Amazing Doctor With Super Vision

Chapter 83

Publishedat 30th of June 2019 12:08:05 AMChapter 83
Chapter 83 A Spiritual Being

He doesn’t feel embarra.s.sed anymore . Compared with the well-known professor Wei Hongbing, he is just a small lecturer . Why does he need to feel ashamed?

“I will say it again . I am a professor . I don’t care whether you fools believe it or not . ” After slapping Wei Hongbing, Li Yong seems quite normal, and he even abuses everyone . Then he puts away his certificate and stands proudly .

Silence is suddenly broken . These professors and scholars couldn’t stand Li Yong’s arrogance . They immediately call the security guards and strongly urge them to arrest Li Yong and send him to the police station . They want to accuse Li Yong of intentional a.s.sault .

When several well-trained campus security guards surround Li Yong, a group of leaders of the col-lege finally come to the scene . The head of them is the of the medical college, Tang Wen-wu .

“What are you doing?” Seeing the mess in the venue, Tang Wenwu rushes over and asks harshly . However, when he sees Li Yong, his eyes fall on the security guards surrounding him .

In this case, how can the security guards be qualified to speak?

Some angry professors and scholars immediately add inflammatory details to what Li Yong did be-fore . They talk with indignation, feeling justified and mad .

However, Tang Wenwu does not have the patience to hear them out . He first asks the security guards to go out and then looks around . He says loudly, “He is Professor Li, who was just hired by our college, and he is also our Dr . Li Yong, who will be responsible for the teaching of Chinese med-icine acupuncture . You guys misunderstood . ”

Everyone is shocked and ashamed . When looking at Li Yong, each of them feels guilty . He is made of meat and bone just like them, but he becomes a professor when he is so young . They are also professors . When Li Yong hit a professor, Tang not only does not blame him, but also de-fends him .

What makes everyone even more frustrated is that when Zhao Chunlei, the, knows that Li Yong just beat Zhao Mingkun, he immediately brings Zhao Mingkun to Li Yong and asks Zhao Mingkun to apologize .

I have to apologize after I was beaten? Zhao Mingkun feels that he is dreaming, but he does not dare to disobey .

He has to apologize after he was beaten? Many professors and scholars are stunned again . They have doubts, but they remain silent when the leader speaks . People on their level are extremely sleek . When the leader gasps, they know he is tired . When the leader farts, they understand he is going to have a meeting .

Someone anonymous says that in Huaxia, the more knowledgeable one is, the more he is capable of flattering . Proficiency roots in diligence, and in order to get promotion and become rich, they are diligent in flattery .

Therefore, feeling shock is one thing and questioning is another .

Even if you are shocked to death, you can’t violate the leader’s intentions .

“Professor Li, I am sorry . I just misunderstood . ” Zhao Mingkun comes to Li Yong and says with diffi-culty .

Li Yong hears his words clearly . When saying this, Zhao Mingkun’s teeth are shaking . Although he is smiling and making an apology, his heart is full of hatred . His ability to act with an iron hand in a vel-vet glove has definitely gone through many years of training .

Li Yong knows that they have become enemies . However, he does not care . He raises his hand, rubs his ear, and shakes his head . Then he asks faintly, “What did you say?”

d.a.m.n it, he didn’t even hear it . All the people present heard it . Only Li Yong didn’t . Why are you rub-bing your ears? ls there something wrong with them?

Some almost laugh out and some almost faint . In the end, they all glare at the middle of the venue, looking forward to seeing what is about to happen next . This is much more fun than a meeting, and it stimulates people to have their hearts jumped violently .

Zhao Chunlei smiles and orders, “Speak louder . ” A leader is different from others since his order is quite artistic which gives people a feeling of caring for subordinates, as well as a sense of compli-ance .

Everyone is shocked again . As a leader, shouldn’t Zhao Chunlei be fair and just? As the uncle of Zhao Mingkun, shouldn’t you help your nephew?

How can Li Yong be maintained? What is the situation? What conspiracy is there?

Not only do the public start to wonder, but even Li Yong feels a bit confused .

