Amorous Slave Girl

Chapter 13, Meeting Danger Halfway

If you"re here for a continuation after the other translator, do note that the right chapter to continue with is chapter 11 from my side as chapters 10 through 12 of MeNMi"s translations are all chapter 10.

Chapter 13, Meeting Danger Halfway

Under the warm shadows of the verdant trees were cast on the ground, with the romantic view of the mountains and flowers in the background, two happy little nuns were hopping and jumping cheerfully on the small winding road. “Haha, Tao"er! We"re finally out of town! We"ll finally be safe! Our brothers will never expect even in their wildest dreams that we would disguise ourselves as nuns!”

“Yeah, it was so dangerous when we had to go past the young masters. I was so so scared right then my heart nearly jumped out of my chest!” Tao"er patted her chest, still feeling the anxiety from back then, but her eyes were s.h.i.+ning with excitement.

“Goodness, Tao"er you"re just such a worrywart. After pa.s.sing through the tallest s.h.i.+zi Mountain, then through the town of Liushu, we"ll reach Biyun Mountain. Sire Ning Xi lives there. Even though I don"t know the specific location, I"m sure we"ll definitely be able to find him!” Lady Bao"er pointed to the tallest peak of the tower while she spoke to Tao"er in high spirits.

“Young lady, you"ve never been outside before, how are you so familiar with the terrain?” Tao"er asked suspiciously.

“Of course I would only dare to take you out because I"ve asked around! Did you think your lady was just going out here on a whim? I"m not that silly. Oh, that"s right! Let"s take off these ugly nun robes, then we"ll go wash our faces at the creek on the other side of the woods!” Lady Bao"er pulled down her nun hat to reveal her smooth black hair.

The two came to the creek and took off their monastic robes, going back to their previous master and servant dress they had come out with. Young Lady Bao"er was wearing a pink dress made of quality fabric with fine workmans.h.i.+p, and she had an expensive jade bangle at her wrist. You could tell at the very first glance that she was a young lady from a wealthy family. Tao"er was dressed in white, and though she was dressed as a servant, her beautiful face and attractive body was definitely better at attracting the gazes of others compared to the young miss, especially the eyes of men!

After was.h.i.+ng their faces, Lady Bao"er and Tao"er were just about to walk out of the woods when three big men suddenly appeared behind them. One of them quickly made a move to knock them out. “Wow, Deputy, what"re you doing? We still have to transport our cart of grains up to the stronghold!” A bearded Zhang Fei[1]-looking man asked, confused. Another man with a scar on his face answered with a nasty glint in his eyes. “Heixiong[2], are you an idiot? Of course the Deputy knocked out these two ladies so we can bring them back to the stronghold and give the brothers a good time! Right? Deputy?”

“As if! You"re going to fall into misfortune one of these days with how much your mind is filled with playing with women, Dulang[3]! Keep your eyes on these two. With how they"re dressed, this must be the young lady of a big family and her servant girl. We"ll drag them back then we"ll pry from their mouths which family they"re from. Once we find out, money will practically be knocking at our doors! Hahaha~” The deputy couldn"t help himself from laughing when he said that.

When they heard the Deputy say that, both Heixiong and Dulang praised, “As expected of the Deputy! We"ve really found ourselves a great deal this time!” Then, the two of them followed the Deputy home, laughing loudly all the way.

The Deputy ordered Heixiong to find two sacks left behind from buying rice and pack Lady Bao"er and Tao"er into each one, then haul them up into the cart. After setting them down properly, they brought them back to the stronghold.

The atmosphere in the Chen residence was tense. Lord Chen"s face was dark like a volcano that was going to erupt at any moment. Chen Ke and Luo Yu were seated upright with a worried frown over their faces. Luo Shangshu began awkwardly, “Brother Hong Juexian, Bao"er has been missing for more than two days and we haven"t been able to find a trace of her, neither can we make a ruckus to find her, lest we ruin the reputations of both the Chen and Luo family. The marriage date is getting closer and closer, what should we do?”

“Lord Shangshu, you don"t have to…” Just as Lord Chen was about to speak up to appease Luo Shangshu, he was suddenly interrupted by General Han and his deputy Zhao Bi who have suddenly rushed in. “Lord Luo, Lord Chen, sorry to interrupt!”

“Oh, what has the great General Han suddenly come for?” Lord Chen got up to salute him.

“Indeed, General Han. Have you not been busy chasing after the thief who stole the tributes? How come you"re here?” Luo Shangshu asked after his salutations. Luo Yu and Chen Ke who were standing at the side were also looking at each other, both very confused.

“Well, I have received a secret report today that says that two girls have been kidnapped to s.h.i.+zi Mountain by the very same group of bandits who stole the tributes. One of the women were said to look exactly like your servant girl Tao"er that I am familiar with, so I took the liberty to come and confirm it!” General Han explained them his presence today.

Everyone was shocked! But Lord Chen was the first to snap out of it. “I will not keep it from you, General Han, but my daughter and my servant girl Tao"er has been missing for more than two days, but I"d never thought they were kidnapped by bandits. I will have to implore you, great General Han to help save my daughter and her maid from their hands. I will definitely offer a generous reward for this!”

“You do not need to prepare a reward. It is the duties of a general to deal with the bandits, saving them is only a part of it. All right, I will now go and make plans for rescue. Farewell!” General Han and his deputy was just about to leave when they heard Chen Ke and Luo Yu come forth to exclaim at the same time, “Wait! I will go too!”

“Nonsense! Ke"er, you are not well in martial arts, you will only be sending yourself to your death! You better behave and stay at home!” Lord Chen warned Chen Ke sternly.

“Yu"er, you are also not allowed to go. Father does not want you to put yourself in danger. General Han is both proficient in martial arts and G.o.dlike in the battlefield. He will definitely be able to save them!” Luo Shangshu quickly caught hold of his unruly but precious son.

General Han laughed. “That"s right, sires. Your bodies are precious, and the blades of those bandits do not discriminate. It"s better to stay in the safety of your homes!” Then, General Han said his farewells once more. Both Chen Ke and Luo Yu watched on in disappointment as they and left.

[1]Zhang Fei is a military general who served under Liu Bei in the Three Kingdoms period.

[2]Heixiong"s name means Black Bear.

[3]Dulang"s name is Poison Wolf.