Anonym & Switch, Obtaining Power to Retaliate

Chapter 17 (Part Two)

Chapter 17 (Part Two)


Two days later, Switch finally woke up, seeing Anonym sleeping next to him. She was still in a sitting position, but her head was beside his body and looking very pale.

Swallowing, he went to touch her, but then he saw his arm. It was back to normal!

Looking at his other arm, he saw the same thing!

Sitting up, he found that he wasn’t weak anymore either…What had she done?

Knowing that he had tried to heal himself and it hadn’t worked, he looked at her and blinked. If nothing existed that could heal him, then what had she done!?

Seeing her look very pale, he tried to heal her, but remembered that she had soul scribed her soul to no longer accept magic…

Becoming a little scared, he started to lightly hit her cheeks, “Wake up!”

“Mmm.” Anonym mumbled, before she got more comfortable again and went back to sleep.

Wanting to bite his lips because he was uncertain, he shook her again. “Anonym!”

Bringing her up, to be beside him on the bed, she started to move and opened her eyes a little bit. “Switch!”

Seeing her unable to move much, he cuddled her, “Are you ok?”

“Mmm, just tired.” Even though he heard these words, they were weak…

He cuddled her even tighter and felt her shudder.

“What’s wrong? Are you ok?” He asked. Had he hugged her too tightly?

Anonym put a hand to his face and smiled. “I’m…So glad, you’re okay!”

Taking her hand in his, he kissed her forehead, “I don’t know how you did it, but I’m all better now!”

She lightly chuckled, “For two days I tried to rid your sickness, by transferring it into something else, see?”

She pointed to a huge pile of black tainted stones, that looked close to ash. Some had broken in half or quarters, some even had broken in a h.e.l.l of lot more scattered bits and pieces, but they were all black and looked terrible.

Switch couldn’t believe it had been possible, with such a sickness, he honestly thought he was going to die again.

Looking down at her, he smiled, “Thank you.”

She smiled lazily back, it really felt good to see his eyes opened and talking, it made her very happy!

Leaning her forehead against his, she put her hands to his face and finally said the words that she wanted to say. “I love you, Switch. Don’t ever…Ever do that again!”

Putting his hands to her face, he looked at her with smiling eyes. He had wanted to hear those words from her for such a long time! Finally, having heard them, he said the same words back to her.

Taken in the moment, he kissed her. It really was a soft kiss at first, gentle like a breeze. But, as she put her hands around his neck, he deepened the kiss and laid on top of her.

This girl…This woman!

Such a stubborn thing!

Anonym felt like Switch had even changed the way he touched her. Little sparks were felt all over her body and her heart could not slow down! Having even more of a keener sense now, it was so much better than their first and second kiss. His normal smell, his normal touch!

He was alive! This man was alive…And he loves me!

Suddenly, this man became even more precious to her.

She did feel tired, but his mouth lingering over her, kept her awake and feeling like she was falling into an addictive state of never wanting to stop!

Switch couldn’t help but leave his mark all over this beautiful, stubborn woman!

He had thought that was the end, but she’d saved him…Then she told him such sweet words that he could reminisce a thousand times over in the future!

Her body was like silken, smooth jade, that he couldn’t get enough of! He was indeed, also addicted.

Both bodies, seemed to be thinking of how happy they were at this precise moment…




After Switch left Anonym, a few hours later, the first thing he wanted to do was to see his son. Having felt like he almost lost his family, he couldn’t wait to make even better time with what he has!

The strange thing was, he wasn’t afraid of death…He had already died so many times! What he was afraid of, was losing what he has at this moment!

Just like Anonym, he had thought that if he had died, who knew the next time they could see each other! How long it might take!

If he had died and then come to seek her out later, the dragons might attack him. Or he might even be a different gender…Thinking more about it, gender wouldn’t stop him from seeking her out! But, perhaps there would be a huge age gap and after quite some time she might forget about him…

Trying hard, he tried not to think and walked around the corner, to his son’s place, within the cave.

There he was…Such a grub!

Smiling, he watched his son eat and throw around his wooden sword that had seen better days. Unable to stay away, Switch was determined to spend some time with him.

Being very happy to just be in his son’s presence, he did whatever Alex wanted to do…And Alex, of course, wanted to fight!

So, Switch made two new wooden swords and smiled warmly at Alex. “Show me what you’ve learnt, my son!”

