Anonym & Switch, Obtaining Power to Retaliate

Chapter 15

Chapter 15

Bargain (3)

Her eyes started to bulge out from staring at the cup, and her tongue licked her lips. Switch was watching and really felt like laughing as she gulped down quite a lot of it.

Then suddenly, she spurted it all out at him, making him breath hard in utter rage.

"What the h.e.l.l!? I said freedom elixir! What is this!?"

Switch clicked his fingers to have a pool of water appear and dove in straight away. He really had just stomped on his own foot! He had the cup be full of horse urine, but had never expected that the little runt would spit it back out at him. How humiliating!


As Switch washed himself in his sorrows, Anonym seemed to get over the drink and started to eat. It did smell, but then, so did she.

Seeing the pool of water, she decided to bathe after she finished eating this delicious feast!

Switch was something she might have to keep around after all! Perhaps, her second slave…

The food tasted great, and Anonym felt herself relax after her strenuous training.

She had spent six months going over the invisibility books and finally was able to cultivate all of it. Due to the difference of how you cultivate different talents and personal traits, Anonym knew she had to work on some things out of this closed in s.p.a.ce as well.

But, she could become visible and invisible again at will now. On top of that, she was able to make other things invisible and visible also. That was the first book of invisibility, among learning the way to cultivate the art. What is cultivated through the art of Invisibility is what can"t be seen. So, she had to spend a great deal of time just trying to figure that out, with her not so clever brain!

What had helped her was the former body"s father, back when she had seen him last. The time that she had been pushed, she had figured that it was what couldn"t be seen!

Slowly, after knowing a tiny bit more about it, she could cultivate it and found some improvement. The second book contained things that were a lot harder. She could now rise anything from the floor towards the roof and move it around.

Anonym couldn"t wait to scare somebody with this trick!


Sadly, she had realized that she hadn"t done or learnt anything else and it had already been six months!

Making effective use of her time, she had then decided to use the magical stones, that had been stolen, and improve on cultivating Power. Knowing it was quite a scary thing to cultivate, Anonym still wasn"t in the least bit worried. Cultivating Power was quite remarkable and she knew it would help improve in everything, but of course it was the most worrisome and rarely used because it could so easily take your life. It was basically a tug of war with the magical stones, you had to steal the power from within them. If you didn’t succeed, the stone would take your power instead and become a higher graded stone.

Having memories and former usage of her lost cultivation on Power, she knew what she was doing and spent four months on cultivating Power alone. And in that four months, her Power had tripled, meaning that whatever she was the learn now, would be a lot easier in the future. Of course, as a main effect of Power, it makes your talent more powerful as well. For instance, she would now be able to give a bigger push then that of the former father would have.

It was after this that she had remembered a few things. One was that she should personally cultivate Proficiency to make learning anything else quicker. Then, she could also get some pills that alchemists make that help with cultivation. Seeing that she hadn’t seen any pills, she was sure that the Hydra Clan was one of the lowest clans on the continent. It may have looked big on the outside, but it didn’t seem to contain items of medium or high value.


When she had stopped cultivating Power, Anonym knew that she should continue to find something else to cultivate, but had gotten a little bored. She had remembered in her previous life"s that she would spent quite some time in secluded cultivation...But she was suddenly feeling like she wasn"t making the best of her time...She really wanted some freedom elixir! She wanted to try her new tricks on people! But, she slowly had decided that she would think of that more after a year had fully gone by.

As another two months went by, she grudgingly continued her cultivation but had ended up absolutely exhausted! Having spent the last two months with pressured cuffs, that helped to cultivate Strength, she was able to double her strength, while upgrading her dexterity by doing all her training with her eyes closed. Dexterity didn"t show too much of an improvement, as a better way to cultivate it would be during sword play or obstacle courses, again, during doing these, it would be better with your eyes closed.

After sweat had trickled down her clothes and her face had been red through her pumped up blood, she couldn"t help but fall to the floor. The floor now was deeper, through her punching it. The walls around her had gone outward through her kicks and she had found a hard rock to practise on, but now that had small holes in it, as she had slowly gotten stronger.

That was it though! She had fallen into a deep sleep upon falling to the ground. And two days later, Switch had come in and she couldn"t help but ask first for freedom elixir and food!

