Anonym & Switch, Obtaining Power to Retaliate

Chapter 6 (part two)

Chapter 6 (part two)


Anonym was really irritated when they arrived at the Rain Clan, the biggest clan on the Murkcloud continent. The travel time had been too quick, and she’d been having so much fun!

The townspeople that surrounded the clan, made it look very large, yet the Rain Clan itself was less than a third of the amount of population of the townspeople. What kept everything well organized and populated, was that this was where the royal lineage of the Murkcloud continent stayed.

When the follower saw that they were indeed coming to this place, he had gone pale.

Anonym saw his complexion and then asked casually, "What are you worried about?"

He looked at her, as Presley landed on the big wall that surrounded the Rain Clan. The dragon was heavy enough to leave claw marks on the wall and have a brick fall down the great height, towards the ground.

The follower had no idea what to say, he was already thankful, because he had nearly been caught again. And she had kept him healthy since they had met, but why did they have to come here of all places?

"I will gift you something good. I want to know what you will do with it."

He looked down, then back up again, "I am already grateful for your help."

Anonym cheekily smiled at him, "We will show you our hiding spot, then I will give you something special."

Looking outside of the walls, she saw a mountain within some mist, in the far distance, and then looked around for Switch.

He came up to them a minute later and Anonym pointed towards the misty mountain, "Hiding spot, there."

Switch looked towards the misty mountain, then nodded. "Okay, let"s go."


They all landed and found that this place was riddled with low level magical beasts.

Anonym thought it was a perfect spot, but Switch thought otherwise.

“The hideout will always have to be closed then!”

“So? If it’s such a big deal, get Presley to stay near the entrance!”

“What’s Presley going to do!”

“Let out a roar and scare them away.”


“I don’t want to stay outside!”

“See, he doesn’t want to stay outside!”

“Then close the hideout all the time! Who cares!”

The follower watched them bicker over the "hiding spot" with a funny feeling. He hadn"t really spent much time with other people like them, so this was quite new. Turning back to the Rain Clan in the distance, he really was starting to worry. He knew these people were strong but through all his years of being terrified and running for survival, he just couldn"t help but revert back to the same old feelings.

"Oi!" Anonym yelled.

The follower turned back to see that Switch was walking inside something that went underground.


Seeing Anonym walk into it too, he followed inside, to see a gigantic cave! Was this here before?

Just by being with these three for a couple of days, there had been so many things that he"d never seen before!



"So, what will you need?" Switch said, after finishing his "jobs", and turned towards Anonym. He had to make treasure and food for Presley, then have all of Anonym"s other belongings appear again. He started to feel like a slave...

"First, I have to remember all the talents, and where I am with them...I figured I"d probably need a book!"

"Talents?" The follower asked, worry written on his face.

Anonym turned to him and simply said, "Yeah, I want to cultivate all my talents."

"All your talents? You have more than one?" He asked, hearing that this was about her he felt better, but then, he felt curious. It was nice to meet someone with more than one talent like himself.

"Yeah, I probably have them all, who knows!" Anonym shrugged.

The follower stared wide eyed at her, how could...That be!?

"Hey, what"s your name?"

He looked at them in apology, "I"m sorry, I hadn"t introduced myself, my name is Mark."

"Right, well Mark, I plan to travel to Rain Clan for some shopping, then come back and go into secluded cultivation. We can get what you need if you want to go into secluded cultivation as well. But, like I said, I do have a present for you."

Anonym had noticed his face all this time, how he had fought so hard that he was using his own life to gamble. He probably hasn"t anywhere to go...Then, upon coming here, and seeing his face the way she had seen it, she was sure that he feared something from here!

Walking up to him, she touched him and he wondered what she was doing.

"Now you don"t have to worry." Was all she said.

Mark didn"t understand, "I"m sorry?"

Switch gave him a new set of clothes and said, "You are invisible now."

"Revenge is sweet, Mark. Do it well. I"m guessing you won"t need a hand, but I"ll be happy to help!" Her smile was mischievous, and Mark was glad that she wasn"t his enemy!

"Thank...Thank you." Looking down, to see the new clothes, he felt so relieved at that moment. He had been running for so long, been given the worst things, lost the people he loved and been schemed on until he had nearly died countless times! Unable to move, tears ran down his face to his past. For so long he had wanted exactly this, to have someone to help, even with something small. And now, he could let go a little bit and relax...

Wiping his tears, he nodded to himself. He took a deep breath in and let it out, hoping that the harsh past would stay there and now he could start anew.


Switch watched Anonym, who was watching Mark with sad eyes. He wanted to know what she was thinking. For her to do something like this, did she feel something for that guy?

Before he could think more, Anonym looked up at him and smiled.

Her smile shocked him and he couldn’t look away. She didn"t say anything and didn"t move but nodded to him and smiled. What was that supposed to mean!?

Switch put a hand to her face, pushing her hair behind her ear, "Are you feeling good?"


He chuckled, "Is it time to go to town?"

Anonym sighed, "Do you think you could give me a piece of paper and then every talent there is? And ink?"

Nodding, Switch clicked his fingers, producing a piece of paper. Anonym looked at it, then frowned.

"I guess you haven"t seen all the talents yet...And far from all the arts…We"ll find out a lot more from town."

