Anonym & Switch, Obtaining Power to Retaliate

Chapter 50

Chapter 50

Existing (5)

In an instant, Switch brought his staff out and tapped it on the ground to produce a sword.

Picking the sword up, Anonym started to smile as the sword started to glow a very shiny blue. “It’s…The blue sword!”

Switch nodded, “What is infuse?”

Anonym looked up at him, “Adding an extra…Well, for instance, if I added more power to my sword, it would glow even brighter, but the colour…”

Switch looked at his staff, what could he infuse in it that would work for him?

Anonym smiled at him, she really did hope that they could leave and find someone else to help get revenge. “Well, since I have my blue sword, I’ll go infuse it!”

Switch snapped out of his thoughts, “Wait!”

He grabbed her and pulled her into his arms, he wasn’t quite ready for her to leave his sight…

“What do you want your sword infused with?” He asked.

Giving it serious thought, she didn’t even realize that Switch had breathed out a sigh in relief.

“Dexterity, it’s the hardest to cultivate and the best one to have.” She said.

He put his hand down her arm slowly, making her close her eyes, and he touched the sword in her hands.

Tapping the floor with his staff, he attempted to infuse the sword with Dexterity.

Anonym didn’t know what he was doing because she was taken by his closeness and touch. But, the sudden strange, difference to the sword snapped her back to reality.


Lifting up the sword, it looked different than it did just moments before. Compared, before it was crude, now it was shiny and gold. Instead of a blue colour…It was black! A black glow that seemed very powerful. Having seen Dexterity already been infused before and seeing black on weapons was not such a big deal to Anonym, but she had enhanced her Power very much and the black glow was quite brilliant. The blue glow beforehand had represented Stamina, a red glow would represent Strength. But nothing would beat the pitch-black glow. It almost felt like the sword could reach her heart, knowing what was inside. Now, she could soul scribe the sword and they would be partners till death, well in her case, forever.

Actually, a soul scriber was a pretty decent art, just like the art of Infusing.

The art of Infusing was under the talent of Weaponsmith, so many people could attempt to try the art of Infusing as the talent Weaponsmith was a popular talent. The problem was, the different personal traits, like Stamina and Strength, had different levels to achieve to infuse them into a weapon. There were probably only two others, besides herself, on the planet of Roneglaise, that could infuse a weapon with Dexterity. To be able to infuse an item with Dexterity, one has to be quick. Upon another trait, like that of Stamina, infusing an item would take longer, but would be easier because it takes that much time to do it! Infusing an item with Strength could take less time but obviously would be done with heavy pressure instead. During this, one must infuse the written knowledge of that personal trait, also meaning that the person doing it would have to cultivated in that trait personally as well. So, only having two others able to infuse Dexterity onto weapons, it means that only two people have personally cultivated their Dexterity to a point that it can be used for the art of Infusing.

As a priest in her former life, she had done little weapon soul scribing, but people had wanted it because then no one else was able to use that weapon. Funnily enough, there were archived weapons that couldn’t be used, but knew of as great, because of the legends or very well-known people had used them. And all these weapons would recognize Anonym, if she were to touch them…But, she had forgotten about all of them…


Switch had watched her reaction and was happy that infusing her sword had seemed to have worked.

What he wanted now, was a thank you. Putting his staff away, he pulls her into him and kissed her.

Anonym was slowly putting down the sword and getting taken away by her senses…How could she have forgotten for three years! This wanting desire going through her made her feel like there was no tomorrow and that it had to be satisfied right now!

They both were starting to think that they hadn’t been with each other for such a long time…

He ravaged her mouth, demanding her total attention and only pulled back just so they could breathe!

Switch smiled, “You’re welcome.”

Anonym was still dreamily looking at him, not sure what was going on. All she did was repeat what he had just said, “You’re welcome.”

Chuckling, Switch kissed her forehead, “I like that.”

Like that? Suddenly Anonym remembered what he had said earlier, that he loved her.

Feeling suddenly shy, she became red and speechless.

Coughing and clearing her throat, she breathed out and backed away from him. “Mmm. So, uh.”

So adorable, Switch let out a smile as he looked at her, like she was the most precious thing in the world.

Anonym blinked, she didn’t know he had this kind of power as well!

Sighing, she looked towards Alex and said, “Let’s go on an outing! I haven’t drank freedom elixir in such a long time!”

Nodding happily, Switch also looked at Alex. Anything you want…Just don’t disappear on me again!

“Mark will be happy to see you.”

Anonym widened her eyes and took a moment to respond, “Oh yeah! I forgot about him!”