Anonym & Switch, Obtaining Power to Retaliate

Chapter 3

Chapter 3

Flaws (3)

Another flaw that she sees now, was that she was running endlessly to follow behind people with her little legs...Her personal cultivation also does not continue through the art of Reincarnation. It makes sense that it doesn’t carry on with your soul, because it is mostly about the person itself, meaning that person’s mind or body…But to Anonym, it was still a flaw!

Gasping for breath, she pushed herself to keep up with the big men that continued to go further and further ahead of her.

Anonym knew that she would have to work first on her stamina, so that she could run longer! Or should she work on dexterity instead, so she could run faster?

Knowing that they both matter, she already started to think of a way to cultivate both at the same time.

The men were quite far ahead of her now and she watched as they turned around a corner and exited the town and went over a bridge, towards a place that held quite a few trees. Her breathing was becoming so difficult that Anonym fell to the floor and put her hand to her chest. There was just so much a little ten-year-old could do!

With all the talent one could possess, Anonym knew that it didn"t change the fact that things could still be difficult!

Looking up, to see the men disappear into the trees ahead, quite a distance away now, she waited a brief time for her breath to become a little better. The art of Rejuvenation helped and before she was even breathing normal again she set off towards the direction the men continued to run in.




Having had lost the men she was following, Anonym was unsure how to proceed. She didn"t dare go too far away from that location, as she might miss them either coming back or get lost by going in another direction. So, after she was sure she could see them in each direction if they were to return, she sat down to get her breath back and kept a look out.

Was there really any reason to rush?

Questioning herself, she wondered why, so quickly after reincarnation, she was running like her life was on the line...After a while, she had concluded that she didn"t seem to mind running like this, that she felt alive and wanted to make the best of her time. So much time had already been wasted! What was the point of wasting more by walking or standing still! If she happens to find this place and finds more information about anything that could help her, then she thought she was doing the right thing!

No, she wasn"t in a rush. She was just happily following a plan that seemed to be going very quickly...Right? She let out a laugh, what does it matter! I"m going to do whatever I want from now on! This whole planet...Is mine...And first things first, finding this place to gain information. That was it, that was her plan and Anonym stopped thinking about it after that.


The sun was setting an hour later, and Anonym hadn"t moved. She was not worried at all about the darkness, as it was also another way to cultivate your dexterity. But, the men hadn"t returned...Was this place that far away? Even if they come back now, would it still be possible to find the former body"s home? Here she was saying that she hadn"t wasted any time…But doing this...Was she really not wasting any time?

Anonym was sure that the art of Invisibility was quite rare and that, at this moment, it was important that she try to find the family home because that would be the best way to obtain any information about it...But another half an hour went by and she started to think that she might have to wonder for a few days before she could find this place, which may mean she might not find it because items might be stolen by then!

It was very common after all, that little thieves wonder around and check houses. The place they were now only seemed more of a place they would hide in as well.

Hadn"t she learnt some kind of tracking in her past life’s?

Sighing, Anonym tried to think about the past to see what she could do in the form of tracking instead of sitting around. One of her past lives had indeed learnt Tracking through the art of Travelling, but it seemed to coexist with personal cultivation, such as Senses. Your eyes needed to sharp, just like your hearing. So, there wasn"t anything she could do with her personal cultivation being so low...


Closing her eyes, Anonym decided to cultivate Senses, while waiting to hear footprints. If she were to cultivate her senses she could be able to hear better and, hopefully, be able to tell a bit more on which direction they were coming from. But in such a fleeting time frame, how could anyone cultivate to such a degree?

She really was just too excited because of her new-found freedom! She wanted to do everything right now! She must have stored up any kind of excitement for this moment...This time...This life.

It was finally happening! Anonym tried to calm herself down and relax, so she could, again, attempted to cultivate Senses.

But it wasn"t long before she finally started to cultivate that she started to hear running footprints...

Anonym sighed and looked towards them. Seeing them with blood on their clothes, Anonym shook her head. The Hydra Clan aren"t entirely that smart, shouldn"t they have taken a hostage?

As the men came running towards her, she did indeed see a hostage. It seemed to be an elderly guy that would make sense if it was to be the former body"s father. Maybe they weren"t stupid after all...

Sighing, Anonym by pa.s.sed them and went towards were they had come from instead. Surely, the father should be safe for a time, I will see him to get information next.

It was now time to go running towards what the former body called home...