Anonym & Switch, Obtaining Power to Retaliate

Chapter 48

Chapter 48

Existing (3)

Anonym didn’t have tracks to chase, so she wasn’t sure on where to get her son back!

After a few hours of aiming cluelessly around, she started to think that maybe he had gone back to where they had used to be. With an aim, she headed straight in the direction of her first hideout near the Hydra Clan, to find nothing. Then, she headed straight towards the second hideout…


Switch was worried, while he gave the little boy a magical toy, after he had finished eating. He had done things without thinking and knew that Anonym was someone that would kill!

But, he made no move to leave, he even cuddled the boy while he had his back towards the wide, opened cave entrance.

For some reason, he knew that she was coming! And he was waiting for her!

And she finally did come…

“Switch! Give him back to me! Now!”

Her yell made his heart thump, for so long he never realized it, but he had been so bored with life. Now, upon his blood rushing around his body, at hearing her voice, he couldn’t help but smile. He cuddled the boy closer to him, then whispered, “You must protect me, my son!”


Not hearing a response, even though he was right there, with his back towards her, she rushed up to him and put her hands on her hips. “Give him back to me!”

Anonym breathed in and out, shaking her head. With no response, she walked around, to see that Switch had his eyes closed, cuddling their son. She found herself speechlessly, watching him.

He never held her against her will, never forced something on to her…Now remembering these things, she found herself giving in to his tactics. For a short moment, she even felt sorry that she had been away for so long and that he had never known that she had conceived his child.

Losing her composure, her hands fell to her sides and she sat down on the ground, beside the males who have clutched her heart.

Sighing hopelessly, she watched as Switch started to rock the little boy in his arms, showing that he wasn’t ready to let go.

Silence filled the cave.


Opening his eyes slowly, Switch looked at Anonym. He didn’t know what face he had, but he was sure it held some kind of expression. He didn’t say anything, but stared at her and saw that her reaction was a bit sad.

He brought out a hand and gestured for her to come to him as well, for a hug, and she felt so overwhelmed she nearly started to cry.

Ever since knowing of her extra past, she had been so full of hatred! But…

As a tear escaped her, she found herself going into his embrace. No words were said as she silently cried and as he rocked both her and their son.

This man…Why do I need this stupid man!?

Anonym couldn’t believe she had such a stupid weakness! It was incredulous! It was insane! But, she couldn’t believe how much better she already felt, just by being in his arms. The comfort he gives her made her, want to cry more to knowing how she’d gone without it! All this time she had let it gnaw at her, she knew that she was missing something, and now it had finally stopped…

Through her knowing that things would change if she were to come back to Switch, she couldn’t help it. She knew she wanted to be with this stupid man, that’s all there was to it…


Switch felt heart broken. He knew for a certain fact, that a huge event must have occurred for her to do what she had done.

Honestly, he was very thankful to his son. He saw it himself, the change she had from being by herself, with the huge murderous aura, to being normal upon seeing their son.

He also knew that he wouldn’t stop her if she were to take their son and leave again. But this time, he was going to go with her. Wherever she went, he would just follow her. She could cry on his shoulder anytime.

Feeling like he’s become complete for the first time in years, he continued to rock his family.

Switch looked after his son and Anonym when they had both fallen asleep. He had slowly placed his son in a small cot, that had materialized, and picked up his beloved girl, to place her on a bed, not far away.

Laying with her in his arms, he fell asleep as well.



Waking the next day, Anonym saw Switch right beside her. She hadn’t let her dreams become her thoughts for so long, that she put her hand on his face to see if he was even real.

After a few seconds, she found that his hand went to cover hers and he opened his eyes, “I never told you something.”

Not showing much emotion on her face, she just continued to stare at him.

Switch kissed her hand, still looking at her, “I love you, Anonym.”

Anonym looked away, let out a small breath and then swallowed. She bit her lips then looked back at him.

Switch smiled at her and kissed her on the forehead. “Stay, I’ll take my son with me to the palace. Have some rest.”

He honestly thought that giving her some s.p.a.ce was what she wanted, but she held his hand tighter, even hurting him.

As he had started to get up, he now stopped, and looked back at her.

Laying back down again, he grabbed her and pulled her closer towards him.

Maybe I’m the strong one at the moment, he thought.

