Amorous Slave Girl

Chapter 10, Saintess of the Magic Lotus

I couldn"t figure out how the chapters worked in the other tl and I didn"t want to make things too confusing, so I retl-ed the entire chapter. If it makes anyone feel better about it, this isn"t MTL, so please enjoy.
Release schedule 1 a week

Chapter 10, Saintess of the Magic Lotus

Early morning, after Tao"er finished a.s.sisting her lady in was.h.i.+ng up and putting on makeup, she was just about to bring the lady"s breakfast from the kitchen when Lord Chen entered the guest hall outside of the lady"s room. Two of the guards were waiting outside of the door.

“Daddy, how come you"re looking for Bao"er so early in the morning? Is there something you need?” The instant Lady Bao"er saw her daddy, she went over to meet him in excitement.

Chen Hongjue gave the tip of Lady Bao"er"s nose an affectionate tap. “Daddy"s going to Yanbo Lake today to meet with a wealthy merchant from Persia to talk about some business, and I need to bring a girl without any seasickness problems to wait on us. Your Tao"er is the most suitable for this. There are many maids to serve in the residence anyway, so why don"t you borrow Tao"er to daddy for one day?”

“Aw~ So daddy"s not here to see Bao"er? Daddy wants to borrow Tao"er huh? That"s fine, but there"s one condition!” Lady Bao"er pretended to be angry and she pouted her lips cutely as she talked conditions with Chen Hongjue.

Watching his pretty and mischievous little daughter, Chen Hongjue couldn"t help but ask in a great mood, “What condition? Let"s hear it!”

“I want daddy to bring Bao"er as well, Bao"er wants to go!”

“No! Daddy can"t bring Bao"er!” Chen Hongjue refused the lady immediately.

“Why can Tao"er go but not me? Bao"er can wait on daddy too!” Chen Hongjue reached out to rub Lady Bao"er"s head. “You playful little fairy, you don"t want to go wait on daddy, I bet you want to go and play on the boat. Daddy"s going to be doing business this time, daddy"s not going to play. If you want to go, daddy will bring you there another day, and you can play your fill. After all, you"re a n.o.ble lady, how can you be shown off? Your grandmother"s going to nag to you again…”

“Aw~ Okay, I"ll listen to daddy and stay at home like a good girl!” Lady Bao"er was most afraid of old Madam Chen, so using her to persuade his spoiled little princess was Chen Hongjue"s ultimate skill, it never fails!

Then, Chen Hongjue proudly led Tao"er away onto his carriage and left the Chen Residence.

After an hour, Chen Hongjue and his entourage reached Yanbo Lake and boarded the Chen Residence"s private luxury boat. The Persian merchant had already arrived and was already sitting at a round table on the luxuriously decorated boat, enjoying tea and some snacks while a pretty Xiao Siu waited on him at his side.

The wealthy Persian merchant saw Chen Hongjue and his party entering the boat cabin and got up to greet him. He spoke in fluent Chinese, “Brother Chen, you"re finally here!” Chen Hongjue had also greeted him with all smiles. “Brother Darius! Please sit, there were some trivialities to deal with in the Chen Residence so I came late. I hope you can forgive me, Brother Darius!”

“Of course, of course…” Darius responded politely. His azure blue eyes trailed towards Tao"er who was behind Chen Hongjue and was instantly stunned. His eyes lit up, though stunned, he was much more joyously surprised! “Brother Chen, who is this girl?”

Chen Hongjue followed the direction where Darius pointed and turned to look. Turns out it was Tao"er. When Chen Hongjue saw how Darius, who had seen so many beauties around the world, lose himself after seeing the servant girl he brought, he couldn"t help but feel proud. But he still pretended to be modest and said, “Oh, you mean Tao"er? She"s just a normal servant girl from the Chen Residence!” Then, Chen Hongjue thought that Darius would definitely marvel at how full of beauties his residence is, that even a normal servant girl would be so pretty.

But he would have to disappoint Chen Hongjue this time. Darius didn"t listen to him at all and seemed to be thinking about something by himself. Then, he took out a sheepskin scroll from his robes and unfurled it on the table. Chen Hongjue looked down at it. On the scroll was the painting of a bodacious woman with a beautiful figure. She had a very dazzling appearance, but she also appeared hard to get close to. However, this woman looked to be almost 70% similar to Tao"er, and the last 30% of difference was just her temperament! Now it was Chen Hongjue"s turn to be curious. “Who"s the woman in this painting? Why does she look so much like Tao"er?”

