Anonym & Switch, Obtaining Power to Retaliate

Chapter 1

Chapter 1



As a soul had left a body, through the art of Reincarnation, it raced towards another body where the soul had already detached itself, yet, the body was still alive. As the soul inserted itself into a new body, the earth rumbled everywhere, this was indeed a sign! Every time the earth rumbled like this throughout the whole lands of Roneglaise, some knew that someone powerful had come! It had happened sometimes twice in a lifetime but this time it had been 95 years and people who didn"t know about it were a little shocked as they fell to the trembling earth.

When the earth stopped shaking, the soul was finally complete within its new body. Greedy people started to look towards new children that were just born, to see if that powerful person was close by. Many had read upon some books of legends that had come and gone, they had been strong indeed and the books didn"t have too many false truths. At least three of the books stated that the earth had trembled when this powerful person had come! And when those three people had grown and become someone...They were known throughout all four continents of Roneglaise!

These books were everywhere, they were even people that knew them by heart and people that wanted to become legends just like the person in those three books!

Now, the race was on to find this person and the easiest way to look would be to see if a child had been born at the same moment that the earth had started to tremble.



But that wasn"t the case for Anonym...This time, the body was that of a small girl that seemed to be of the age of ten, who had been mind controlled by the Hydra Clan. Presently, the Hydra Clan was on the continent known as Murkcloud and it was on the southern part of the planet. The reason for the name of the clan to be this was simply because it looked like an eight-legged town on top of the water. This clan seemed to be a popular, greedy and secretive set of people. The outside looked quite normal, but in the inner parts of the town was where the main family held their most precious people who knew of the art of Mind Control. And this little girl had been mind controlled for the fact that she had a very rare talent of invisibility. This talent had been born as part of her, so she would not be able to choose another talent previously. But now that Anonym had come inside of her soulless body, Anonym was able to use her other talents now that she could remember them.


What seemed to be unnecessary information, was that Anonym didn"t particular care for names. In the first memory remembered, which at that time he had been a male, there wasn"t even a name given to him until adulthood. And that name had been Anonym...

The reason someone had called him that, was because no one had known how he had come to be at the desolate place they had been in. Anonym also didn"t have any parents, so they thought him as anonymous.

Since, she had many names, both male and female, but had always gone back to Anonym of her own accord just before death because of the memories that would flow through her mind.

Anonym wasn"t worried that she was now female, it was far from being a thing that she was worried about. Actually, now remembering her previous life"s, gender meant nothing after the first couple of times of changing from male to female and then back again. But that was the same as a lot of things, as Anonym had been reincarnated so many times, there was little that seemed to faze her now. Remembering her past, she knew that she could now finish all the other talents that she had started to previously learn, and now she could include the art of Invisibility to her list. It was time that she let herself get excited! She felt like she was finally awake and free!


From the first moment of being complete inside of this girl"s body, the body changed slightly to become healthier, as Anonym"s talents started to flow through her mind. With the body being close to starvation and dehydration, Anonym knew that this little body would have probably died within the next day or two, but the soul had seemed to have perished earlier. Because in a previous life Anonym had accomplished the art of Rejuvenation, she never really had to eat or drink anymore. With knowing the next step of the art of Rejuvenation, sickness would also be something that could be recovered of quickly. That would definitely be something that Anonym would want to learn!

Ah, so much to do and learn!

As for living longer or to stop from growing old in the first place, a previous life had mastered that already but it had never worked. That was a previous life that was indeed one of the legends that was in one of the three books! Because it hadn"t worked, people had been very sad to see the death of that previous life at that time. Anonym still is unsure why it hadn"t worked and could only guess that it may not work since I will always reincarnate and that the two talents or arts can"t overlap each other. That took a lot of time to think up for Anonym, and she seemed pretty sure that the reason for it. After "figuring" it out, she had no longer cared to think about it anymore...

Now, there was too much to think about!

So, this was indeed, just the beginning...