Being shouted by Zhao Chunlei, Zhao Mingkun feels frightened at once . He immediately becomes respectful, and says in a loud voice, “Sorry, Professor Li, it was my fault . I acted like a sn.o.b before, and I won’t do it again in the future . ”

“It doesn’t matter, no worries . ” Li Yong hears clearly this time . He smiles politely, “As long as you can correct the mistakes, you are a good comrade . Unlike some guys, as teachers, crimes they have committed range from accepting students’ bribes to defrauding the national finances . ”

While speaking, Li Yong looks at Wei Hongbing with swollen cheeks . Li Yong’s meaning is very ob-vious .

Wei Hongbing trembles under Li Yong’s sight, and he nearly faints .

The guy who trembles harder is Zhao Mingkun . He cannot believe he was praised . His mouth twitch-es into an eggplant . The more he thinks, the more he has the urge to cry . Now he is holding Li Yong’s hand and feeling the warmth of his palm . He doesn’t want to let go .

“Well, everyone should not care about things which happened just now . Please all sit down accord-ing to the seats . The meeting will begin immediately . ” Tang Wenwu picks up the micro-phone and orders . Then everyone starts to look for seats and quickly sits down .

Li Yong sits in the back row . As the youngest professor, he obviously does not have enough qualifi-cations to sit ahead . He sits between a man and a woman . They are all middle-aged and can be Li Yong’s father and mother .

The woman smiles at Li Yong friendly, but the man leans aside and deliberately keeps a certain dis-tance from Li Yong .

Li Yong doesn’t pay attention to them at all . He sits straight, just like when he was in cla.s.s . His eyes only look at the front desk . An old man staggers on the stage and begins to talk .

Li Yong watches carefully and finds the old man who is making a speech turn out to be Sun Shijie, the former of the medical college .

After a while, Li Yong gradually discovers that it is not an important meeting, but a special lecture held by Sun Shijie, which is about the latest research results of traditional Chinese medicine .

Most of the research results he says were told by Li Yong when Li Yong went to his house to dine . Li Yong just casually said a little bit of his memory in the theory of traditional Chinese medicine . Then Sun Shijie figured his own results out .

d.a.m.n it, this is plagiarism! He copied others’ wisdom!

Li Yong never imagined that Sun Shijie was such a person . However, people like Sun Shijie have no desire for anything other than fame . He arranged what Li Yong said and modified it a little, and then expanded it into his own research . He can be forgiven for doing so .

Li Yong doesn’t mind being taken advantage of by him . Anyway, there are so many medical theories in his head that he could probably write a book out of a few at random .

Li Yong suddenly discovers that his greatest wealth is the medical theories and practical experience in his memory, which are far more valuable than those prescriptions .

Li Yong disagrees with Sun Shijie’s concluding remarks in the first section . Sun Shijie said that tradi-tional Chinese medicine is not as simple as everyone thinks . It has a long history and is the charac-teristic culture of Huaxia . . .

After listening for a while, Li Yong becomes very bored .

What Sun Shijie said is so superficial that it could not be compared with the knowledge in Li Yong’s mind . If he is allowed to go up to speak, his remarks would be absolutely more comprehensive than Sun Shijie’s, deeper and more appealing .

Li Yong’s mind contains the memories of eighty divine doctors, who spent their whole lives studying on traditional Chinese medicine, and gained something and comprehended a lot . Li Yong has 80 sets of systematic knowledge in his mind, and the knowledge also has their own emphasis and uniqueness . They seem to be 80 sets of teaching books .

If he is allowed to talk about traditional Chinese medicine, a little of what he will say might be enough for the professors and scholars sitting here to benefit . It’s just that he’s obviously not qualified to give a speech right now .

Li Yong is not in a hurry . He’ll have plenty of opportunities later . He has been preparing himself for the shock of several old men when he speaks .

In his view, traditional Chinese medicine has a long history and is more than a characteristic culture . It’s the quintessence of national culture .

It’s the cornerstone of Huaxia, and is the faith of the nation .

One day, the country will attach importance to traditional Chinese medicine and give it sufficient sttus .

The country may also elevate its importance to a strategic level .

