Anonym & Switch, Obtaining Power to Retaliate

Chapter 31

Chapter 31

Predicament (2)

Switch was worried, this was entirely different to being at the Hydra Clan. He hadn"t seen these kinds of talents before! A few guards had turned entirely into something totally different!

Feeling very worried, he really wanted to help Anonym out of trouble but as he went closer, she smiled at him for a split second, before she turned back away.

She...Was fine?

How could she be fine!? There was thirty or so guards and only one of her!

He continued to watch very carefully, ready to help at any moment.

Anonym, on the other hand, had gotten pushed down after that small smile to Switch, but she quickly made the person on top of her and herself roll, so that she became the one on top. Then she did a quick move that knocked him out and kicked out towards another guard coming up to her left. Rolling off him and grabbing someone"s foot, she kneed him into the place between his calf and higher leg and he fell. Anonym then used him as a jumping pad to go to someone behind him to tackle him in one move, causing him to also be knocked out. From there, she used the art of Invisibility to push herself up again, to see them all below her.

Another shape shifter turned into an eagle to attack her, as she was high in the air. This time, he attacked her foot and got her in the ankle. Having had swooped so hard against one place, he actually had done the most damage so far!

Letting out a sneer, Anonym let out a vicious, powerful punch towards the eagle and it was knocked down towards the ground. When the eagle disappeared, to become a guard once again, he didn"t move and blood came out of his mouth.

Feeling angrier and angrier, Anonym got more and more aggressive! Twice now she had been hurt, Twice!


It was all fun and games till her ankle got hurt and everyone knew that she had changed into a ruthless killer. Falling to the floor, she pounced onto a guard, snapping his neck, then jumped off his shoulders, to directly roll forward towards another guard to do the same. She picked up his sword and went straight towards another guard that had a sword that flashed with power. She used quick steps that he couldn"t seem to keep up with after the first three strikes. Her fourth strike landed into his stomach and she stole his sword, leaving the other sword sticking out of his body. Because she had cultivated in Power quite a lot, the sword that had glowed a light blue before, now glowed even brighter.

Smiling sinisterly, she had got her sword, now to stop the fight…Because she was at a disadvantage.

Standing on her ankle hurt like h.e.l.l, so she only had one more choice.

Kicking up from the ground, she raced towards a guard, wounding him after having to block twice, then jumped off his body to land...Right beside the Emperor.

The beautiful blue glowing sword was at his neck and Anonym gave away no hint that she had been injured. "My, my, Emperor. I think you"re in a bit of a pickle!"

Mark came out then, "Wait...That"s...That"s" Should he stick up for his own father? …He couldn’t seem finish his sentence...

"Mark! Help me! Tell her to kneel to me!"

Anonym laughed, taking off his crown, with her free hand, and placing it on her own head. "This Emperor thinks that I don"t mean business..."

"You will pay for this with your life! Kill her!" He yelled.

Swiping the sword over his flesh, Anonym let him drop to the ground.

She looked completely like a ruler, a G.o.ddess of the entire lands of Roneglaise. The people around and seeing her like this found that they should bow to her absolute authority.

Looking at the guards, that were still after her, she smiled at them. "Willing to yield or want to follow your Emperor?"

Finally, people started to realize what had happened! They looked towards the ground were their Emperor had fallen, and stayed motionless. His blood continued to leak out from his neck and started to stain the gra.s.s and dirt a deep red colour.

She had...Really killed the Emperor! That"s...


Switch knew that something was wrong with Anonym, he brought out his staff and gave the ground a big knock with it. Everyone fell to the floor, except for Anonym, Mark and himself. Whatever they tried, they could not get up, they kept getting sucked towards the ground like a magnet!

Walking over to Anonym, he picked her up, while she was still wearing the crown and holding the beautiful blue sword. Making sure that her foot was off the ground, he started to walk away. Mark followed, unsure of what to think or do.

Should he be mad with Anonym, should he be happy?

Once they were far enough away, Switch turned to Mark and said, "Go invisible, we are going ahead."

Hitting the ground once again with his staff, Switch and Anonym disappeared from the darkness of the town.

Mark went invisible, but stood there.

After a minute, he looked back to see that people were getting up yelling and crying over their deceased Emperor.

Being invisible gave Mark enough strength to go back and watch. He hadn"t come to terms with what had happened at all. To a small degree, he had wanted to go back to the palace one day and show his father what he could do...Maybe his father could be proud of him and finally see him as a son. Now there was no chance of that happening at all.

He found that he was a little mad at Anonym, and yet still, very, very loyal. Through his confusion, he walked away.

To Anonym and Switch, they have no idea what happened to Mark, because he disappears for quite some time.

