Amazing Doctor With Super Vision

Chapter 141

Chinese chive is also known as aphrodisiac herb in ancient medical books. It has the effect of warming spleen and stomach, enhancing the circulation of Qi, tonifying kidney and strengthening Yang.

While enhancing energy, it is also an excellent treatment for male erectile dysfunction and premature e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.i.o.n.

Today"s people also call it the vegetable v.i.a.g.r.a.

Onion is also called s.e.x hormone and is a good appetizing medicine. In Li Yong"s memory, when an emperor had erectile problems, the ancient divine doctor gave him a healthy dish of fried onion and eggs. As a result, the emperor ate the dish for a month continuously and became as powerful as a tiger, being able to make love with seven women at one night. The divine doctor was rewarded for this.

Modern medicine has found that onion has multiple effects such as anti-inflammation and bacteriostasis, diuretic and anti-diarrhea effect, as well as reducing blood glucose and blood fat, and lowering cholesterol and blood pressure. It is the only known plant that contains prostaglandin and can protect the prostate.

Onion not only enjoys the good name of the Queen of Vegetables, but also is a kind of fine aphrodisiac.

It"s unexpected that Zhang Yurong has already learned many dietary therapies of traditional Chinese medicine. Now she has cooked these three dishes. Li Yong wonders if she"s afraid that he is not strong enough.

“Yurong, can you bear it later?” Li Yong teases her while eating.

“I see you"re having kidney deficiency, so I made these dishes for you.” Zhang Yurong smiles shyly.

“You can see I"m having kidney deficiency?” Li Yong is very surprised. He is a little regretful that he had used too much strength when making out with Qian Lingling. It seems that this coquettish woman hasn"t slept with a man for too long and asked for too much from him.

“See? I"ve made a progress in learning!” Zhang Yurong smiles proudly.

Fortunately, she doesn"t ask Li Yong the reason of his kidney deficiency, otherwise Li Yong will be very embarra.s.sed. He hurriedly changes the subject and asks, “Yurong, what do you think of Yang Changkong?”

“He has excellent medical skills and can cure many kinds of diseases. Besides, since he came to our clinic, there has been no patient that can"t be cured. Even Liu Lingyin said that he is a genius doctor just like you.” Zhang Yurong smiles happily, “One day, my stomach hurt. He gave me a medicine and I became alright after eating only once.”

“And the way to see your kidney deficiency is also taught by him.”

d.a.m.n it, this b.a.s.t.a.r.d. How dare he teach his woman this kind of thing?” Li Yong gnashes his teeth.

“I mean, how about his moral quality?” Li Yong takes a deep breath and asks again.

“Moral quality? Not bad. He just works all day, and then goes back to his room to have a rest after work. He never goes anywhere else.” Zhang Yurong thinks for a moment and continues, “And he seems to have no friends. He is always alone. That day, I told him he was given extra two thousand yuan each month, but I didn"t see that he was happy.”

“Besides, he also said that it doesn"t matter whether he can get more money or not. He works here not for money.”

“Then you tell him tomorrow that we won"t give him salary. He can work here if he wants to. But if he doesn"t, let him go wherever he wants. We don"t hire him anymore.” Li Yong says.

“Ah? Xiaoyong, why are you treating him like this?” Zhang Yurong asks in surprise.

“You just do as I say.” Li Yong asks.

“Okay! Although I don"t know why you do this, I"ll listen to you.” Zhang Yurong laughs and says.

After the meal, Li Yong and Zhang Yurong take a shower together. Then they make out until ten o"clock in the evening. Li Yong fully satisfies Zhang Yurong"s desire and then leaves. It"s really useful to eat so much aphrodisiac food.

It"s already 11 o"clock at night when he returns to the villa of the Han Family.

Li Yong is about to go back to his room and continue to practice when he sees Han Lu sitting in the living room, having not gone to bed.

She is wearing a loose nightdress and looks very pure. She just sits there quietly, looking like a G.o.ddess.

“Why do you come back so late? Have you paid back the money?” Seeing Li Yong walking into the living room, she asks him unhappily, as if she"s sitting here to wait to have a quarrel with him.

“Yes.” Li Yong says faintly.

“You"ve been out for a whole day. Where have you been?” Seeing that Li Yong is absent-minded, Han Lu becomes even more angry. She glances at Li Yong, showing the image of a tough girl instead of a G.o.ddess.

“I just went to my clinic and dealt with something.” Li Yong explains faintly.

“Bah, you didn"t call me all day. Do you still have me in your heart?” Han Lu complains.

Is it because of this? He used to not give her phone calls for many days and she wouldn"t complain like this. Although Li Yong grumbles in his heart, he shows a smile and says, “Darling, I"m sorry. I was too busy.”

“Don"t always take that as an excuse. You would always have time to make a phone call!” Han Lu is full of grievance.

“Darling, I was wrong.” Li Yong apologizes sincerely. He doesn"t want to make his wife a shrew because of his unintentional behavior. Whether it is wife, lover, or just a normal girlfriend, a man should be generous when quarreling. It is not a shameful thing to make an apology and play up to women.