Because this is the national treasure of Huaxia which makes people proud and this is the condensed wisdom of the ancients for thousands of years .

It will take more than three hours to hear out a lecture, and Li Yong goes to the toilet after thirty minutes, and then he sneaks out to the campus . While walking out, he appreciates the plants .

He would rather breathe fresh air than listen to Sun Shijie’s boiling nonsense .

“Outside the pavilion, by the ancient road, green gra.s.s stretches far into the sky . . . ” A beautiful music sounds . Li Yong recognizes the direction and walks to the lake .

In a small pavilion, a beautiful woman is singing while playing the guitar . Her voice is beautiful and profound . The beauty in a white dress with beautiful hair covering half her cheek has a delicate face which seems quite mysterious . For a moment, Li Yong has an impulse to lift her hair and look at her face .

Her white dress reflects clear waves in the bright sunshine . She looks really fascinating .

At this moment, a small boat quickly comes by . A fat man on the boat raises a bouquet of roses, waving and shouting loudly, “Song Xiaojie, I love you . ”

“You are my rose . You are my flower . You are my lover and the woman I love most in my life . For you, I can do anything . I can give up anything . . . ”

The song comes to a halt . The white-dressed beauty raises her head and gives him a flat look, and then at once she takes her guitar in her arms and hurries off along a wooden pontoon bridge . How-ever, Li Yong is standing at the entrance of the pontoon .

The pretty girl walks quickly toward him . When seeing the lovely face of her, he suddenly finds a strange light spot at the center of her forehead .

What’s that? Just as Li Yong feels surprised and confused, a memory immediately comes to his mind .

A spiritual being .

Unexpectedly, she is a spiritual being born out of the combination of the nature’s sacred virtues .

Spiritual beings are divided into two genders: the male and the female .

They tend to be extremely smart, highly perceptive, and can become outstanding talents regardless of the field they enter .

The literati include Li Bai and Du Fu, and the generals are Guan Yu and Dong Zhuo .

However, according to the conclusion of a divine doctor in Li Yong’s memory, Li Bai, Du Fu, Guan Yu and Dong Zhuo are all recessive spiritual beings . That is to say, their light spots cannot be seen clearly with clairvoyant vision .

Chapter 83 A Spiritual Being

He doesn’t feel embarra.s.sed anymore . Compared with the well-known professor Wei Hongbing, he is just a small lecturer . Why does he need to feel ashamed?.


“I will say it again . I am a professor . I don’t care whether you fools believe it or not . ” After slapping Wei Hongbing, Li Yong seems quite normal, and he even abuses everyone . Then he puts away his certificate and stands proudly


Silence is suddenly broken . These professors and scholars couldn’t stand Li Yong’s arrogance . They immediately call the security guards and strongly urge them to arrest Li Yong and send him to the police station . They want to accuse Li Yong of intentional a.s.sault


When several well-trained campus security guards surround Li Yong, a group of leaders of the col-lege finally come to the scene . The head of them is the of the medical college, Tang Wen-wu


“What are you doing?” Seeing the mess in the venue, Tang Wenwu rushes over and asks harshly . However, when he sees Li Yong, his eyes fall on the security guards surrounding him


In this case, how can the security guards be qualified to speak?.


Some angry professors and scholars immediately add inflammatory details to what Li Yong did be-fore . They talk with indignation, feeling justified and mad


However, Tang Wenwu does not have the patience to hear them out . He first asks the security guards to go out and then looks around . He says loudly, “He is Professor Li, who was just hired by our college, and he is also our Dr . Li Yong, who will be responsible for the teaching of Chinese med-icine acupuncture . You guys misunderstood . ”.