Darius looked at Chen Hongjue, then at Tao"er, before opening his mouth to say, “The woman in this painting is a saintess from the Magic Lotus Sect that disappeared 16 years ago, Yun Ji!”

Chen Hongjue was shocked. “The Magic Lotus Sect! Are you talking about the Magic Lotus Sect from the Western Region that has been formed more than three hundred years ago, and had all kinds of mysterious treasure?!”

Darius nodded.

“Then how did you come across this painting? What"s more, you seem to know a lot about the Magic Lotus sect, Brother Darius?” Chen Heongjue said acutely.

Seeing that Darius was choosing to remain silent, and not responding, Chen Hongjue tried to persuade him again. “Brother Darius, what"s there that can"t be said between us? Quickly, tell me what"s going on, I might be able to help you out with something!”

Hearing Chen Hongjue saying that, Darius felt his heart move a little inside. He looked deeply at Tao"er for a moment before suddenly saying, “This painting was given to me by a friend. He is the Right Guardian of the Magic Lotus Sect. The Magic Lotus Sect has constantly been looking for their saintess, Yun Ji, who had disappeared for sixteen years. Only the past sect masters of the Magic Lotus Sect knows where the treasures are kept, but n.o.body has ever seen the legendary mountain of treasures, or the pill of youth that was rumored to be able to keep one young forever, and also increase one"s power with up to 600 years of experience. Since the key to unlocking the place where the treasures are kept had to be the brains of the female daughter born by the Saintess of the Magic Lotus and her beloved…”

When she heard the word brain, Tao"er couldn"t help covering her mouth with her hand to stop herself from screaming, while Chen Hongjue was also feeling gooseb.u.mps.

Darius stopped for a while before continuing on. “The saintesses of the Magic Lotus Sect has been known to be top quality and hard to come by since the ancient days, their beauty and bodies one-of-kind. Any man who has seen them would rarely be able to resist succ.u.mbing to their feet, and they give birth only to girls, never boys. Though their l.u.s.t is greater than the average woman, it is very difficult to make them fall in love with any man. Once they consummate their love with their beloved men, an enchanting red lotus will appear on the back of their right shoulders, and the brains of the baby girl born in ten months will be the key to unlocking the treasure. Until, sixteen years ago, a saintess finally appeared in the Magic Lotus Sect with the red lotus on her shoulder, and that was Yun Ji.

“Yun Ji fell in love with the Left Guardian of the Magic Lotus Sect, Aike Bai"er, but these two people betrayed the Magic Lotus Sect. They were unwilling to give up their daughter to the old sect master. So, one night, Aike Bai"er was going to flee with Yun Ji who was soon to give birth, but they were intercepted by the old sect master and the Right Guardian. The Left Guardian, Aike Bai"er engaged the old sect master and the Right Guardian, allowing Yun Ji to run away while they fought. After all, no matter how strong the Left Guardian"s martial skills were, he still can"t hold out against two enemies for long. The Right Guardian immediately took off to chase Yun Ji, but the Right Guardian couldn"t bear Yun Ji"s bitter pleading, and let her go.

“After all, Yun Ji was the only woman he ever loved, even if she never loved him. And so the Right Guardian was also punished. It wasn"t until the new sect master took up the position was he able to atone. The Left Guardian Aike Bai"er had also died from his heart having crushed by the old sect master"s strong internal power during their fight. If Yun Ji successfully gives birth to her baby without any accidents, then that child should be about sixteen years old now. She is no longer able to become the key to the treasure, but this girl will become the new saintess of the Magic Lotus Sect in the future. So, even if the Magic Lotus Sect is still looking for Yun Ji, the most important thing for them was to find her child.” Speaking up to this point, Darius stared at Tao"er without blinking and asked Chen Hongjue, “Say, do you think Tao"er could possibly be Yun Ji"s child? They look much too alike!”