Actually, Switch was totally taken aback! Alex had indeed, improved immensely!

And, Alex took after his mother by being totally ruthless and making Switch hurt in places and trip over! Had he been gone that long that his son rules over him with this!

Becoming serious, Switch fought back with more vigour and both of them couldn’t seem to stop, as they started to sweat and have blisters on their hands!

When his own son didn’t yield to him, Switch sighed. “Okay, let me see your hands. We’ll stop for now.”

Alex put up his sword, “No!”

Both of them! Both of them were as stubborn as h.e.l.l!

“Yes!” Switch said, putting down his sword and kneeled down, “Now, come here!”

Seeing his father so serious, Alex could only do as he was told. He wasn’t happy about it though! His own mother had told him that enduring only makes you stronger!

But, he couldn’t go against his father…

The conflicted boy went to his father and watched as he magically healed him.

Taken aback, due to Switch’s sudden embrace, Alex let out a funny sound.

“Alex, you make me a proud father!”

Feeling strange, Alex tried to pull back but couldn’t. His mother rarely spoke words like these, making him unsure how to respond.

Switch only pulled back enough so that he could look at his face. “In the future, I will teach you how to use your magic.”


“No buts!” Switch said.

Closing his mouth, Alex stared at his father. Taken by his seriousness, he nodded and smiled.

Being such a young boy, Alex’s thoughts ended up being quite easy and suddenly, he became a much more doting son to his father!

A whole new window opened up for this little boy as he looked at his father, who had just suddenly become his hero!




Switch and Alex ended up a very close couple after that, and when Anonym finally woke up, a day later, she saw this…

She was no longer pale, instead looking healthy and lively, which made Switch happy.

When he made room for her at the table, she stood there with a strange look.

“What’s wrong?” Switch asked.

Anonym looked at Alex with narrowed eyes and the boy got off his father’s lap and went to another chair.

“Humph!” Anonym let out, before taking Switch’s lap all for herself.

Laughing to his family’s behaviour, Switch put his hands around Anonym. “Jealous?”

“Mmm.” She had no reason to hide it!

Continuing to laugh, Switch looked at Alex to see him dejected. “You come too. I can hug both of you!”

Stars started to light up in Alex’s eyes and he run back to his father.

The family hug didn’t last long, before Anonym said, “That…Piece of paper.”

“…What piece of paper?” Switch asked.

Taking a deep breath in, Anonym said, “The one you brought back.”

Nodding in remembrance, Switch looked at her, “What about it?”

“I hope you got what you needed! You aren’t going back there!” She glared at him.

Putting his forehead against hers, he sighed, “Calm down, we have enough knowledge for now. Where is it anyway?”

Anonym lowered her head and seemed to only randomly look at him and then away again.

Narrowing his eyes, Switch thought her att.i.tude was strange, “…What…What did you do with it?”

She had no answer! She didn’t meet his eyes and she could hold her head up!

If they weren’t talking about something so important, Switch would have happily laughed at her att.i.tude, but he started to get mad, “What happened to it!?”

Anonym pouted, then finally looked at him, “I don’t know! You gave it to me, then I threw it! I don’t know where it is!”

Startled, Switch took a deep breath in to try and keep calm, “You…Threw…It? Are you saying I did all that for nothing!?”

Anonym suddenly stood up and glared at him, “I…”

Stamping her foot, with a glare, she suddenly turned around to run out of the cave.

Switch was stunned, but ran after her, after quickly putting Alex on the ground. As he came out of the cave, he saw her change into the big dragon and he yelled out, “Anonym! Don’t you dare leave!”

A snort left the dragon, but it didn’t fly off. Standing there with its back towards him, Switch walked slowly towards it.

“It’s not like you to run away…” Switch said, as he continued to walk around the dragon.

The monstrous dragon snorted again, still turned away from him…

It took quite some time for Switch to walk around this monstrous dragon, and in this time, both of them were silent.

“It doesn’t matter…I remember some of it. Don’t be upset.” Switch said, as he came towards the front, where she was looking away.

A low grunt come out of the dragon. Inside of this dragon’s thoughts was a bit of a mess. She hadn’t thought anything of that piece of paper! Yet, she felt like she’d done something so terribly wrong! Having remembered the last time he was mad at her, she felt like she had to run!


