yong thinks about Han Lu immediately. They have been married for a long time but haven"t slept together yet. Li Yong wonders whether Han Lu will become a pa.s.sionate s.e.xy woman and ask him to sleep with her after she takes this medicine. Maybe she will come to him with desire in the middle of the night.

Thinking about this, Li Yong grins and asks, "Do you have any now? I"ll take some."

"I have two samples, one for men and one for women. Which one do you want?" Wu Yuting opens the drawer and takes out two delicately packed cardboard boxes, placing them in front of Li Yong.

Then, with her hands holding her fair and tender chin, she looks at Li Yong with beautiful smiling eyes. She doesn"t know why Li Yong is so handsome in her eyes. Each of his movements is so poetic.