Everyone is shocked and ashamed . When looking at Li Yong, each of them feels guilty . He is made of meat and bone just like them, but he becomes a professor when he is so young . They are also professors . When Li Yong hit a professor, Tang not only does not blame him, but also de-fends him


What makes everyone even more frustrated is that when Zhao Chunlei, the, knows that Li Yong just beat Zhao Mingkun, he immediately brings Zhao Mingkun to Li Yong and asks Zhao Mingkun to apologize


I have to apologize after I was beaten? Zhao Mingkun feels that he is dreaming, but he does not dare to disobey


He has to apologize after he was beaten? Many professors and scholars are stunned again . They have doubts, but they remain silent when the leader speaks . People on their level are extremely sleek . When the leader gasps, they know he is tired . When the leader farts, they understand he is going to have a meeting


Someone anonymous says that in Huaxia, the more knowledgeable one is, the more he is capable of flattering . Proficiency roots in diligence, and in order to get promotion and become rich, they are diligent in flattery


Therefore, feeling shock is one thing and questioning is another


Even if you are shocked to death, you can’t violate the leader’s intentions


“Professor Li, I am sorry . I just misunderstood . ” Zhao Mingkun comes to Li Yong and says with diffi-culty


Li Yong hears his words clearly . When saying this, Zhao Mingkun’s teeth are shaking . Although he is smiling and making an apology, his heart is full of hatred . His ability to act with an iron hand in a vel-vet glove has definitely gone through many years of training


Li Yong knows that they have become enemies . However, he does not care . He raises his hand, rubs his ear, and shakes his head . Then he asks faintly, “What did you say?”.


d.a.m.n it, he didn’t even hear it . All the people present heard it . Only Li Yong didn’t . Why are you rub-bing your ears? ls there something wrong with them?.


Some almost laugh out and some almost faint . In the end, they all glare at the middle of the venue, looking forward to seeing what is about to happen next . This is much more fun than a meeting, and it stimulates people to have their hearts jumped violently


Zhao Chunlei smiles and orders, “Speak louder . ” A leader is different from others since his order is quite artistic which gives people a feeling of caring for subordinates, as well as a sense of compli-ance


Everyone is shocked again . As a leader, shouldn’t Zhao Chunlei be fair and just? As the uncle of Zhao Mingkun, shouldn’t you help your nephew?.


How can Li Yong be maintained? What is the situation? What conspiracy is there?.


Not only do the public start to wonder, but even Li Yong feels a bit confused


Being shouted by Zhao Chunlei, Zhao Mingkun feels frightened at once . He immediately becomes respectful, and says in a loud voice, “Sorry, Professor Li, it was my fault . I acted like a sn.o.b before, and I won’t do it again in the future . ”.


“It doesn’t matter, no worries . ” Li Yong hears clearly this time . He smiles politely, “As long as you can correct the mistakes, you are a good comrade . Unlike some guys, as teachers, crimes they have committed range from accepting students’ bribes to defrauding the national finances . ”.


While speaking, Li Yong looks at Wei Hongbing with swollen cheeks . Li Yong’s meaning is very ob-vious


Wei Hongbing trembles under Li Yong’s sight, and he nearly faints


The guy who trembles harder is Zhao Mingkun . He cannot believe he was praised . His mouth twitch-es into an eggplant . The more he thinks, the more he has the urge to cry . Now he is holding Li Yong’s hand and feeling the warmth of his palm . He doesn’t want to let go


“Well, everyone should not care about things which happened just now . Please all sit down accord-ing to the seats . The meeting will begin immediately . ” Tang Wenwu picks up the micro-phone and orders . Then everyone starts to look for seats and quickly sits down


Li Yong sits in the back row . As the youngest professor, he obviously does not have enough qualifi-cations to sit ahead . He sits between a man and a woman . They are all middle-aged and can be Li Yong’s father and mother


The woman smiles at Li Yong friendly, but the man leans aside and deliberately keeps a certain dis-tance from Li Yong


Li Yong doesn’t pay attention to them at all . He sits straight, just like when he was in cla.s.s . His eyes only look at the front desk . An old man staggers on the stage and begins to talk


Li Yong watches carefully and finds the old man who is making a speech turn out to be Sun Shijie, the former of the medical college


After a while, Li Yong gradually discovers that it is not an important meeting, but a special lecture held by Sun Shijie, which is about the latest research results of traditional Chinese medicine


Most of the research results he says were told by Li Yong when Li Yong went to his house to dine . Li Yong just casually said a little bit of his memory in the theory of traditional Chinese medicine . Then Sun Shijie figured his own results out


d.a.m.n it, this is plagiarism! He copied others’ wisdom!.


