Anonym & Switch, Obtaining Power to Retaliate

Chapter 52

Chapter 52

Magic (2)

At the tavern, Anonym feed Alex, while she sipped on her freedom elixir.

Switch was enthralled, there was nowhere else he’d like to be right now. Seeing his woman with his child, was the greatest!

What he started to notice though, was others turning and staring to his beautiful woman!

“Change back!” He said, glaring at one of the men.

“Why?” Anonym asked.

Switch looked at her possessively, “People are looking at you! I want to be the only one looking at you!”

Smiling in amus.e.m.e.nt, Anonym couldn’t believe his reaction! “Mmm?”

Switch continue to look at her, “Please.”

She really liked his face, this pleading face was really cute! She put her hand up to his cheek and pulled on it a little bit. He slapped her hand away and pulled her into his arms, taking Alex with her, then kissed her.

After he pulled back, he said, “If you don’t change back, I will teleport us away!”

Widening her eyes, she had to admit she wasn’t ready to leave…She wasn’t finished! She couldn’t believe that he was threatening her!

Pouting, she hmphed, then switched back to her original body.

Switch put a finger down her face, smiling, “Good girl.”


For quite some time, Anonym seem to stay out of trouble and just sat there drinking, with Alex on her lap. When Switch took Alex, it was like she woke up, her eyes starting to twinkle. Looking at Switch with pleading eyes, made him laugh and he nodded. Instantly, she vanished from sight!

Up to the usual, she caused chaos and they had to leave when the guards turned up and Alex started to cry.

When they arrived back at the cave, Anonym put Alex to sleep, while Switch watched.

It was…Unique.

She bounced him, while murmuring about fighting skills.

Shaking his head, he took the sleeping child from her hands and put him in a cot.

Picking her up after, caught her off guard. “It’s our time now!” He said.

Anonym shook her head, putting her hands up. “I don’t want another child.”

His footsteps stilled to her blunt statement…

Silently, Switch was a little sad, but he didn’t show it, “Then, we won’t.”

Looking at him, she asked, “And how can that be done!”

Walking towards the bed, he put her down and climbed up on top of her, thinking quickly as he went. “I have magic right. There has to be something that exists that would prevent conceiving a child.”

Smiling, Anonym nodded, “If you find something, then I want too! Very badly! Right now!”

Being able to come up with something, then figuring out how it worked, they were able to continue…




Within a month of Anonym returning back to the Rain Clan, Switch was able to infuse his staff with something that actually works for him. He knew it couldn’t be entirely something from the planet of Roneglaise, because he couldn’t cultivate, but it was from his planet as well. He infused it with Power, but magical Power. He never thought that it would be possible for him to gain more power, but he did! His staff now holds nearly twice the amount of power now.

Anonym, when not looking after Alex, would disappear for half the day, coming back with blood on her clothes.

Switch asked her about it, not liking to see blood on her, but her answer was always, “Hitting the old man.”

After a day, he came to think of where he had found her after three years. Unable to stop her, he let her go, knowing there was still quite a few things he didn’t know about her.

She had also made him give her quite a few higher valued magical stones to cultivate Power more.

After this month…Anonym got set to collect things for Alex, for his future in cultivation, hoping that they would be able to do it elsewhere as well. It was something that she didn’t know, because she had never tried to cultivate anywhere else, in all her memories…

Telling Switch that they should be able to leave soon, she asked him if he had thought about teleporting the way she had asked.

Switch had thought little about it, he guessed that he’ll just go to teleport to another aura like theirs. Wouldn’t that be all that needs to be done?


Since Anonym knew of many talents, she could fill Alex in on the rare ones, but she did want him to work things out on his own. She wasn’t going to do everything for the little man and have him grow up unaccomplished! But, what shocked her, was that Switch could see Alex carrying locked magic within him.

This confused Anonym and she asked him that if he’s got magic, then what about cultivation!?

They were both uncertain if he will do cultivation now that they knew about the magic, so wouldn’t it be better to go to Switch’s planet instead…

Thinking that to be a good idea, Switch was certain he could teleport them there, before they go elsewhere.

Anonym unhappily agreed and continued to complete what she needed to do here on Roneglaise.

Then, after a couple of hours of thinking about going to Switch’s planet, she changed her mind. She was interested on this magical planet of Bracabra and, also, wanted to find out if it was possible for her to continue her cultivation there as well.