Anonym & Switch, Obtaining Power to Retaliate

Chapter 25

Chapter 25

Significance (5)

It had taken several hours for Anonym to figure out what she was going to cultivate this time, to make the best of her time. In conclusion, she wanted to cultivate Proficiency to make her cultivate in everything else quicker in the future. The only way to cultivate Proficiency was to continuously cultivate a talent. Through knowing this, Anonym wanted to choose something easy and quick, so she was going to cultivate the art of alchemy, in which she can also make pills to help her at the same time!

The biggest problem with alchemy, was obviously the materials that she would need. Having to have to sit down with Switch, she could see that he didn’t know of the herbs that existed and decided to get at least one of each of the materials that she would need, for him to help her get more of it.

When she had told Mark that she was going to make pills for him to help him cultivate, he became very grateful and wanted to worship her in his heart!

Switch had helped a great deal, by gathering many magical stones of a.s.sorted colours. Seeing this, Mark was gobsmacked! He had never seen such a thing before! Just a click...And...Holy c.r.a.p!

These two were dead set powerful beings!


After Anonym had come to the conclusion on what she was going to cultivate and what she needed to shop for, she had finally asked Mark what he was going to do.

He still hadn"t worked it out! He didn"t know anything!

Seeing him like that, Anonym made him listen to her as she described an effective way to do talents and personal cultivation. She only gave him advice, not wanting to be one to tell him what to do…As that would require more work on her behalf…

Mark had never listened to anyone else in his life so attentively. She was his G.o.ddess!

Finally, he decided and went with Invisibility. Having a talent that he hadn"t used, he wanted it to be something that would help him survive!

Switch gave him the two books, that Anonym had already mastered, and Mark nearly fell into tears to how grateful he was!

Why were they so nice!? Is it really time for me to finally have some good luck...A future!?

Anonym told him that he should also work on his personal cultivation, so, she gave him her old pressure cuffs. After that, she was going to show him how to increase in cultivating Power, but that would be later.

Mark thanked them endlessly and went towards a part of the cave, that Switch had made for him. It had a fresh water stream in it and if Mark ever got hungry, he just had to find Switch or Presley.

It was very normal for people to only cultivate at the most of two days, before they had to stop for nourishment, unless someone had knowledge in the art of Rejuvenation…

With this, Switch knew that he would constantly have to stay this time, instead of gaining more knowledge outside by himself. He hadn"t known this last time, but hadn"t really thought about it. But he found himself really quite lucky that Anonym had that art of Rejuvenation!

Even though he had to stay behind, he was already looking forward to reading and knowing about the past life of this ‘Great Master Belwin’!


Finally, after a full two days from arriving, Anonym really wanted one more play before she went into cultivation, as she still hadn"t gone to the Rain Clan yet! Considering that they had already decided that they had to anyway because of the materials that she still needed for alchemy. Switch knew though, that she wanted to play more…He seemed to already know what she wanted. In fact, sometimes he felt like he was keeping her down! He had heard about what had happened back in the Hydra Clan before he had met her, that she had stolen all of the items that he had found in her hidden cave!

Thinking that he can"t stop her from going out and having some enjoyment every now and then, he tagged along with her and had to admit to himself that he was very much excited to see what would happen this time!