“Anonym?” Touching a dragon claw with his hand, Switch sighed. So troublesome!

Still, Anonym didn’t change, so Switch continued, “Don’t worry about the piece of paper. Honestly, the Codex didn’t have what Alex’s magic was. I had written down two other magic’s like it but I might be able to remember it all. So, don’t worry about it.”

The dragon’s eyes might not look like it, but they were uncertain, still worried he’d yell at her, then not look at her and teleport away!


“I want you to do something for me.” Switch said, looking up, hurting his neck in the process.

The dragon grunted.

Letting out a small chuckle, Switch said, “If you don’t turn back, I won’t tell you.”

Uh? You want me to do something? Like a slave? And then threaten me about you not asking me to do it?

With Anonym’s confusion, the dragon put its head sideways and made a strange sound from its throat.

Laughing, Switch tried to cover his mouth but he was so loud that the dragon looked at him and put its nose right in front of Switch, snorting loudly.

Switch stopped, he stood very still…Becoming dirty with mucus, wasn’t really what he had wanted!

Suddenly, Anonym could see his face getting angry and knew she had done something wrong, again!

Shapeshifting back to human, she stood there and took a deep breath in, “…I’m sorry!”

Her yell surprised Switch and he looked up at her. He can’t really remember her ever saying that to him…

She had her eyes tightly closed, with a strange face. Unable to know what she was thinking, Switch sighed, yet again.

Walking up to her, he wiped at the mucus that was on him and then wiped it on her, repeating the process a few times before she had enough courage to open her eyes.

“Hey!” She said, wanting to get away, but he held her to him then.

He put his head to her ear and whispered, “Anonym.”

Shudders ran through her, to hearing that s.e.xy, s.e.xy voice. Everything else was already forgotten…

“Anonym, soul scribe your name on my soul.”

Shocked, Anonym just stood there dumbly. That was something that happened when people get married…

Switch kissed her neck slowly, then repeated his words. Sadly, for Switch, he had already wanted to marry this woman for some time. He had taken his time to show his affection, he only let out what was literally spilling over the sides of his heart. When he had told her that he loved her, it was because he was so glad that he saw her again. Among other thoughts going through his head at the time, that was one that he hadn’t been able to hold back!

Over the time that he has been with Anonym, he could see her quite determined to not care too much into showing affection. For awhile it hadn’t hindered him, he wanted to take it slow too. But having nothing much he valued of life before her, and to how compared to being expressionless to be unable to hold back his expressions, because of her…Slowly, he started to really care…

Then, they had been finally back together after a long time apart...Ever since, he’s been overflowing!


“That’s…That’s what people do…” Anonym didn’t finish her sentence.

“Mmm.” Switch breathed in and took a chance to use words that she always used, “If you don’t do it, I will!”

Seeing her stiffen, he held his breath…This seemed to always work for him when she said it, now he wondered if it would work on her!

She was silent for so long that he had to breathe again! Letting her go, he clenched his hands. Had he come on to strong? Ever since he’s woken from nearly dying again, he had wanted to say this…He was even wondering if he was using the piece of paper as an excuse to bring it up. It wasn"t like he couldn"t try to use his magic to make it appear again...So troublesome!

Anonym had felt him remove his hands from around her and suddenly felt lonely. Is this what would happen if she said no? Would he...

Without any reason confirmed to her, she soul scribed his soul without another word!

Switch grabbed her hand that was on his chest with his hand, stunned. Looking at her, she seemed focused, even though she had finished soul scribing. Does she even know that she"s done it already?

Taking the moment that she seemed paralysed, he went to do the same to her, except it didn"t work...

...That"s right...

Breathing out, a bit down casted, Switch stood there with her silently.

Anonym looked confused as she looked up at him. She still couldn"t figure out why she had just gone and soul scribed his soul, without really thinking about it first...

Before she could say anything, Switch spoke first, "I wanted to do the same thing to you...But you have..."

Blinking, Anonym didn"t know what to do!

Still unable to think properly, she put her own hand to her chest and removed the anti magic scribe on her soul. "Now try..."

Switch tried again and Anonym closed her eyes and felt even more complete, then she had felt before. Was this what it was like in previous life’s too?

Not particularly caring for the answer, she sighed in contentment.

Even with mucus on them, they didn"t care. Switch pulled her head up to him and kissed her, there was no telling how happy he was at that moment!