Anonym & Switch, Obtaining Power to Retaliate

Chapter 21

Chapter 21



"So...We are similar!" Anonym finally said.

Switch sighed, isn"t that what he had said ages ago. "Now tell me that you also remember."

She nodded, "Yeah, I finally was able to master the art of Soul Scribing in my last life. I hadn"t thought till death to inscribe my own soul though, I had been a priest!"

Switch thought for a moment, "A...Priest..." He couldn"t seem to picture this little runt as a priest at all!

Anonym nodded, "Well, haven"t you seen how most marriages are done and how successful it is. Through the art of Soul Scribing, priests soul scribe other people’s souls with the names of their beloved"s. Granted, it"s become normal that males have more than one female name on their soul"s, but marriage still lasts longer with a Soul Scriber priest."

Looking at him proudly, Anonym smiled and it really wanted to make Switch laugh!

Letting out a light chuckle to Anonym"s last life, he looked at her and finally felt relaxed.

He hadn"t known how much he wanted to know the answer of her remembering her past, and how it had gotten to him. "And what is your plan, now that you remember?"

Suddenly, he saw a face that he hadn"t seen before on her. It was full of anger and rage!

Through a clenched jaw and eyes that seemed to dance in flames, she simple stated, "Revenge!"


With such a change to her, Switch was shocked, "Revenge?"

Anonym looked at him, her rage still flowing through her eyes, "Yes. Don’t tell me you have forgotten your first memory?"

On remembering his first memory, Switch sighed, "I remember some old man stating that I should grow strong, and not be like his other creation, whom he"s practically forgotten."

Her eyes closed then and she breathed in and out rapidly, that old man! How heartless!

"How long have you..."

Showing a face that was full of sadness, Anonym said, "How long have I been reincarnating?"

Switch nodded, knowing that Anonym seems to be taking the question rather hard.

"I lost count on how many times I"ve reincarnated. But, I have even dug up my old bones once before. Those bones were three hundred thousand years old and that was a thousand years ago."

Horror filled on Switch"s face. Such a long time! He had not even...

Now it made since why she was so angry and sad, why she was so ruthless and uncaring...So long!

"Tell me, how long were you reincarnating?" She asked him.

He didn"t want to tell her, if he told her, it would make her feel bad. He had done precisely what his first memory had said to do, he had learnt of his past and became more powerful well before she had done it…

"Just tell me." Anonym said simply, she wanted to show that she didn"t care either way, but she already did. It was already eating her alive inside, her rage was growing to new heights.


"I...I reincarnated...I."

"Spill it!" She yelled.

"Ten thousand years..." Switch shut his mouth and looked away.

With Switch not watching her, he didn"t see the pain flash across her face of being left alone for so long. She had been abandoned for who knows how long. Her memories of her first hundred or two hundred lives were dim, they seem to give her a headache when trying to remember them and had a few black spots. So, she was not entirely sure how long she has been here on Roneglaise, living and dying repeatedly. There was just one memory that she could not forget, and that was of the old man. Sorrow filled her heart when Switch could grow so powerful, so quickly, and even leave his planet.


Before Switch could continue, Anonym interrupted, "Don"t...I don"t want to talk anymore. Give me freedom elixir so I can forget it."

Unable to come up with any other idea and seeing her really upset, he clicked his fingers.

Even seeing such a big jug, full of her freedom elixir, Anonym was unable to start smiling yet. That"s right, I can never forget how long I"ve been here! Never! I will get my revenge!

Switch wasn"t even noticed as he moved to go behind her and started to ma.s.sage her small, pet.i.te shoulders. He might not be used to her usual ways, but he felt like he needed to make her feel better. He wanted her to be aggressive again, to say stuff that she hadn"t thought about first. This Anonym was making him upset...

She didn"t move and only closed her eyes after a full minute from when he had started. He continued for half an hour on her little shoulders before he could feel a slight difference. After an hour, she finally was relaxed again and he stopped, he was feeling a bit uncomfortable from being in one place for too long.

"Thanks..." These words touched his heart. When she wanted to, she could sound like the most grateful person, even after what has happened to her. He knew that the things he went through were never going to amount to hers, that to be like this, she had to be strong...She had to have every kind of strength one could possess, unless you"d fall into a black hole of darkness where you don"t even care.

But this little runt, she wasn"t in a black hole, she even knew how to say thank you and mean it. He really was touched.

Sitting down beside her, he got himself a cup and drank with her.

Silence filled the room as they were in their own thoughts. They were both comfortable, and happily drank their fill, before they fell asleep.