Li Yong never imagined that Sun Shijie was such a person . However, people like Sun Shijie have no desire for anything other than fame . He arranged what Li Yong said and modified it a little, and then expanded it into his own research . He can be forgiven for doing so


Li Yong doesn’t mind being taken advantage of by him . Anyway, there are so many medical theories in his head that he could probably write a book out of a few at random


Li Yong suddenly discovers that his greatest wealth is the medical theories and practical experience in his memory, which are far more valuable than those prescriptions


Li Yong disagrees with Sun Shijie’s concluding remarks in the first section . Sun Shijie said that tradi-tional Chinese medicine is not as simple as everyone thinks . It has a long history and is the charac-teristic culture of Huaxia


After listening for a while, Li Yong becomes very bored


What Sun Shijie said is so superficial that it could not be compared with the knowledge in Li Yong’s mind . If he is allowed to go up to speak, his remarks would be absolutely more comprehensive than Sun Shijie’s, deeper and more appealing


Li Yong’s mind contains the memories of eighty divine doctors, who spent their whole lives studying on traditional Chinese medicine, and gained something and comprehended a lot . Li Yong has 80 sets of systematic knowledge in his mind, and the knowledge also has their own emphasis and uniqueness . They seem to be 80 sets of teaching books


If he is allowed to talk about traditional Chinese medicine, a little of what he will say might be enough for the professors and scholars sitting here to benefit . It’s just that he’s obviously not qualified to give a speech right now


Li Yong is not in a hurry . He’ll have plenty of opportunities later . He has been preparing himself for the shock of several old men when he speaks


In his view, traditional Chinese medicine has a long history and is more than a characteristic culture . It’s the quintessence of national culture


It’s the cornerstone of Huaxia, and is the faith of the nation


One day, the country will attach importance to traditional Chinese medicine and give it sufficient sttus


The country may also elevate its importance to a strategic level


Because this is the national treasure of Huaxia which makes people proud and this is the condensed wisdom of the ancients for thousands of years


It will take more than three hours to hear out a lecture, and Li Yong goes to the toilet after thirty minutes, and then he sneaks out to the campus . While walking out, he appreciates the plants


He would rather breathe fresh air than listen to Sun Shijie’s boiling nonsense


“Outside the pavilion, by the ancient road, green gra.s.s stretches far into the sky . ” A beautiful music sounds . Li Yong recognizes the direction and walks to the lake


In a small pavilion, a beautiful woman is singing while playing the guitar . Her voice is beautiful and profound . The beauty in a white dress with beautiful hair covering half her cheek has a delicate face which seems quite mysterious . For a moment, Li Yong has an impulse to lift her hair and look at her face


Her white dress reflects clear waves in the bright sunshine . She looks really fascinating


At this moment, a small boat quickly comes by . A fat man on the boat raises a bouquet of roses, waving and shouting loudly, “Song Xiaojie, I love you . ”.


“You are my rose . You are my flower . You are my lover and the woman I love most in my life . For you, I can do anything . I can give up anything . ”.


The song comes to a halt . The white-dressed beauty raises her head and gives him a flat look, and then at once she takes her guitar in her arms and hurries off along a wooden pontoon bridge . How-ever, Li Yong is standing at the entrance of the pontoon


The pretty girl walks quickly toward him . When seeing the lovely face of her, he suddenly finds a strange light spot at the center of her forehead


What’s that? Just as Li Yong feels surprised and confused, a memory immediately comes to his mind


A spiritual being


Unexpectedly, she is a spiritual being born out of the combination of the nature’s sacred virtues


Spiritual beings are divided into two genders: the male and the female


They tend to be extremely smart, highly perceptive, and can become outstanding talents regardless of the field they enter


The literati include Li Bai and Du Fu, and the generals are Guan Yu and Dong Zhuo


However, according to the conclusion of a divine doctor in Li Yong’s memory, Li Bai, Du Fu, Guan Yu and Dong Zhuo are all recessive spiritual beings . That is to say, their light spots cannot be seen clearly with clairvoyant vision