Anonym & Switch, Obtaining Power to Retaliate

Chapter 30

Chapter 30



As time went on, more and more people gathered around and Anonym ended up getting so excited that she wanted thirty people to come at her at once, but there wasn"t enough.

For a time, she taught some other things, as she had told them to get more people.

Mark was in so much awe that his eyes sparkled with stars, as he watched his G.o.ddess. On the other hand, Switch had been enjoying Anonym showing him with her own body, then touching his body to do the same. Other"s wanted her to check their stances as well but Switch dominated her attention and glared at them when they asked.

It didn’t matter if they had daggers, swords, axes or fists, she pointed out flaws and told them their strengths. Going over each person, she would say to cultivate something particular, as it would improve that specific person in the best possible way and gave reasons for it…

The sun was just about gone now, as an orange colour flowed out and slowly merged into a pink colour that went over the clouds in the sky…

It was at this time, a loud voice entered the scene, "Haha, I want to see this girl, bring me to her!"

As people moved to the side, to let someone else through, they started to bow. Someone who flourished with gold came through the crowd and he could finally look upon the girl that seemed to attract all these people. "My girl, I have come to see you personally! I have just recently heard you can do a move just like the legendary "Great Master Belwin". I would be immensely happy if you could show this King!"

Looking up at the voice, Anonym only saw the pretty, expensive treasure. His crown looked like it would become the best piece of her treasure pile! Maybe she could tease Presley with it! It had beautiful jewels that weren’t randomly put anywhere, they were instead, well placed. The gold finish was shiny and looked brand new, making Anonym’s hands start to itch.

Switch saw the Emperor, but instead of bowing like everyone else, he turned to Anonym to see her eyes greedily looking at the Emperor...

"Young girl, I would like to see this move of yours." The Emperor could see that she hadn"t even shown her respects to him, but he didn"t want to make a big deal about it in front of so many people and make it more obvious that he"s being disrespected.

"Uh? Oh, yeah, sure. Why not, we are waiting for more people anyway." Anonym said, looking around for a volunteer.

People knew this move knocked you out cold, so no one wanted to step forward!

The Emperor saw this and wondered what was wrong, "Is it so hard for this King to see one move?"

Seeing that their Emperor was getting angry, a few stepped forward, unhappily.


Smiling, Anonym rushed towards a person and did her move, that people still couldn"t figure out!

The Emperor was excited, but a little annoyed, because he hadn"t seen anything either, "What is this move? What do you do? Tell this King."

Shaking her head, she smiled at him, "It"s a secret!"

"I wish to know! Do I have to imply a decree to find out!" The Emperor expressed his frustration. If his Clan could know this move, anyone who wanted to go against them, would first have to be fearless!

"A decree will not work on me...Who do you think made up the law of the "decree"? Besides, your own son didn’t even bow to me!" Anonym turned around and walked back to Switch.

It really wasn"t a big deal to her, but many people gasped. Not only was this little girl going against the Emperor, but she had stated yet another fact about the "Great Master Belwin"...He had indeed been the one that first started to use the law of the "decree"! And on top of that, she wanted a Prince to bow to her! Such…Such courage!

The Emperor had already lost face once...He could no longer tolerate her behaviour. "Guards, make her kneel to me!"

"Yes!" Anonym laughed and got ready to fight. This was what she had been waiting for!

Switch stayed to the side and watched, he wasn"t going to take his eyes off her. Mark, on the other hand, was silently calling out for his "Great Master Belwin" in worry. He knew what his father was like!

People wouldn"t admit it out loud, but they were upset with their Emperor, all this time they had been relaxed and happy…


Anonym calmed herself down, there were at least thirty people this time, maybe even fourty...

For her to overcome every single guard and what they could do, she focused that intently, that she couldn"t think or look anywhere else.

These guards weren"t guards from the Hydra Clan...These guards were a lot more powerful!

They had encircled her now, and five of them came at her at once from five different directions.

Anonym stood there and waited as they got closer and closer towards her, then pushed herself off the ground, with the art of Invisibility. While she was in the air, above them, she used that same power towards them, as they were nearly all together now.

They fell to the floor, but before she could celebrate, an eagle came at her as she drifted slowly back towards the ground. This eagle was fast and want to dig into her flesh. Taking her dagger out, she closed her eyes and used her senses to scout the eagle out.

Just as she sliced through the eagle wing, she felt that below her was a high-level trap. Only a metre from landing, she turned her body, to face the ground head on, pointing out her dagger.

Once the dagger hit the trap and locking it into place, she used that momentum to jump away from the trap, before it was sit off. Already, she had lost her dagger, but she still remained calm and collected.

Before she could celebrate her escape, a bear went to swipe at her and she ducked just in time.

As she had ducked, a guard had used an throwing tool and it hit her in the arm.

It had been only the third one thrown at her and she hadn’t been able to avoid it! Angry that she had drawn blood, she pulled it out just as quick and held it as she jumped away again and throw it at the closest guard.