Anonym & Switch, Obtaining Power to Retaliate

Chapter 35

Chapter 35

Emperor (2)

The Empress was pale, she had fainted upon hearing that the Emperor had been killed. Due to her fatigue and stress, she didn’t have enough strength to question what was going on. There was a sixteen-year-old princess who held onto the empress, her eyes red, she also couldn’t say anything. Her doting father had left them…Knowing that the Imperial Concubine and Prince Nathan was domineering, she was unsure how her life will turn out now, without the protection of her father.

Seeing the crown on the head of a smiling face, Imperial Concubine Dawn couldn’t help but start to tremble in anger! “You…You!”

Anonym looked out her, not a shred of fear on her face. “What?”

Imperial Concubine Dawn finally shouted, “The girl who murdered the Emperor, is her! Detain her! She is not to leave the city!”


As the guards came out, Switch knocked the ground with his staff once, and they all fell. To this, Anonym laughed in joy, it really looked absolutely comical!

“It seems they would rather sit this one out, Concubine.” Anonym said, still smiling in satisfaction.

She hadn’t been able to see much of this technique last time, but seeing it firsthand today, made her really happy!

“That crown doesn’t belong to you!” Prince Nathan yelled. It had taken him this long to get over his shock, he was still very unhappy that his father had pa.s.sed away, and yet, this little girl had come to cause more trouble! Seeing the dragon, had taken him even longer to focus and start to take charge. The problem was, he needed to get that crown and ascend the throne before the Crowned Prince appeared. How could he ascend the throne without the crown!?

“I believe it does.” Was all Anonym said. People thought to how she said it, was how it was supposed to be, but Prince Nathan couldn’t tolerate it another second. “Get General Clish!”

“…Yes, your highness.”

Anonym was interested, would it be a one on one fight? Will it take him long to get here?

Switch saw that Anonym wasn’t worried and turned back to keep an eye on the guards and everyone else behind them. He wondered if his next trick would freak them out enough to relent to his girl.


“This…General…” Anonym started to talk, after a few minutes of silence.

But, she was interrupted by Prince Nathan, “Is going to kill you!”

Imperial Concubine frowned, she wanted the girl alive!

Anonym laughed, “Are you sure? He may be a General but I can’t see any people killing me in a one on one fight. Besides, dying isn’t anything new to me…Do you really think I’d be afraid?”

Prince Nathan looked at her in confusion. If death is not a new thing to her…Did that mean that she had come close to death that many times?

She let him think about it before she sighed and repeated herself, “This General…”

It was Imperial Concubine Dawn that interrupted her this time, “For the life of the Emperor you took, your life is forfeit. We own you now in repayment. I suggest that you come willingly, all three of you, before this General appears!”

“Pfft!” Anonym couldn’t hold in her laughter anymore. She felt like she was wasting her time.

Turning towards Switch, she raised her eyebrows, “I honestly thought they were smarter than this, but now I’m just getting bored.”

Switch smiled at her, letting out a small chuckle. “Indeed, maybe it’s time we make it more exciting!”

Hitting his staff on the ground, some things Anonym had never seen before, shot out from it and went in the direction of Prince Nathan and Imperial Concubine Dawn.


Watching with curiosity, Anonym saw the things land on the floor and then start to let out big noises and what looked like bits of fire or embers.

Seeing them being jumpy, she watched as the people started to jump around as well, to get away from them. Some let out screams and some let out yells.

It was interesting to see that it did a small amount of harm if it touches a person. Anonym laughed, she was indeed happy with this entertainment. She could certainly see already some burnt spots on the bottom of the Imperial Concubine’s and Prince Nathan’s clothes.

Switch shook his head and smiled. He originally was going to use another type of magic, but she wanted something exciting instead. Her laughter satisfied him with his decision.

“Your Highness, the General has come!” A servant ran out and said.

Anonym, full of interest on the new person coming, waited for him to come out.


The General looked about fourty years old, he had armour on and looked exceptionally strong. His eyes scouted out like hawks and he heard the crackers still going off amongst the white clothed people. He was a faster witted person then the average person, known through quite a few places on the borders to be quite adapted to situations.

“General! We are being invaded!” Prince Nathan yelled in haste.

Anonym let out a smile to what he said.

The General looked over at the mythical dragon and stopped to a fast halt! A dragon!

Then the General looked up to see a young girl upon it and saw the man beside them.

“Invaded? There is only three of them? Why is there so much trouble?” He really could not understand it at all! Seeing all the guards on the floor, he yelled for them to get up, but stared at them with wide eyes, seeing that none of them were able to. All throughout his years he’d already seen two things, in the s.p.a.ce of two minutes, that were totally outstanding but he could only keep his composure…

“I only come here to say h.e.l.lo, they are the ones who wanted to cause a ruckus.” Anonym said innocently.

“You’ve come…In peace?” The General didn’t believe her words, but tried to slowly go a little closer towards them. He noticed the crown on top of her head, making him even more certain her words weren’t honest.

Anonym looked at him sideways, “I am innocently just cultivating…Ah, then the Emperor wanted me to kneel to him. But I refused. So, he wanted to kill this little, innocent girl.”

Frowning, the General stopped walking, “Why didn’t y0u just kneel to the late Emperor? To everyone in this Rain Clan, you are not innocent!”

Anonym sighed and shrugged, she was not good at trying to be innocent. She’ll have to practise!

“Haha, you got me! I killed him because he tried to kill me. That’s all there is to it. Oh, and I very much like this crown. And since I have this crown, I’m declaring myself the Emperor of Murkcloud continent, as of this moment!”