Chen Hongjue thought about it and shook his head. “Tao"er can"t be her daughter, I found her when she was six years old at a temple in Liuzhou. On that year, a flood destroyed the village fields in Liuzhou, and a plague had also broken out. Both Tao"er"s parents were infected with the plague and pa.s.sed away. I thought she was pitiful, so I took her in as a servant girl to accompany my daughter who was the same age as her.”

Darius sighed and said, “Well, I was just asking anyway. After all, there are way too many people in this world who looked alike, just because she looks like Yun Ji doesn"t mean she has to be her daughter.”

After a moment of silence, Chen Hongjue and Darius both went back to their professional selves and began talking about business. Tao"er was also carefully waiting on them at the side as if nothing happened earlier.

After business was settled, Darius said his goodbyes and left. Before he left, he didn"t forget to take a few more glances at Tao"er.

After Darius left, Chen Hongjue asked the other servants to retire before embracing Tao"er from behind, and his hands were kneading her b.r.e.a.s.t.s nonstop. Tao"er said in a fl.u.s.ter, “My lord, no…don"t…there are still guards standing outside the cabin.”

“What are you afraid of? The cabin is soundproof, they can"t hear anything at all.” Chen Hongjue groped Tao"er"s honey pot unbridled over her clothes.

His lower half had already long swelled up and its head raised to pitch a large tent beneath his wide robes. Chen HOngjue untied Tao"er clothes and pulled off her undergarments. Her two fair flesh mounds were being ground repeatedly by his big palms. “Tao"er, how are your b.r.e.a.s.t.s this big? I really wish I can knead them till they burst!” Then, he pulled over Tao"er"s tender hand to his swollen desire. “Ah…” Chen Hongjue groaned in excitement while he reached over to undo his clothes. He pulled down his pants and pulled out his thick and long manhood that was as tough as iron, grinding around Tao"er"s bottom through the thin fabric. Tao"er couldn"t hold back her moans. “Ah…mm…My lord…no…ah…” Chen Hongjue"s hands continued to move down. He pulled up Tao"er"s skirt and pulled her little panties down. He played with Tao"er"s rich endowments with one hand while he fondled her petals with the other. He stretched his finger in and thrust them quickly. Tao"er"s body was quaking rapidly, and her moans became louder and louder. Her round hips swayed with the movements of his finger, and her little cave was also flowing with great amounts of her honeyed juices, getting them all over Chen Hongjue"s hand. Suddenly, Chen Hongjue took his fingers out of her and with a jerk of his body, thrust his great erection deep into her small hole, then pounded inside her forcefully.

Chen Hongjue raised his hands to give that fair white b.u.t.tock a slap. “Twist your b.u.t.t, you little s.l.u.t, quickly!” Under the ministrations of his beatings, Tao"er twisted her b.u.t.t pa.s.sionately. Then, Chen Jongjue pressed Tao"er"s little body down a little so that he could reach the center of her flower with every thrust. Soon after, Tao"er was f.u.c.ked until she cried aloud. “Mh…Anh…Ah…My lord, please f.u.c.k this slave harder…It feels so good…There…Mmgh…”

Hearing Tao"er"s salacious cries, Chen Hongjue turned her over and pulled off her skirt. He helped her over him until she was seated on him, and with a “plop”, merged their bodies tightly together. Tao"er supported both her hands on Chen Hongjue"s firm chest while the unbearable itch of her little honeypot urged her to keep moving her pet.i.te waist, rubbing the thick rod beneath her. The pair of plump jade-like flesh mounds were bobbing nonstop atop her body. “Ah…this slave…can"t take any more…Anh…ah…” Tao"er screamed out in her o.r.g.a.s.m while a gush of honey flowed from her little hole, the heat of it causing Chen Hongjue"s huge rod to tremble fiercely. Then, her body fell limply on his. Her little face was scarlet red while she panted softly.

Chen Hongjue gently caressed Tao"er"s hair and allowed her to relax her body that was still shaking non-stop from her climax. Suddenly, a big hand came over to Tao"er"s right shoulder a little hesitantly and caressed it softly. But there was nothing there, her skin was still fair and tender. He couldn"t help himself from being a little disappointed. Disappointed from what? Whether it was because Tao"er was not the Saintess of the Magic Lotus, or if he was disappointed because Tao"er did not love him, even Chen Hong Jue could not figure it out…