Anonym & Switch, Obtaining Power to Retaliate

Chapter 55

Chapter 55

Magic (5)

But the way this planet worked, meant nothing to Switch. His son was nearly at the age where he could possibly be able to find what king of magic he possesses, which was the age of three. There were indeed stages in this, one was what the degree of magic he has, if it were high, medium or low. Another is the kind of magic, it could be one or two or even all three of defensive, offensive or pa.s.sive. The kind of magic does tend to be who you become, as obviously defensive magic would make you become a magic officer who are ruled by the Elders. Offensive is taken very severely, as they implant you with a magical bomb, just in case you were to go against the Elders orders. Yet, having offensive talent is still quite a worthy position for those who can think beyond the implantation. This position is in the magical army, which spend much of their time training, being called upon didn’t happen often and most of the time it was because of witches coming to close to the people upon the land. Pa.s.sive was the most common kind of magic, many of the commoners were placed with this kind of magic. Other pa.s.sive magic users involved teachers and priests, who were also ruled by the Elders, rarely giving them freedom. If possible, before the magic inside Alex is unlocked, there’s a slight chance that Switch could find out what his magic will be based on, so that he could get that information ready straight away.

That’s what he needed to do before he left this planet.

As for Switch, he has a high degree amount of power, in all three kinds of magic and his magic is based on existence.


With this in mind, he wanted to know what kind of magic Alex had first. Being a teacher before, in a previous life, he knew he needed a ‘Degree Magic Orb’, and ‘Base Reading Cards’.

It wouldn’t matter which wizard faction he went too, they were all deemed save from witches. It was also very unique, compared to Roneglaise, with the town appearing right in front of you.

On Bracabra, all that is seen is an entrance, with a few magic officers stationed there. One faction had a huge hole in the ground as an entrance, another had a huge hole in a mountain, they all seemed somewhat different. But, they were all connected, even if the entrances were far away from one another, what was inside would be the same walking in from each entrance.

It had been a couple of centuries now that the wizards were able to determine the differences of magic between the wizards and witches and were able to make a magical barrier based upon that difference.

Now that there was that barrier, witches could attempt to go through it, but would not be able to see the extensive wizard world inside the entrance. Upon this realization, witches found that there was no way they could ever totally exterminate their hated enemies of the wizards.


As a wizard, though, upon walking into the entrance, it was like another world would open up. There would be everything that the people would need, even if witches decided to take the entrance by force. To live indefinitely there would be something that could be done!

Of course, there used to be a capital, where the Elders used to reside, but that faction was different. It had been an enchanted city that floated outside, in the sky instead. But now, as Switch saw it off in the distance, it seemed to have been put in a magical barrier and deemed off limits, as the colour of the magical barrier was red.

This big, red barrier was quite large, and was very eye-catching, always reminding the people of what Switch had done the last time that he was seen.

Not wanting to think too much of the past, Switch leisurely walked into a wizard faction’s entrance, not being stopped by the magic officers.

Even with teleportation, there would be no way that Switch could go through the entire wizard world all in one day, as it was ma.s.sive!


Upon appearing near a popular magical store, that was deemed to have nearly everything, he walked in.

He knew he could use magic to have these things appear, but he wasn’t too sure if he had remembered everything. Having even left his own planet to advance his imagination, right now he was just trying to see if there was something he’d forgotten.

Honestly, he hadn’t thought very much about Bracabra in years, so he had a couple of doubts to his memory. But there was one more thing, he wanted to check out the news and see if there was anything else. If they had found a better way to do something or if they had come up with a new magical item…

Switch spend an entire day, teleporting around to different magical shops to look into items and see if there was any news. He didn’t need to pay for anything, as he didn’t buy anything, not that it would stop him if he wanted something in the first place. Since money was found to be magically fabricated, they didn’t use money anymore…Instead, payment was more like a trade. Simply put, the outside of the planet was a place many wizards didn’t want to go, so they sold what they have, to get whatever it was they wanted from the outside…

Bracabra, being so big, still had quite a few things that many wizards would want, but for quite some time the outside was practically owned by witches. It would be fine if you had many things to trade, but if you didn’t, you would be forced to go the outside and be careful not to be sneaked up upon by the ruthless witches!

Seeing that he had been away for so long, he finally returned back to the cave.