Anonym & Switch, Obtaining Power to Retaliate

Chapter 58

Chapter 58

Pets (3)

Anonym had already left the ground, and flew straight towards the eyes of the dragon from behind him. Not showing any restraint or fear, she dived with her eagle claws and swiped viciously at the eye, before flying to the back of the dragon.

The roar that the dragon let out then was louder and more aggressive, it gave another short, whiny roar afterwards as it tried to get its bearings from losing the sight of an eye.

Anonym had flown around, thinking to get the dragon’s other eye, when she heard yet another roar but from a different direction.

Switch was absolutely scared, but he could see that Anonym was doing okay. After hearing a second dragon, he teleported to the first dragon’s head and yelled, “Anonym!”

Anonym flew to him and became human, her smile was fantastic and her face was totally lit up! “Ah, they are great! Full of malice, I like it!”

The dragon, feeling them on top of his back, rushed to go high into the sky and start to turn his body around. But Switch could teleport and Anonym became an eagle, making its efforts go to waste.

When the dragon found that they had left his back, Anonym appeared there once again. Making it do the same process, yet still unable to shake her off!

The other black dragon could be seen now and it let out a vicious roar as it soared around, looking like it was determining its best plan of action.

But, their team work was being hindered by the little strange being that kept getting onto the first dragon’s back!

What was she doing!? Switch, even seeing her so excited, he couldn’t let things go! But what was he to do!?


Anonym didn’t mean to be a pest to this first dragon, but she had come up with an idea. The problem was…It took some moments to put together and use!

Getting out her sword, she plunged it into the dragon and then watched as it reflexed backwards in pain.

Looking to see the other dragon, she took a small chance to let down her guard for the moment.

The second dragon saw Anonym sit there and raced towards her, the speed of the dragon growing when it was about fifty metres away.

In that small moment, as the dragon plummeted towards her in great speed, Anonym shapeshifted.

Big, huge claws came out, falling to the ground, trapping the first dragon beneath them. Wings stretched out to cover at least two hundred metres!

Then, this new, huge dragon let out a G.o.d defying, loud, piercing roar that shook the earth for miles and miles.

The second dragon fell the rest of the way to the ground and didn’t attempt to get up, instead it let out low whines.

Looking down at her new pets, Anonym let out another roar in happiness, which also shook the earth.


Switch had stopped breathing upon seeing the huge dragon, that was about thirty times as big as the other two black dragons. He couldn’t believe it!

There were no words, no sounds, just a mouth that gaped open in total, utter shock!

He watched as this huge dragon lifted its claw and let the other dragon go, both dragons stayed on the ground, heads bowed down in mercy.

Letting out a low roar at them, they whined back in grievance.

Seeing this, Switch began to laugh hysterically. He couldn’t help it, he had been so scared, then so surprised that he let it out in his laughter.

Anonym looked at him, with her dragon eyes, confused. Then she turned back to human, still standing right before the two dragons.

They knew though, they weren’t stupid, this being was their master…They weren’t going to do anything stupid!

Turning back to the first dragon, she walked towards it. It whined but didn’t move, letting her go onto it’s back to get her sword.

After she got her sword, she healed the wound and then healed its eye.

Both dragons whined again, still on the ground.

She put her sword in her scabbard and waved her hand at them. “Go.”

They immediately got up and flew to their den, going out of sight within moments.

Walking back to Switch she smiled, “Like my new pets?”



“Meet me here in a day, go back to check on Alex.” Anonym said, then turned around and started to walk towards the den, that couldn’t even be seen from this distance.

“Wait!” Switch ran up to her and took her into his arms, even though her back was still to him, “Hang on! What are you going to do!?”

“This will be our new home!” She said, cheerfully. “You said that you can’t check Alex’s magic yet, so at least here, we’ll be safe. And I can go flying around with my new pets!”

She already knew what she wanted to do now! It really was so exciting just thinking about it!

“You...Want to have Alex…Near a black dragon?” Switch let her go and tried very hard to contain his composure. This was a very bad idea!

“That’s why I’m going first, I’ll make sure they know who’s the master!” Anonym stated bluntly, as she turned to him.

“No!” Switch declared. That would be stupid!

“Why not!?” Anonym asked.

Switch stood there silently, holding his staff, looking very sullen.

Anonym walked up to him but he didn’t look at her, making her feel a little uneasy, “What’s wrong?”

“I’ll come back in a day, but Alex and I will not live in a den full of black dragons!” Then he disappeared.