Amazing Doctor With Super Vision

Chapter 92

Publishedat 9th of July 2019 11:49:27 PMChapter 92
Chapter 92 We Can Finally Consummate Our Marriage

As soon as Li Yong and Han Lu leave, Zhao Hongyu immediately phones Zhao Dazhou .

He cries, “Dad, Chu Jianghe ran away . He didn’t care about my life . He left me and ran away . ”

“What? What happened?” Zhao Dazhou on the other end of the line says in shock .

Then Zhao Hongyu carefully explains the thing to Zhao Dazhou .

After listening to the whole process, Zhao Dazhou remains silent for a long time .

“Dad, you must avenge your son . You must kill Li Yong and help me get Han Lu back . ” Zhao Hongyu cries with indignation .

“Even Mr . Chu is not his opponent . What else can we do?” Zhao Dazhou is downcast and almost desperate . Although Zhao Hongyu didn’t speak very well, Zhao Dazhou can also find the key point from his son’s words . It was not that Chu Jianghe ran away regardless of Zhao Hongyu’s life, but that Chu Jianghe was beaten .

“I don’t care . I’m going to let Li Yong die anyway . ” Zhao Hongyu shouts at the phone . His fear of Li Yong is far less than his hope of Zhao Dazhou . He hates Li Yong even more .

“I will try to think of some ideas . ” After saying this, Zhao Dazhou hangs up directly .

Zhao Hongyu smashes his phone, stands up in anger and looks at the delicious food and wine on the table . He roars and then turns the whole table upside down . Four bodyguards are frightened and run away .

“You guys are useless . You are all idiots . . . ” He yells at the bodyguards .

In another place, Zhao Dazhou stands up, walks to Chu Jianghe happily and shouts, “Mr . Chu, aren’t you accompanying Hongyu? Why are you here? Sit down, please . ”

After leaving Zhao Hongyu’s private room, Chu Jianghe directly finds Zhao Dazhou . He doesn’t sit down and just stands there decadently . Then he takes out a card, hands it to Zhao Dazhou and sighs, “I’m sorry . I’m ashamed . I am giving you the money back . I’m not strong enough to protect your son . ”

“Mr . Chu, why do you say that?” Zhao Dazhou asks, pretending to be surprised .

Therefore, Chu Jianghe also tells Zhao Dazhou what he has just gone through . Compared with Zhao Hongyu, Chu Jianghe talks more truthfully, rationally and clearly . Moreover, he also talks about his guess about Li Yong .

It turns out that Chu Jianghe was not beaten by Li Yong but had scruples about Li Yong’s ident.i.ty .

After listening, Zhao Dazhou is silent again for a long time . Even Chu Jianghe is unwilling to provoke Li Yong, how can he be willing to provoke? However, when he thinks of his son’s experience and Li Yong’s abhorrent behaviors, he grits his teeth and wants to try again .

Zhao Dazhou solemnly hands the bank card to Chu Jianghe again and says earnestly and firmly, “Mr . Chu, it’s not your fault . You can keep the money . Thank you for your help anyway . I know that if you weren’t there, the situation would be worse . You can stay with me in the future . I hope you can introduce more powerful warriors to me . No matter how much it costs, I will kill Li Yong . ”

Chu Jianghe is also dissatisfied with Li Yong . Li Yong is already a three-stage warrior at such a young age and his future is immeasurable . Chu Jianghe not only envies Li Yong but also hates him . He is afraid to kill Li Yong by himself because of his misgivings but he doesn’t care about letting others kill Li Yong .

Besides, Chu Jianghe also wants to know who is behind Li Yong . What is the purpose of letting a rising star like Li Yong experience in society?

After listening to Zhao Dazhou, Chu Jianghe meditates for a moment and approaches to Zhao Dazhou’s ear, saying something lightly .

Zhao Dazhou nods fiercely and his face lights up immediately .

Experience counts . In order to make a living, Chu Jianghe once worked for a secret killer organization . Later, he was seriously injured and had to leave because of the failure of the mission .

But Chu Jianghe can still contact the powerful organization . As long as Zhao Dazhou gives enough money, the killer organization will attack Li Yong until Li Yong dies .

In the past, Zhao Dazhou also paid for killers, but those killers were only in name and didn’t have real strength, so they failed one after another .

The killer organization introduced by Chu Jianghe is quite different . They are powerful and their teamwork is absolutely foolproof . They can do everything to kill people and obliterate the traces . Anyone killed by them is either dead because of diseases or missing . The police can’t find the dead body, let alone file a case .

If the action fails and the traces are exposed, the killer will immediately be cleared out like Chu jianghe and never be used again .

As night falls, Li Yong and Han Lu return home .

When Han Lu has dinner in the dining hall, she receives a phone call from the company . Huang Anhe reports to her that the Zhao Family has sent the medicinal materials to the company without charging a fee, saying that it’s compensation for their apologies .

Han Lu is so happy that she has a great appet.i.te . She eats two bowls of rice in succession .

After dinner, Han Lu sits in the living room and begins to make plans for the company in her notebook .

Now, the state’s land policy has allowed individuals to contract large areas of land . Han Lu decides to contract the land, build a base of medicinal materials and grow the medicinal materials needed by her own factory, so as to achieve self-sufficiency and get rid of the control of suppliers .

