Anonym & Switch, Obtaining Power to Retaliate

Chapter 26

Chapter 26


Upon their return to the cave, Anonym was asleep, but Switch was at a dead set lose! He had no idea how she could do all those things! And all by herself!

Their trip to the Rain Clan was an eye opener for Switch and he sincerely wondered what kind of help he could be to this little runt! Ever since meeting her, he hadn’t had time to be his usual, expressionless self…Watching her and seeing how she acted always caught him in complete and utter surprise!

She had told him to watch, with a devilish smile on her face. So, he had watched her until she disappeared and saw how such a commotion in one little shop she could make! What she had done was make someone else a thief, to take away the guards, then she stole what she had wanted from when she had already looked into the shop beforehand...Right in front of him was the biggest thief he"d ever seen, as she even stole from the customers inside the shop as well!

When she had come back to him, she showed him her treasure and looked at him with big eyes, that said, "Aren"t I good!?"

What was he supposed to think? Normally, he found thieving to be bad, it was against the rules…He had understood why too, because people generally worked hard to get all their stuff. He also knew how it felt to have things he’s worked hard for get taken from him…But here she was just taking whatever she wanted and even getting somebody else into trouble for it!

That was the very first shop they went too. After that, it was more fun and games for her as he started to carry more and more items. These items were quite specific too, they were things that she deemed worthy and would use most of them in her cultivation. All the items added up though, they would cost as much to at least feed a family of four for the rest of their life’s…But, they hadn"t spent any money at all!

When his load got too big, he vouched to her that he will return it when they go back to the cave and he made them all vanish. After seeing them vanish, she looked like she had lost something so precious that she couldn"t move...

He didn"t know how to treat her!


After that, she threatened him with her treasures and made him relent to go to a tavern. He hadn"t realized that she had literally coned him into it, with nothing but words! Had he lost his mind!?

Switch sighed, he couldn"t help it as he knew he was getting a little bit soft with this little runt.

So, they had gone to a tavern...But, of course, her fun hadn"t stopped, she just continued at the tavern!

With what she had done, Switch continued to wonder how inhuman she was! She wouldn"t care for gender, age or status. She had fun with each and every one of them and played dirty, simple, little tricks that made them all angry, confused or startled.

He had shaken his head quite a few times to some of the things she did, but hadn"t stopped her in the slightest. Her happy laughter flowed throughout the night and he was powerless against it.

She had, again, switched drinks and food, children that had no home and had hidden in a corner, had gotten drunk through this method and they themselves made a ruckus! She went into the kitchen and personally took out meals that looked really tasty and gave them to the dirty, homeless kids. When the tavern finally saw that this was happening, they wanted to try and say something but before they could, they would end up tripping or falling…

She pushed more maidens into men and drank her freedom elixir…

At one point, she had sat down near an older man, who was drunk, and started talking to him. He had a few laughs with her and after he had left, he had never thought that those laughs had come at a price! She had stolen his families necklace that was priceless to him and gave it to another elderly, who looked like she needed it more.

Switch had begun to realize then, that she does have a conscience, she did want to treat particular people better than others, he just didn’t know or understand how she picked those people!

After some time though, guards had come and he saw that she might be in a predicament. He wanted to protect her but she looked at him and said, "You wanna join in the fight?"

She had been drinking her freedom elixir and he was a little worried. But she looked so excited and he honestly wanted to see what it was like to be in close combat and ended up nodding his head.

So, the guards became punching bags...She had easily disarmed them and then showed Switch the best ways to hit them. It became an exhibition of some sort, as people started to watch and listen to her. Whispers filled the area outside of the tavern and others came by to also see.


Funnily enough, she talked a guard into sparring with her, and they started to have fun. As she made some moves, she would explain them to Switch and the other guards sat there to listen as well...

After she had showed enough through fists and kicks, she got out her dagger and swiped it in front of the guard, scaring him to stand still with eyes wide opened.

She had smiled then and said, "Time for weapons! See this?..."

The guards had laughed and continued to watch, and Anonym continued to drink and explain.

What new people seem to think, was that this little girl was all talk...But as they watched, they didn"t continue to want to speak up about it. Not only did they not get a chance to, because she continued to show Switch her moves, but she started to show such skill that people could only see to believe!

After she had shown how to use a dagger, she had borrowed swords, both one handed and two handed, and explained how to hold them and how the use them…She even wanted to go further in how they should cultivate but…

Anonym started to stumble and stutter too much with her words and actions, Switch then said that they have had enough and that it was time to go.

The stares that Switch had gotten then, made him quite frustrated. They didn"t like him coming in to intrude at all!

Anonym smiled at him, "Mmm, I"ll come back later."

When Switch pulled her into his arms, she cuddled up to him and closed her eyes. He brought out his staff and they disappeared before anyone could stop them!