Anonym & Switch, Obtaining Power to Retaliate

Chapter 54

Chapter 54

Magic (4)

Commoners and traders spent time with Presley, who flew them around as his farewell offerings and the night ended very quickly because everyone was happy and having fun.

“The Rain Clan will always open our doors to you!” Said the Emperor, who had a flushed face from drinking.

Anonym smiled and pointed at him, “Yer doors! Haha, they are ma doors! Ma doors! Imma…”

Her hiccup made a few laughs, but the Emperor could only show a slight smile. He knew this girl was drunk, yet she still dared to say such things!

Switch didn’t apologize for her, he held Alex in his arms who was asleep and tried to keep Anonym from falling over with his other arm. “We will keep that in mind, Your Majesty.”

Turning, he saw Presley behind them and he clicked his fingers to have them all appear on top of the dragon.

He had wanted to go back to the cave, but Anonym was adamant to go straight to his planet upon leaving the gathering. She had mumbled something about wasting time after that, but he hadn’t been able to hear it all clearly…

He brought out his staff, after placing Anonym safely on Presley and then…They disappeared.




When they arrived on the planet of Bracabra, Switch found Presley excited.

“It’s…It’s my cave Switch, it’s my cave!” The dragon had jumped a little, waking the little boy from his sleep.

Switch grabbed Anonym and still holding Alex, he teleported to the ground. Clicking his fingers, he enhanced the previous cave to a better, bigger one and told Presley that he could go down and look after treasures for now.

Putting Alex in a small bed, he looked at Anonym, who was snoring on his side.

Holding both mother and child had been very uncomfortable for Switch, but he still couldn’t shake his happiness.

After laying her down on a bed, and placing Anonym’s treasures to the side, he turned and went towards the entrance of the cave.

He was back…He hadn’t wanted to come back here ever again.

If it wasn’t for his child, he wouldn’t have come back.

His face had gone expressionless again, in remembering when he was last here. He clenched his fists and breathed out.

They shouldn’t be here for long, but he was still very much uncomfortable in being here at all.

Wanting to get away from this planet as fast as possible, he closed the cave, put a magical barrier up and teleported away.


Switch didn’t like the way Bracabra was at all, when it came to power. The Elders were the highest magical beings and they controlled all of the wizard population. They went around acting like they owned everybody and n.o.body would contest it. The only thing that Elders let pa.s.s, were that off the witches…

Witches used a different kind of magic then that of the wizards. Wizards used their magic in body, and Witches used theirs in mind. The staff that Switch produces out of thin air, actually comes from his body. It was knowledge found from Elders, quite some time ago, that when they are to produce their magic inside of an item and bring it outside of their body, their magic was able to be used in a more powerful way.

The witches, instead, used words to speak, making it a weakness, but they had potions that they made. The potions would work without words but only lasted for a brief amount of time, in which made the Elders not seek war against them. Another reason was that the higher cla.s.sed witches had companions that would only add to their offensive strategy’s that made it most difficult to defend against them. Since their magic comes from the mind, they were able to speak to these companions through their magic and the companions could even travel quite a distance, still being able to speak to their masters.

Then there were dragons. There were distinct types of dragons with different personalities, mostly going with the colour that they were. The black dragons of Enoor, were always angry and arrogant. They were also deemed the most dangerous creatures on the planet and people stayed away from their two dens for miles.

Another strange lot of beings on Bracabra, were leprechauns. It was obvious that they were still around, but they were rarely seen. The strange thing was, they kept the dragons entertained, and so the humans stayed away from both of them. If they saw a leprechaun, they would think that a dragon would be close by to attempt to catch its treasure, and people would end up running away instead of wanting to greedily catch the leprechauns themselves. The leprechauns gave the planet Bracabra some sort of harmony, as the dragons would prefer to chase them instead of going after the people.

Then, there was him…Switch himself was also a well-known factor on the planet of Bracabra. Just like Anonym was on Roneglaise.


Similar to that like Anonym with the trembling earth and known ‘powerful person’ throughout the people on Roneglaise. Instead, Switch was known sometimes prior to unlocking his magic, but if not then…When he would unlock his magic, the magical explosion would be at least three times as much as the highest known wizard who was not his previous selves. For others, they would have a magical explosion that would normally extend to a room, at most a house. As for Switch, a whole village would be involved! So, instead of Anonym’s trembling earth, Switch would have ma.s.sive magical explosions upon unlocking his magic…

Normally when one unlocks their magic at the average age of fifteen, a barrier is placed around them and people vacate the house. When the magical explosion goes off, it is not necessarily life threatening, it is more so the years of stored magic that is finally released. When it is released, their personal type of magic would inflict the area, for instance, if they had the type of magic that transforms items, their magic explosion would transform items. However, Switch, being one to inflict a whole village, destroying the protection magical barrier in his magical explosion, would cause quite a calamity…In a previous life, he had become a speciality fire wizard and when he had unlocked his magic and the magic explosion had gone off…The whole village had turned to ash, including the people who lived there…