Anonym & Switch, Obtaining Power to Retaliate

Chapter 12

Chapter 12

Treasure (4)

"Mmm, Presley, now I know where invisibility originated from."

There was silence replying to the voice. It was quite unusual, so Switch looked up at his best friend, "It isn"t your treasure. Someone is bound to come back for this."

Presley huffed, moving his claw full of treasure closer to him, then eyeing the rest near Switch. "No one is here now, let me take it!"

Switch sighed, staying quite expressionless, "I"ll make treasure for you, now put it back!"

"No!" Presley was a proud dragon! Why would he give up treasure!

Switch turned the next page of the book that he was reading, "I won"t feed you."

Wide, yellow dragon eyes stared at Switch, how could he not feed him! His tasty food was all thanks to Switch! But...But, these treasures! This poor little dragon was absolutely torn!

Actually, this dragon wasn"t very "little", he was just young. He would still easily carry three people on his back and be able to fly. But he was still quite a young, little dragon.

Switch had taken his cave, sleeping in it one day. Presley had tried to scare him, which hadn"t worked, then tried to hurt him...Which hadn"t worked either, because he himself had gotten hurt instead!

After Switch had woken up, he had thanked Presley for the use of his cave, by giving him many delicious foods!

With a click of his fingers, Switch could make a table appear and food on it that was recently cooked and steaming hot. If the food had disappeared and Presley was still hungry, more clicks would happen until he was full.

But, also with a click of his fingers, Switch had made his treasure disappear inside of his cave. Presley hadn"t wanted Switch to leave him there, since he had tasted all that lovely food, but he didn"t want to leave his treasures behind.

To the missing treasures, Switch had made them disappear so that he would no longer have to "leave" them behind, causing his troubles to be solved. Naturally, a dragon would get pretty upset with their treasure being taken from them…But Switch had already left the cave without him!

Unable to think of any other way, Presley had followed Switch, leaving his cave for the very first time, and grew accustomed to his ways. It was really a handful at the beginning, as he was still mad at Switch because of his treasure. But over the s.p.a.ce of just a few weeks, they had become quite good friends. He was always feed until full and Switch had protected him from being harmed by others. Well, those were the days before Switch made him invisible. But, this stupid dragon would always try and make friends with people and want to fly them around! Switch, on the other hand, would rather stay away from them...And...He was afraid of heights...

Of course, Presley, till this day, laughs every time he thinks about it!

In the years that they have spent together, they had gone through thick and thin, making their already unique relationship, even more special.

"How long are we staying here?" Presley asked, still a little mad about Switch wanting him to give up this treasure. Not caring about how good or what kind of treasure it was, to him it was still treasure! And he had made no move yet to relinquish what he had stolen.

"As long as I have bordered my horizons. The only flaw I have is through not thinking of such things, here will give me more ideas for any future events." Switch said.

Presley sighed and was just about to ask another question, when he could hear a small child"s voice.

"That"s. My. Treachah!"


Already, Presley got up and wanted to fight! As long as it was in his sight it would be hard to let it go! "I want it!"

Anonym had drunk too much, she hadn"t wanted to come in previously because of the mythic dragon that she had never seen before. But, her senses lacked since becoming drunk and she walked straight in through wanting her stuff back!

"It"s just a little girl, Presley." Switch said, still sitting, with the book in front of him.

"You too!" Anonym pointed at Switch and hiccupped, "Givit back!"

Raising his eyebrows, Switch closed the book and put it on the ground.

Anonym could see that he saw her...It had taken her this long to figure it out, but now that she knew, she lost her vigour, "Ya both can see me?"

Switch just nodded, "Mmm."


Silence filled the air.

Switch narrowed his eyes at this little girl and saw a light within her. Widening his eyes, he couldn"t believe it, he"d found another like himself. This tiny little girl contained power that could be grown to become even more powerful!

"Ah, what ya lookin at! You like this lil girl?" Anonym laughed.

The silence broken now, Presley walked up closer to the girl.

"Can I have your treasure?"

Anonym was stupefied, really? Someone was asking for my treasure? Do they think I"d give it to them?

She really wanted to mock this dragon, but simply stated, "Not. On. My. Life!"

She"d worked hard for this! No way!

Presley sulked and looked at Switch, "Make me treasure and I"ll return it to her."

"Return it first." Was all he said.

"You"re such a mean, mean person Switch! I want the treasure first! Please, please!"

While he was talking to Switch, Anonym gathered the treasure that the dragon had called his and put it with her other treasure, near Switch.

"Hey!" Presley shouted, "That"s mine!"

"Nah it"s not!"

Switch frowned, "Kids, that"s enough!"

They both shut up and looked at Switch, one was a look of winner and the other of a loser.

Anonym smirked and took another gulp of her freedom elixir.

Switch took the flask off her and took a swig himself, then frowned, "This is alcohol. Not good for little kids."

With a click, it vanished.

A sound escaped from Anonym"s wide mouth...My...Freedom elixir...How dare he!?