In this way, not only the cost can be reduced but also the quality can be strictly controlled to eliminate the bad shoddy behaviors . High-quality herbs can be selected to produce more effective drugs .

When Han Lu thinks of this, she is very happy and she can’t help talking to Li Yong about her ideas .

It is rare to see Han Lu so happy, so Li Yong immediately listens to her carefully . Although he doesn’t know much about contracting the land and building a base of medicinal materials, Li Yong still nods fiercely and praises Han Lu’s cleverness .

Then Han Lu immediately decides to invest 10 million yuan and asks Li Yong to contract 1,000 mu of land and be responsible for the construction of the base of medicinal materials, cultivation and management of medicinal materials .

Li Yong is stunned . He is too lazy to manage his own company and clinic . How can he be a medicinal herb grower? He lived in the countryside with the cripple when he was young . He has a deep understanding of the hard work in the land .

Seeing Han Lu so happy, Li Yong can’t bear to refuse her for a while . In order to divert Han Lu’s attention, Li Yong quietly takes out the gifts he bought in the mall and suddenly puts them in front of Han Lu .

“Darling, this is my first gift to you . I hope you like it . ” Li Yong says happily .

Han Lu is really attracted by the beautifully packaged gift box . She takes it in her hand and looks at it . Then she smiles and asks, “What is it?”

“Open it and see . ” Li Yong smiles lightly .

“It is underwear, isn’t it?” Han Lu asks . Li Yong also doesn’t know what Han Lu thought in her mind that she said it was underwear . Maybe it’s because the gift box is a little small and it can’t hold bigger clothes .

“Oh, you remind me of that . When my friend designs T-shaped cotton trousers, I will give you one and you can wear in winter . ” Li Yong says with a smile . An intoxicating picture emerges in his mind .

Han Lu is wearing T-shaped cotton trousers and walking slowly on the snowy street . Hha . . . She’s not cold at all . It’s absolutely deceptive .

Han Lu slowly opens the package and the glittering jewelry comes into her eyes . Ear studs, necklaces, rings and bracelets are shining and arranged neatly .

At this moment, the whole world is shining . Han Lu feels like she’s flying up . She and Li Yong are sitting side by side on the moon boat, looking at the shining stars in the blue sky and talking about the everlasting love myth .

There are meteors pa.s.sing under their feet, fairies flying over their heads, and immortal birds and beasts around them congratulating them .

Everything is so beautiful just like the delicate ear studs, necklaces, rings and bracelets .

Han Lu takes each one in her hand and looks at them carefully . Although she doesn’t know the true value, she is also a person with good taste . Each piece is exquisite in workmanship with unique patterns and artistic beauty, which is obviously of great value .

At this moment, Han Lu feels that even if these are fake, she will also be very happy .

From childhood to adulthood, Han Lu has received many gifts but none of them touched her heart . Finally, she picks up the invoice under the gift and looks at the number on it .

Li Yong spent 2 . 64 million yuan . Although it is not the most valuable gift she has received, it is her favorite .

“Darling, we are married but I haven’t bought you a ring . I hope it’s not too late . Come on, I’ll put it on for you . ” Li Yong picks up the ring with one hand and holds Han Lu’s small hand with the other hand . He is about to wear the ring to Han Lu’s finger .

“Wait a minute . ” Han Lu sits upright and smiles sweetly with her s.e.xy lips .

“What?” Li Yong wonders .

“That’s not the way to propose . You have to kneel down . ” Han Lu laughs .

Li Yong grabs his hair . He thinks that a man doesn’t easily kneel down . He can only kneel to the heaven and his mother . He is a little unwilling to kneel to his wife . But it is rare to see Han Lu so happy, so he still kneels down .

“Say quickly!” When Han Lu sees that Li Yong wants to grab her hand after kneeling down, she urges .

“Say what?” Li Yong is at a loss .

“Just like on TV, say you want to marry me and how will you treat me . . . ” Han Lu says with a red face .

“Oh, Darling . I want to sleep with you . I want to sleep with you every day . Even if one day you are old, I still want to sleep with you every day . I want to kiss your mouth every day . Even if one day you have no teeth, I still want to kiss your mouth . ” Then Li Yong asks, “Darling, is that enough?”

“What if I have no teeth?” Han Lu asks slowly .

“I will kiss your gums . ” Li Yong replies earnestly .

This is different from Han Lu’s imagination but she is moved by Li Yong . Especially Li Yong said that he would kiss her gums, which is definitely better than taking care of her life .

Han Lu nods with satisfaction and then she reaches out her hand to Li Yong .

Li Yong puts the ring on Han Lu’s hand, immediately picks up Han Lu and goes upstairs, saying excitedly, “Darling, we can finally consummate our marriage . . . ”

At this time, Han Lu finally doesn’t resist . She clasps her hands around Li Yong’s neck and becomes all red with shame .

Running into the bedroom, Li Yong throws Han Lu on the big bed . Li Yong can’t wait to jump on Han Lu . Han Lu, like a piece of soft rubber, almost bounces Li Yong up .

Looking at the s.e.xy red lips in front of him, Li Yong lowers his head and bites the lips . . .