Anonym & Switch, Obtaining Power to Retaliate

Chapter 44

Chapter 44

Embrace (3)

Anonym had left the room first, she had felt absolutely refreshed and satisfied! Walking down the tunnel, she finally saw Presley and said, "Presley!"

After a short silence, a loud voice came, "Anonym!?"

"Mmm." He was quite the dragon! She had not reverted to look like the thirteen-year-old…Yet, he knew who she was…

Anonym crawled on top of the dragon and laid on him, like she owned him. "Did ya miss me?"

"I was worried! Switch was going crazy! You know he even hugged me?"

Anonym raised her eye brows, continuing to look at the roof, "Hugged you?"

"Yeah, he always used to freak out when I went missing or stolen from him. I guess he was glad to see me!" Presley was honest with his words, not having noticed to slight jealousy in her question.

Anonym breathed in and out, before asking, "How many times did you go missing or stolen?"

Presley played with one of his treasures while answering, "I was only stolen once, I was a dummy, fell into a trap! But I went missing twice. They always told me something about Switch being in trouble and I wanted to go save him!"

Anonym started to understand a little more about Presley then, he really was an innocent little thing. The way he cared about Switch was quite unique...

"Do dragons often hang around people?" She asked.

"No! In Bracabra they were all nasty! I guess I...Was the most gullible and stupidest dragon of them all..."

Anonym felt uneasy, she could see how he could have gotten into trouble. "Don"t worry about it."

Presley stopped playing with his treasure, "I"m not worried!"

Anonym smiled, "Of course, you are a dragon!"

"Right! I"m a dragon!"

Anonym wanted to laugh, but didn"t, "Presley, you are the coolest dragon I know!"


Anonym tried not to smile, "Yes! Your awesome!"

Presley breathed in, "Yes...I"m awesome! I"m cool!"

Sighing, Anonym feel quiet. This dragon was an idiot indeed, he was the only dragon she’s met, of course he was going to be the "coolest" one she knew!


Stating that fact, Anonym fell into her thoughts on why Switch liked this dragon so much. What was it?



His cheery voice startled her. "Tell me, why has Switch become so close to you?"

Presley mumbled, then turned, making her have to move as well, secretly making her mad at him. "Well, I guess he was lonely. He rarely talked when we first met. He didn"t smile, he didn"t laugh. I guess I kept nagging him...And nagging him..."

Anonym interrupted, "Okay, okay I get it. You nagged him."


Sighing again, Anonym, again, fell into silence. She guessed that reincarnating all those times had gotten to him in a separate way…

Unknown to her, Switch had come about a minute beforehand and heard. He wasn"t sure how to proceed as he stayed hidden around the corner. It was nice that she was interested in him...But he didn"t want her to feel bad. He"d obviously done what she hadn"t done in a less amount of time, and he didn"t want her to grow apart from him.

Continuing to watch her, he decided to not let her know he was there. Secretly, he was really happy…She hadn"t expressed very much interest previously, in wanting to know about his past. And, there was no way he would say anything unless she had asked beforehand. What did she really want to know?

Anonym, to Switch"s surprise, didn"t continue with any conversation but just laid there, on Presley"s side now, and continued to think.


When she got off Presley, Anonym gave a funny shake of the head. She had read upon the mythical dragon and knew they had liked treasure, but never thought it would be something real. Presley seemed unmoveable while the treasures were there and it dawned on her that it was indeed, true...But how had it become known like that in the first place?

Had there been a dragon known like that a long time ago? What was the coincidence that the person, who had written it, had been right about dragon’s loving treasure?

Anonym hadn"t quite left the big place Presley was in yet, before she suddenly stopped. Her expression became unreadable but showed it wasn"t very good.

That old man...Did he know about dragons beforehand? Or...Did someone come from a place with dragons and then wrote books about them?

Was there...More to this?

It was a strange, new feeling that Anonym had...She felt like all these things had happened once before!

Could it be possible?

Standing in her position, Switch watched her, he could see that her mood was getting worse and worse!

"Anonym?" He couldn"t help it, he showed himself, as he didn"t want her to be angry!

She looked up at him, but some kind of thought was still written on her face. He desperately wanted to know what it was!


Finally, she responded, "Mmm."

He took her into his embrace, and said, "Are you ok?"

Anonym couldn"t help it, she was still thinking about the possibility that this has all happened before!

Switch started to worry, but didn"t interrupt her, he knew that she could be swept up by thoughts, so he waited impatiently.

"I feel like...This has happened before."

Her words didn"t make sense, "I don"t understand."

All she said was, "That old man."

Switch breathed in, a little worried. What about that old man?


Anonym told Switch that she wanted to go out alone for a bit, as she couldn"t get this idea out of her head.

What was going on? Even since feeling and thinking of the idea, it kept nagging and niggling at her.

Even if it had happened before...What does it matter?

She knew that her body was mortal and could be killed. Her soul, however, seemed to be immortal. She had soul scribed her soul to unlock her memories…But was there yet another lock that she hadn’t seen?

For a short time, she wondered what she could use to see if that was correct and attempted to soul scribe on her soul again.

Suddenly, memories invaded her. They hurt so much that she dropped to the ground, a good hundred metres from the cave, and became motionless. But...Inside her mind...Waves, upon waves of more memories washed over her. It was an explosion upon her mind, that hurt tremendously! Her brain also had trouble taking in all this additional information and also caused her to tremble with a faint stroke. Even some blood escaped from her mouth as her eyes rolled backwards behind her closed eyelids...

A knew memory stood out among the rest. She was in s.p.a.ce, surrounded by blackness all around. So much black it would make one feel very lonely. Scattered auras were mixed into this blackness, but they weren’t complete.

Then, that old man came into her vision, shaking his head at her, “Perhaps, you need more time, my child. You are not strong enough!”

After the memory fades for a moment, she can see it again…

A planet was formed in front of her eyes and that planet…Was Roneglaise. The old man had put his hand out towards her soul then, and her memory went blank again…Until she had been reborn! It was the life she had when she had cultivated the art of Reincarnation, where her name was originally, Anonym…

