Anonym & Switch, Obtaining Power to Retaliate

Chapter 20

Chapter 20

Intermission (4)

Switch stood up and walked over to Anonym, as more guards came rushing in. Taking her into his embrace, he clicked his fingers.

Looking up at Switch, she wondered what he was doing. In a few seconds, she found out, as the guards tried to get to them but couldn’t get through some kind of shield.

Completely taken by the shield, Anonym forget where she was. It seemed like a constant flow of air or something that had fire embers in it or possibly both. Putting her hand out, she wanted to touch it, but she remembered how it had hurt her as well a year ago. She looked at how the guards were slightly harmed to where they had touched the shield. Looking closely, she was sure that she had never seen this before, just like the dragon and the clicking of the fingers kind of magic...

Was he from another place entirely? What had he said previously? That he was just like her? But...How were they alike?


As Anonym was thinking, Switch chuckled at her. He didn"t initially do things like this normally. He wasn"t someone that would show how strong he was and announce it to the entire world, but she had done it herself without a care. So why should he care...?

The people in the hall were really interested in this other stranger. They, also, had never seen such a thing before, what a great talent! A shield!

More greed filled their eyes as they saw such a fantastic pair in the middle of the floor.

"Ready to go?" Switch asked, not rushing his words at all.

Anonym shook her head, "Want more freedom elixir."

He laughed as he got out his staff. He held her with one arm and knocked the staff to the floor with his other hand, and a cup appeared in front of her.

Eyeing the staff that she hadn"t seen before, she saw the cup and her eyes widened, but then she frowned. Was it really freedom elixir?

Grapping the cup, she sniffed it first and had a tiny, little sip.

Smiling, she drank more and sighed.

Switch knocked the floor again with his staff and they started to go in the air, startling her, "Hey!"

But her words weren"t heard beyond that to the people around them as they disappeared in the blink of an eye.




Before Anonym could say anything, they were back at their hideout.

Letting out a breath in the heat of the moment, she looked at Switch excitedly. "That was great! Let"s do it again!"

Switch"s staff disappeared and he let her go, simply saying, "No."

Anonym wanted to fold her arms across her chest, but didn’t because of the freedom elixir, instead she humped. He really was a joy killer...

Finally thinking back to what had happened, she looked at him and bluntly asked, "Who are you?"

Switch walked into their hideout and said, "Yes, we have a conversation to have. Let me check on Presley first."

As he disappeared down further into the cave, Anonym happily continued to drink the rest of her freedom elixir.


When Switch returned, he clicked his fingers and two comfortable chairs appeared. Sitting down, he gestured that she should sit into the other one.

Frowning, she sat down and held out her empty cup.

Sighing, Switch filled it up and said, "You are probably aware now that I am not from here."

She nodded, as she sipped her freedom elixir and got comfortable on the chair...She wasn"t lady like in the least, with her legs hanging over the side of the chair.

"I came from the planet ‘Bracabra’."

Switch was interrupted with a laugh. Looking at her, his mouth twitched to her only thinking about the name of a planet. He"d only seen her serious once since he"d met her, could she not try it now?

She calmed down a few moments later and sipped her drink again, unable to completely get rid of her smile.

Rolling his eyes, he continued, "I was taken to a wizard master at the age of three and I learnt how to become a wizard until I was fifteen."

Anonym looked at him with excitement, "You"re a wizard? A real wizard!? Awesome!"

Switch nodded, "My power is based on existence. As long as I can think of something that exists, then I can do it."

Anonym looked at him, astonishment and excitement written all over her face.

Switch continued, "I had nearly died when I inherited these powers at fifteen, because they were so immense, and was able to see my past life"s. From there, I knew that I was missing something. Even though I had an impressive power, it is still based on my imagination. First, I tried to heal myself, which was similar to the art of Rejuvenation from here. Then, it took me awhile to think of an idea that would let me remember my past, what I had used seemed to be like the art of Soul Scribing. After that, I left my master, seeing that there wasn"t anything else I could learn from him."

Silence filled the air and Anonym seriously thought about what Switch had just said.