Anonym & Switch, Obtaining Power to Retaliate

Chapter 11

Chapter 11

Treasure (3)

Two days later, they knew of her existence inside of the inner Hydra Clan area, but they could never find her. They were so frustrated for the loss of lives and loss of alcohol, that they were going red with anger!

They couldn’t believe that such a small, little girl could cause so much trouble! They weren’t even able to get over the fact that their capture method was totally ruined now, because the father had died, before they found out that people were dying in separate places from within the inner Hydra Clan! Ever since this girl had gone missing there has been nothing but trouble!

Anonym hadn"t hesitated to kill anyone who was seen and obviously had continued to drink slowly, all this time.

It had become annoying to walk backwards and forwards and had welcomed a bigger leather flask, that would hold more!

She thought that one she got it off, must have been a real alcoholic bludger!

Falling asleep that night, she was holding this flask with a small smile on her little, sleeping face...


While ransacking through the Hydra Clans belongings, Anonym found quite a few things that she wanted to keep for herself. Now that three days had pa.s.sed, her bountiful treasure was starting to really pile up and become an obvious place they could catch her.

Sighing, Anonym stacked what she could on herself and abandoned searching for the book...She had too much stuff already!

Finding out a day ago, about carts that they use to make it easier to carry items from one place to another, she put her treasures on there and followed behind the person that was travelling out of the inner Hydra Clan. Since being reincarnated this time, this person had become her very first slave!

Seeing that the guards had locked the doors, because of her, she wondered what she should do...It would be normal for them to expect the goods and make sure that she wasn"t around, otherwise how could they tolerate losing the invisible girl to their leader!

Also, she would obviously loss all her treasure! On that thought, it occupied her mind more so then that of them being able to capture her.

Anonym saw that they weren"t relenting to let the person out, so she dashed out and killed them both, then turned towards her first slave, carting her goods...Should I continue to use him?

But, she regretted not killing them, as they ran off shouting out that she was there. Grunting her bad feelings towards her first slave, she picked up the keys to the lock and unlocked it herself. She couldn"t wait to get another servant to do all this tiring work for her!

Carting the goods by herself, she left, leaving the bodies laying on the ground. She didn"t care that it was so directly obvious on how she had escaped. She was planning to come back again soon anyway, so they could try and catch her again then!

The inner part of the Hydra Clan could now be considered somewhat of a playground now to this little runt!

When she turned the corner to go outside, she saw that it was a relatively populated place. A cart being pulled by itself would be a big give away right?

Anonym hadn"t moved for a full minute, and in that minute, people had already started to come to chase her, there wasn"t any time! But...Her treasure! No way was she going to leave it there!

Seeing a big bound of fur, that was at a close by shop, Anonym smiled, thinking of an idea.

She quickly grabbed it, threw her treasures into it and then pulled it to the side, to be placed against the wall.

And the cart stayed there, just outside the door, looking totally out of place!

Sitting down with her treasures, she decided to wait until the soldiers ran off looking for her in different directions. Haha, I"m right here fools!

Light sn.i.g.g.e.ring coming from a place near the wall wasn"t heard, as they started to frantically search for the little invisible runt!


It was another hour before she left, pulling the fur rug around the wall, to go outside of the Hydra Clan. It was quite a heavy load! Anonym stopped twice before she finally was on her way towards her little hideout with all her treasure!

What she found, when she came to her secret hideout, was a bad sight indeed. Frowning in displeasure, she continued to drag the fur rug towards her spot.

There was an intruder, and he was reading her book! How could he have seen it!?

Then there were other treasures that had been dragged to another corner, becoming another kind of stash. What was going on in her spot!?

Releasing her new lot of treasure, she got out her dagger, as she crept closer to the intruders.

It was in a dense mossy, vine place, in a dirt hole. It had leaves around the entrance, which had hidden the small cave below. It really was a nice little hiding spot!

But now, the opening was huge and dirt had been put everywhere! It was not even a hiding spot anymore, just a wide area that could be seen in all directions! What the h.e.l.l!

Her anger, was boiling! She was...Not happy!

Seeing the state of her spot, she decided to investigate the intruders a bit. She watched, with eyes like a hawk, very much unhappy that her belongings were being touched!

