Anonym & Switch, Obtaining Power to Retaliate

Chapter 45

Chapter 45

Embrace (4)

Switch couldn"t help but worry about Anonym. He kept saying, what"s there to worry about, but it didn"t stop him. After six hours, he walked towards the entrance of the cave and found nothing. Sitting down, he continued to wait for the return of his girl.



Twelve hours after Anonym had fallen to the ground, she woke up. It may have looked like she had a nice, normal, good sleep…But she didn"t.

Standing, she felt a tear go down her face and she clenched her fist. So long! So very long, she had done this!

She had indeed done this before! From the last planet...She had been remade back to scratch! She had to learn and do everything all over again! What she had known previously, had all been locked inside her! What she had unlocked earlier was because of the art of Reincarnation. She hadn’t thought that there had been anything else…

Wiping her tear away, she just stood there. No wonder! No wonder I"m like this! I can kill lives so easily, yet not care!

Shaking her head viciously, she needed to think. If this was her fate, she was going to change it!

Turning into an eagle, she flew away from any kind of population and found a vacant spot, to figure out what was going on.

Her talents had changed again, because of her being able to remember more. She also had no idea, but one, on what she was going to do...And that was, this time it won"t happen again!

Anonym wasn"t completely destroyed last time, this time...She"ll either get that old man...Or completely destroy herself!

How could he think that I could tolerate to do all this! Oh! I’ll do as you say old man!

Igniting her fury, she let her anger lash out. I will win! I will get my revenge! I hate you old man! I hate you! I want to destroy you! No, I want to make you forget who you are, have no power and be continuously reincarnated for eternity!


By the time she stopped, the area around her was noticeably different. Trees had been broken to fall over, leaves were scattered everywhere, there was a hole a few metres wide and pieces of rock where in random places, that used to be part of big rock.

Anonym, feeling a little better, wasn"t going to cry! Instead, she started to laugh. Her laughter was full of sorrow that slowly started to turn into a murderous rage. As she continued to laugh, the sorrow dissipated and a more malicious laughter was formed. Her talents now, were better than they were before, she didn"t need much time now before she could go and search for this old man.

Finally starting to calm down, she painfully went through her memories to find her flaws. She had to succeed! She will be stronger!




Because Anonym left, the proceedings the Barren Clan continued. The set of chains, that she had transformed, ended up getting married to gain the Emperor more power.

Funnily enough, the words that these chains said continued and everyone finally started to feel that something was strange about this girl.

It was a month after the wedding, that suddenly, she disappeared, and all they could find...Were chains on the floor. These chains had the name of the husband they had married, making them believe that they had just been bested by this ‘powerful person’ this whole time! A huge ruckus befell on the Barren Clan and the Emperor issued a degree to kill this girl and to bring her lifeless body before him!


Switch was completely worried about Anonym. He had waited for her to return for a week, before he started to feel like she wasn"t going to come back. Unwillingly, he started to think that she had left him. He just couldn"t understand why.

Not knowing what to do, he and Presley stayed for another two weeks, before Switch decided to go back to the Rain Clan.

Upon returning to the Rain Clan, Switch found Mark and didn"t know how to answer his questions about the "Great Master Belwin".

The "Crowned Prince" had returned and Switch told him to become the Emperor. But all this had been too much for Switch. For some strange reason, he thought if he had come here, she might be here...But she hadn"t been here.

Leaving both Mark and the new Emperor of the Rain Clan, he and Presley went to their cave, made quite some time ago with Anonym, and stayed there.

Presley saw that Switch wasn"t himself and was unsure how to talk to him. He did what he normally did on this planet and looked after his treasures…

Switch was so angry he wanted to leave the planet, but he didn"t. Then he was sad because she had left him...He didn"t leave the cave for quite some time...



Anonym...Didn"t think of much else, except for getting stronger. Obviously, last time, she hadn"t been strong enough! She had to be stronger!

She completed a few talents, she cultivated more on her personal cultivation but...Throughout this time, she felt like she was missing something.

Denying this missing feeling, didn"t work, forgetting the feeling, didn"t work...Instead, she just let it gnaw at her. She let herself get more and more angry. Using that anger to strive for more strength...

That old man could create a planet, he could create me, he could make me forget a past experience...

Anonym could see no end to this old man"s capabilities, yet, what else could she do but strive to be stronger?

