Anonym & Switch, Obtaining Power to Retaliate

Chapter 2

Chapter 2

Flaws (2)

From merging with the body, the Mind Control had been interrupted and her body had become free. With this, Anonym made sure to leave the immediate area so she could figure out what she was going to do first without any interruptions. She was also a little foggy, as so much was going through her mind, time was needed to take it all in and decide on what her next plan was going to be.

She hadn"t gone particularly far before she realized that she didn"t know how to become visible again. Unable to see the former"s memories, as they had gone to be locked within the previous body’s soul, there was nothing Anonym could do right now except try to find the former"s family or go to a record library that would be able to contain information to this kind of power.

Searching the strange surroundings, she realized this place was more like a dungeon. There were long hallways that lead in different directions with only a little bit of lighting from hanging lamps on the walls. There was a slight big of wind coming through the hallways, making them look and feel quite scary…But all Anonym was worried about was being lost...

People started to run frantically around moments later and she wondered if that was because she had been set free. It was only a good thing, she thought as she followed them, they could be told about her invisibility and she"d be able to know more too!

Following behind them, the tunnel shortly ended to become a room that had a door wide opened, but looked liked it was normally locked with three enforced locks. This place was the middle of the inner section of the Hydra Clan. Walking past the two guards on each side, she continued to look to find many people come into the room from a few different areas.

Not having to wait long, someone rushed in stating that the invisible girl Marissa had disappeared and that they were to find her. Some were unhappy with such an impossible mission and grumbled, but the glare from what seemed the leader of the group stopped them short. The leader then gave out the words that Anonym had been waiting for, where it was that the former body"s parents lived!

After getting a group to scout out the family, the boss continued to talk to the others but she started to follow the group out and didn"t bother to care what was said next.



The art of Reincarnation had flaws, one was that your memories were to be swiped clean as they got locked inside your soul. Actually, no one else knew that they didn"t vanish but instead got locked up, as Anonym hadn"t the chance to tell anyone. The fact that the past becomes known just before death is part of the art itself, but Anonym called it yet another flaw. If she could forget what had happened previously, she would probably just live and die countless time without feeling vexed about being stuck here. But, before death each time, she feels hopeless and resentful to the extreme of having to spend such a large amount of time doing the same thing repeatedly. With quite a few times, she had died to the same event or reason and that infuriates Anonym and makes her want to get revenge faster!

Countless times she had died in infancy, countless times she had died while a small child. With her talents being locked with her memories, there was no way to have been able to defend or to help prevent her death. The past experiences would always happen, and while a small child, the memories would tear her apart because she felt like she had wasted that life time.

Then, after growing older and then dying to find out that she hadn"t been able to learn the art of Soul Scribing, felt like more wasted time! As it was, it had taken about a century to realize that she could use Soul Scribing to scribe her soul...To have seen some hope to finally be free of the endless lives that felt like fate that she had no control over, a mission to learn this art had been formed. It didn"t matter though, when she had been reincarnated all those thoughts were lost to her and it became a brand-new life that she had to endure not knowing until death once again that she hadn"t done what she had wanted...It was endless torment.


Then there was one other time that she had gotten to learn the basics of Soul Scribing, but had never mastered it! Upon the realization when her memories had returned before death, rage had built inside her so deep that the anger seemed to have merged into the next person that she had become...In that life she had taken many lives as a man that was totally and utterly ruthless. His villainous ways rocked the whole continent that he had been on and his stories were still told today. He raped and pillaged, killed innocents and never seemed satisfied...Then, upon death, he hadn"t felt guilty or felt any kind of remorse knowing of the previous memories. It had been quite a pleasant change and he had smiled in his last breath, thinking that his anger may have played a role in it. Centuries after that, she had tried to use that kind of technique again and again, but had never worked...Hopelessness had entered her thoughts every time in finding out that she hadn"t been able to reach her goal.

All this time, upon each death, she would be tormented because of a wasted journey.

But, not anymore, this child"s body was only ten, I would have many years to learn many things and should be closer now that I"ll reincarnate and remember everything...Closer to being powerful enough to stop this endless routine!