Anonym & Switch, Obtaining Power to Retaliate

Chapter 56

Chapter 56


Anonym had woken up after a few hours, to tend to Alex, realizing that Switch had already gone. After Alex was happy again, she found that she had indeed been put in a spot that was closed off and was a little upset that she couldn’t go out and see this magical world.

She really was quite curious what was outside, but instead, she decided to find an answer to her question on if she would be able to cultivate on another planet.

Letting Alex play with a wooden sword, that she had made, she got out a left over magical stone and started to cultivate Power by stealing the power within it.

An hour later, Anonym opened her eyes and looked down at the stone, that had now lost its vibrant shiny colour.

It had worked!

Feeling happy to know that she could at least cultivate one thing, Anonym wanted to see if she could do others!

Putting on her high valued pressure cuffs, from amongst her treasures, she looked around the cave to find the best place to hit…

The entrance seemed like the best place! Honestly, she wasn’t really certain if they had even left Roneglaise, nothing had changed so far…


Even though Anonym had found what she wanted to do, it wasn’t long before Alex wanted her again and Switch had returned.

Switch had seen the state of the entrance and frowned. It was clear that Anonym seemed to be getting much stronger! He didn’t even have to use magic to get into the cave, as the hole she had punched through could fit him in, only making him duck slightly.

Seeing his family, his expressionless face disappeared, to show a smile.

His woman was now an animal that was climbing all over his son, making his son giggle happily.

Not being noticed, Switch continued to watch as a small panther ran away and Alex tried to follow it, trying to catch its tail!

It really was adorable!

Silently, he made a table and chair appear and he sat down to eat, while watching the show of his beloved family being happy.




A day pa.s.sed and Anonym started to ponder more and more about what was outside of the cave. Upon that night, she didn’t want to sleep, after Switch and her had sweated with their naked bodies together, she asked him about his planet.

Switch, his hand holding her to him and his other hand under his head, looked up at the roof. “What do you want to know?”

Feeling his unhappiness, Anonym frowned and went silent.

Seeing her like this, he looked at her and said, “I’ll tell you anything, just ask.”

“But it makes you sad.” She said.

Chuckling, he kissed her forehead, “It doesn’t matter, it’s the past anyway. Right now, in the present, I’m very happy.”

Looking up at Switch, Anonym smiled, “Tell me about the dragons!”

Switch was actually happy with this topic, “Presley is a bronze dragon, they aren’t normally as friendly as him, but the Bronze Dragons of Zenco had kept to themselves since being attacked by the Red Dragons of Rotar. There are also the Green Dragons of Bolknar who have been known to speak with the humans on the occasion, but their enemies didn’t become the other dragons, but human’s themselves. So, the green dragons went off and resided quite a distance now from the humans. Their used to be azure dragons, but they had become extinct quite some time ago. The black dragons of Enoor are the most vicious. If someone were to go into their territory, they would definitely kill them! That’s why, for miles, there is two places on the planet that don’t have any civilization.”

“So, there’s two black dragons?” Anonym asked, excited.

“No, there’s more than two, but only two places that have them. As you see, Presley isn’t an adult yet, but his age, compared to a human, is quite old. They don’t reproduce very often at all.” Switch said.

Anonym wanted to see one! “Can you take me to see one!?”

“Are you joking! They aren’t like Presley, Anonym, they will kill you!” Switch angrily responded.

Anonym looked back at him frowning, “I’m not joking! I want to see one!”

Seeing her so determined, he sighed in frustration, then said, “I’ve seen one. I was lucky to get away.”

“What happened!?” She asked, excited again.


“I had been with Presley a few months by then, and we came across a witch who had wanted to take him. But since she couldn’t take him, she found herself another one, a young red dragon. She came to us afterwards and wanted to fight, but we really hadn’t any time for that, as magic officers had started to come after me. We were chased to the outskirts of one of the black dragon’s territory and one of them came.”

Remembering the past, Switch frowned. It was still quite early days then, and this witch had slowly even become a friend…But she was also the one that had gone against him, betraying both himself and Presley. She was the reason that he had the scar on his face!

Anonym saw that he had stopped talking, and said, “What did the black dragon do?”

Breathing in and out, to come back to the present, Switch continued, “I didn’t attempt to save any of the magic officers, I saved both dragons and the witch and I.”

“You saved her?” Anonym didn’t like that! “Why?”

“She was still young, she didn’t really know what she was doing. Her mother had disappeared and only had a vengeance filled brother. Later, she found out why he was like that and that was when she really did choice the path of being nasty. But, at the time of the black dragon, she still had a choice.”

“You’re really kind-hearted, Switch.” Anonym said frowning.

Switch lifted his eyebrows and looked at her, showing a small smile, he continued, “I’m not entirely kind hearted, I just know what it’s like to go down the wrong path.”

These words reminded Anonym of when she had been so angry that she hadn’t mastered the art of Soul Scribing…

“Mmm.” She hummed, but she didn’t totally agree, “But, I don’t think it’s completely the wrong path. Sometimes, it just can’t be helped…”

Anonym had no remorse or guilt to that life, she was even glad that she had lived it!