Anonym & Switch, Obtaining Power to Retaliate

Chapter 43

Chapter 43

Embrace (2)

Here he was baffled, excited, confused, happy…And she was excited about mastering a talent…

Switch looked away, thinking himself pathetic. He had worried so much for nothing!

Anger boiled his blood and he clenched his hand around his staff…Then felt her hands around his waist. Stopping everything!

Letting out a breath, he looked at her, who had by herself, leaned in against him. Making his staff disappear, Switch found himself unable to say a word of anger. He had been so worried…

“Did you miss me!?” Anonym said, feeling his arms go around her.

Switch really didn’t want to tell her at all! “Humph!”

“I see.” Anonym went to pull away but Switch held her tighter.

No more words were said between them as they embraced, but other words were heard. A spectacle was going on about eligible bachelors that wanted to take this powerful person and become special to the Emperor of Parched Badlands.

Switch let out an annoyed breath, “What are you going to do about this?”

Anonym looked up at him. She raised her eyebrows and smiled. Suddenly, she turned into a beautiful woman who was taller and looked much more like a woman.

She now was only slightly looking up at him and she said, “Why do you think I cultivated Shapeshifting?”


Anonym looked at Switch with unflinching eyes and put her hand up to his face, trailing a finger down his scar.

Like h.e.l.l she would wait that long! She had on purposely cultivated from the first part of the art of Shapeshifting, to mastering it.

Sadly, it had taken so much time and she hadn’t cultivated anything else. Once she had woken up from the party and found herself alone, she figured that it was as good as time as any to start it. She had previously only learnt to do animals and to get that far is quite a lot of work. You have to initially have seen the animals in person and would be much faster to shapeshift into that animal if they were right in front of you. But, Anonym didn’t have that, she just had her memory…

What she had to learn was to shapeshift into other people, then make other objects into something else. Since she has been in several thousand bodies, it wasn’t terribly bad, but it still took a lot of work and time. All this, had taken her ten months to accomplish, even with her Proficiency and Power as high as it was.

The reason why she had been captured was because she had been continuously cultivating that, then, falling asleep a day beforehand. She had never heard any of the noises that had occurred and by the time she had woken up, she had already been knocked over by a heavy boulder that had injured her.

Once she had used the art of Rejuvenation to heal herself, she had made the chains turn into her, then purposely made it learn a few words, before she turned herself into chains. After they had taken her ‘twin’, releasing her from the chains, she only had to wait a minute before shapeshifting and then leaving herself.

That was all there was too it.


Switch was totally captivated by this beauty before him. She had beautiful flowing hair that wasn’t straight like her normal body. It had waves that flowed nicely in the slight wind. Then she had a beautiful light blue dress that seemed only appropriate for a princess. It didn’t go straight to the ground, instead flowed out in waves, much like her hair. The dress continued to look even better the higher he looked. There was a bow on the side that wasn’t too big, nor too small and her breast area came across as enchanting, not at all like one asking for attention, like ladies in a brothel. She looked like a present that he wanted to unwrap! Her shoulders were bare, as her dress went to her higher arms and sleeves that flowed half way down her arms, fluttering out again in waves. Switch swallowed his saliva as he looked at her face.

Totally captivated!

Her eyes were the same, they had the excitement and light he had remembered and missed. Her face was older and mature and making him put his hand to it, to feel it under his palm.

Her lips…They…They had such a charm he couldn’t help himself.


Anonym was pleased, she had really worked hard for this!

Finally feeling his lips connect to hers, the world outside became nothing. Her senses only became full of him, as she put her hands up around his neck. She could feel his arms tighten around her and pull her into him. He pulled her head further back and they deepened the kiss with their tongues.

Letting out a whimper, Anonym tried to push herself into him more.

Switch pulled back, both of them were breathing heavily, with eyes full of desire.

Forgetting about the situation at the palace, Switch pulled out his staff and teleported with Anonym to the cave Presley had vacated to.

Clicking for a bed and closing themselves inside an area, Switch turned towards Anonym. Her hands already going around his neck, she leaned forward to kiss him again.

Undoubtingly, from not seeing each other for so long and knowing the deep attraction between them, there wasn"t places that weren"t touched and savoured. Being in another body didn’t hinder either of them, Anonym had bluntly told him that this was a previous body that she has had, so she didn’t think it was a problem.

Anonym thought that Switch was just as handsome as she was, he wasn’t filled with muscles but his body was still hard and firm. What she liked the best was how he held her. She felt immensely special when he wouldn’t let her go, like when he would be fast asleep and yet, still holding her.

And Switch, well plainly put, he couldn’t get enough of her, yet, she was the one with more stamina and he’d end up falling asleep before she would, due to exhaustion!

They lost themselves to each other and a few days went by, before they excited that part of the cave…

