Anonym & Switch, Obtaining Power to Retaliate

Chapter 10

Chapter 10

Treasure (2)


The words were very weak, hardly even heard through her ears.

"Old man." She replied. From his emotional, weak voice, hers was a nonchalant one, which would make one think that there was absolutely nothing between the two of them...

He looked at her, obviously seeing her right in front of him. How was that possible!? "Marissa?"

The question was because of the bodies on the floor and wondering if she might even be his child.

Anonym put her dagger away and sat beside him, "Old man, Marissa died. But seeing as I took her body, I want to know more about invisibility. I can"t even become visible right now!"

The old man coughed and a tear fell down his face, he hadn"t heard anything after "Marissa died". Clenching his fists, that were still tied down, and closing his eyes, he found himself having trouble breathing. It had been torturous in the last couple of days, he had to watch the Hydra Clan wreck his house, then kill his family and then he was forcefully taken away. The only thing that helped him was that his daughter had gotten free, that the impossible had happened and he had been happy in a way, also relieved.


What he had just heard, broke his heart. Did his family die in vain?

"I didn"t kill her, old man. Her body was in such a poor condition that she would have died a couple of days ago anyway. Now will you tell me about the art of invisibility?"

The old man was hurting, his heart broken and shattered. How could he continue? ""

"Hey, if you want die, I"ll kill you, but tell me what I want to know first!" Anonym was getting a little angry, she had just saved this old man and now he wants to die! Wasn"t he grateful at all!?

Opening his eyes, to look at the child in front of him, he saw that she looked like his late wife. "...You..."

Wanting to stomp her feet in impatience, she was already over his speechless manner. "Old man, I got the book from your house, then buried your family, can you tell me anything else?"

By the time she finished speaking, she was looking at him with excitement and the father wondered if she thought that she was a good girl for doing a good deed, with that kind of look on her face.

Taking quite some time to ingest this news, another tear escaped from his eyes. "Child, thank you."

This time she really stamped her foot! "I am not a child!"

The old man let out a small smile, to the child stamping her foot. "Mmm. All grown up, my little Marissa. I"m sorry that I couldn"t protect you."

Being called somebody else"s name, made her frown, but she didn"t reply to his words. They were sincere and Anonym could see his regret and hopelessness. That kind of voice and words. .h.i.t a nerve with her, as she knew what it was like!

A minute went by before the old man spoke again, "It is all in the book, but please, for my family...Live on! Don"t let them catch you!"

Of course! Like I was going to die willingly, you idiot, old man!

She got her dagger out, but the old man said, "Wait! One more thing. The Hydra Clan have something to help you with cultivating Invisibility, they have it locked up in the inner part of the city. I wanted to get it but could never reach it with the power I had. It"s the next book that follows the one you have now, they took it from me before I could make it invisible from their eyes. Get it back!"

Anonym sighed, this old man sure is weak uh! "Sure, I"ll get it!"

Smiling, the old man looked at her gently, "Father is ready now."

Looking at the old man, she saw his eyes become misty but still showed such love towards her face...

Striking the dagger directly into his heart, the father let out a groan, but never stopped looking at Anonym. "Sorry..."

Wiping the dagger, she guessed that the old man felt grateful that she had been the one to kill him. He must have felt bad about what had happened to the former her.

Seeing that they were currently in a locked room, all Anonym could do, was wait for the door to open to escape.

So, she hid the bodies out of sight as best as she could, so she would have enough time to escape, and then meditated beside the closed, locked door.

Thinking of her next plan, she waited patiently.



It was another hour before the door was opened, which was earlier then they thought, but they hadn"t heard noises for so long that they wanted to know what was happening!

In the quick moments that they had entered, Anonym had left. She didn"t know what happened after that, but she guessed it would be confusion and then anger rants or frustration.

Before she continued out, she didn"t forget the freedom elixir that she had left behind. It had blended nicely into its surroundings and hadn"t moved from where she had left it. What a bargain!

Being already inside of the inner part of the Hydra Clan, she wanted to attempt to get the book that had been stolen from the former body"s father.

But, where could it be?

Anonym sighed and started to investigate. Having finished the cup of freedom elixir, she got another from the elder’s room, and continued her investigation...