You should know that when you two first start to contact with each other, she is better than a G.o.ddess even she is not.

Don"t ruin her beautiful image in the long life. If you"re good to her, she"ll be good to you too; if you maintain her image, she"ll also maintain yours.

“ Zhao of the Medical College came over today. He said they were ready to go to the medicinal materials base to grow the medicinal materials. They wanted you to accompany them, but couldn"t get through your phone.” Han Lu continues to say.

Li Yong hurriedly takes out his phone and finds that it"s in silent mode. He sees the time when Han Lu called him. It seemed that he was making out with Qian Lingling at the Xiangong Hotel at that time.

Did Qian Lingling mute his phone? Is this coquettish woman so scheming?

“I didn"t hear it.” Li Yong says with apology, “How about I take them there tomorrow?”

“They don"t need you anymore. Han Fei and Du Duoduo have taken them there.”

“That"s good.” Li Yong says with a smile, “I have a buddy in the medicinal materials base who can look after them, and grandpa is also there. They"ll be fine.”

Han Lu stands up and goes upstairs. When walking to the middle of the stairs, she turns her head and says, “It"s too late. Come upstairs and go to sleep quickly.”

What? Going upstairs to sleep? Li Yong hurriedly picks ears with his finger and makes sure that he didn"t mishear. Then he grins and hurriedly follows upstairs and comes into Han Lu"s room.

Han Lu has already got into bed and divided it into two parts. She lies in the inside.

“Don"t cross the border, don"t touch me, and don"t take advantage of me after I fall asleep.” After lying down, Han Lu announces these three rules to Li Yong indifferently.

He has just given all his energy to Zhang Yurong with nothing left. Therefore, facing Han Lu"s delicate body and seductive face, Li Yong has no impulse and agrees to them all.

Li Yong takes out the box with English letters on it from the pocket. It is a good medicine especially for women! Li Yong knows that although Han Lu is cold now, she must be very hot and pa.s.sionate after eating it.

However, considering his physical capacity, Li Yong decides to use it another day, so he puts it on the bedside table. They have been married for so long. Li Yong thinks that letting Han Lu eat it can help eliminate the barriers between their hearts and it is helpful for the family harmony and their s.e.xual life. This is a kind of cure which has nothing to do with moral and spiritual evil.

After Han Lu falls asleep, Li Yong sits cross-legged and begins to practice. Han Lu falls asleep fast, and Li Yong gets into the state of cultivation fast too. The internal strength is running in the body, which makes him very comfortable.

“Who"s there?” Lyu Chun bursts into yelling in the yard of the villa.

“It"s me.” Someone says in a low voice. Li Yong listens carefully and finds that it"s Han Dongtao.

And his voice sounds a little bit strange and hurt, as if he"s suffering great pain.

When Li Yong hurriedly jumps out of bed and goes to the living room downstairs, Han Dongtao has already walked in.

Han Dongtao"s face is ghastly pale under the light, and he"s tired and staggering, as if he"s about to fall down. Moreover, his arm is wounded, and although the wound has been wrapped with broken clothes, it"s still bleeding.

“Isn"t Xiaoyong here?” Han Dongtao asks Lyu Chun, who is following behind him.

“Dad, I am here.” Before Lyu Chun answers, Li Yong has already come up to Han Dongtao, picking up his arm and checking his wound. It was made by a knife, and even the arm bone was cut off.

“Can this arm be saved?” Han Dongtao asks, enduring the pain.

“Yes.” Li Yong replies. He has taken out a silver needle and does acupuncture at the acupuncture points around Han Dongtao"s wound. Han Dongtao can clearly feel that his pain is being relieved in the acupuncture process.

After Li Yong does acupuncture more than ten times, Han Dongtao feels no pain at all. What"s more, the wound no longer bleeds, as if it has already been cured.

“Dad, acupuncture can only cure your trauma. It has little effect on the bone injury. Since your arm bone has been broken, you have to take some time to rest, and then it will be recovered.” Li Yong takes the gauze handed by Lyu Chun, bandages his arm and says.

“No wonder I can"t lift it. It has been broken.” Han Dongtao feels no pain and says calmly. He looks at his arm, as if he has expected this.

Li Yong asks right away, “Dad, what on earth happened to you?”

Han Dongtao sighs and says, “It"s a long story! I didn"t expect that after I had paid off all the debts, they still wanted to kill me. Fortunately, my bodyguards were really extraordinary, otherwise I would have been killed.”

“Where are the bodyguards?” Li Yong asks in shock.

“They all died for protecting me, gosh...” Han Dongtao is in great grief and feels sad for those bodyguards, “I"ll support their families and let them live a good life.”

“What about my mom?” Li Yong asks again. He doesn"t see Sun Xiaomei and suddenly becomes worried.

“She"s fine. There was something wrong with our overseas company yesterday. And your mother has already been there to deal with the problem. Fortunately she was not with me, otherwise we may all have died. I"ve already told her not to come back in a short time.” Han Dongtao still has a lingering fear after having a narrow escape. He just keeps sighing.