Looking at the piece of paper, Switch had listed at least several arts...How many were there anyway?

He had been here a year and knew of all of them on that piece of paper. Was there another way he could come up with a list?

Thinking things through, he clicked again, and a thick book appeared in his hands. Dust came of it and slowly floated to the floor.

Turning to Anonym, he said, "How about this?"

Grabbing the book, Anonym opened it up, to see quite a ma.s.sive amount of knowledge. Ah, this old thing. It was indeed something she had come to the Rain Clan to get. "Much better! Great work!"

She grabbed his clothes and pulled him down, then kissed him on the cheek.

Through his astonishment, he just stood there, not noticing her walk away and start going through the book.

...She…Kissed me!

He was unsure how to feel about that!


As Anonym busily started to write down some talents, Mark finished changing and went towards her, seeing the book.

For a moment he didn’t see anything special about it, but it looked…Somewhat familiar…

"That"s...That book!" He was pointing at it, like it was a dream, it was only one of four books in the world of Roneglaise! How did she get this book!?

"Yeah. Actually, I wrote this book."


Mark had fallen to his knees, on the ground, in his utter shock. He knew this book was very old, so old that they didn"t precisely know how old it was! How could this little girl have written this book!?

He was shocked into speechlessness, just like Switch had been from a kiss on the cheek!

Yet, she had no idea, or care...

"You...You...Wro...Wrote this!?" Mark stuttered.

Anonym looked up, a bit annoyed because she was concentrating, "Yeah, well, I wrote it once...I made my servants do the other three."

A strange sound came out of Mark"s opened mouth, but no words were said. He just didn"t understand how that could be possible! The person who wrote this, was that legend in the book that ended up dying, unable to gain longer life through the unattainable art of Immortality! How can this be possible!?

Anonym looked at Mark and asked, "Are you okay?...Do you want this book?"

"Great...Great Master Belwin!"

Frowning at the name, Anonym sighed, "What!?"

Switch looked at one and then the other, "Who is this "Great Master Belwin"?"

"The legendary...Belwin."

Also frowning, Switch clicked his fingers and a book appeared in his hands. He looked at it with great interest. "Ah, were you this "Great Master", Anonym?"

"Mmm. That was a long time ago."

A long time ago!?

Mark knew it was more than just a "long time ago". It was at least a hundred thousand years ago!

"This will give me something else to do while you"re in secluded cultivation!" Switch said, as he held the book with enthusiasm.

"Uh?" Anonym had tried to concentrate again, but they kept talking!

Seeing the book in his hands, she frowned, "Ah."

Chuckling, Switch looked at her and then Mark, "What are your plans?"

Mark was still speechless and couldn"t think properly, as he just continued to look blankly at Anonym.

Seeing him like this, made Switch unhappy. He placed the book in his hands to be in front of Mark’s eyes, to stop him from eyeballing Anonym. "Oi, what are your plans?"

Mark looked up and tried to think, but nothing came to mind. He felt like an insignificant fly at the moment! What does his life matter!

Sighing, Switch tried again, "Will you go into secluded cultivation too, to get stronger?"

"Stronger?" Mark asked. To be strong! That is a great idea!

Switch nodded towards Anonym, and said, "She could probably point you in the right path. Just don"t get too close to her or I"ll get mad!"

Mark blankly looked at Switch, "Uh?"

How could he, a fly, get close to the Great Master Belwin! He is undeserving!

Nodding easily, he really did want to start to figure out what he was going to do!




It had taken several hours for Anonym to figure out what she was going to cultivate this time, to make the best of her time. In conclusion, she wanted to cultivate Proficiency to make her cultivate in everything else quicker in the future. The only way to cultivate Proficiency, was to continuously cultivate a talent. Through knowing this, Anonym wanted to choose something easy and quick, so she was going to cultivate the art of Alchemy, in which she can also make pills to help her at the same time!

The biggest problem with alchemy, was obviously the materials that she would need. Having to have to sit down with Switch, she could see that he didn’t know of the herbs that existed. Deciding to get at least one of each of the materials that she would need from the Rain Clan, she then would demand the rest from Switch.

When she had told Mark that she was going to make pills for him to help him cultivate, he became very grateful and wanted to worship her in his heart!

Switch had helped a great deal, by gathering many magical stones of a.s.sorted colours. Seeing this, Mark was gobsmacked! He had never seen such a thing before! Just a click...And...Holy c.r.a.p!

These two were dead set powerful beings!


After Anonym had come to the conclusion on what she was going to cultivate and what she needed to shop for, she had finally asked Mark what he was going to do.

He still hadn"t worked it out! He didn"t know anything!

Seeing him like that, Anonym made him listen to her as she described an effective way to do talents and personal cultivation. She only gave him advice, not wanting to be one to tell him what to do…As that would require more work on her behalf…

Mark had never listened to anyone else in his life so attentively. She was his G.o.ddess!

Finally, he decided on the art of Invisibility. Having the talent of Psychology already, and the art of Invisibility being something under Psychology, he didn’t need to use his left over unused talent. He choose the art of Invisibility because it would be something that would help him survive!

Switch gave him the two books, that Anonym had already mastered, and Mark nearly fell into tears to how grateful he was!

Why were they so nice!? Is it really time for me to finally have some good luck...A future!?

Anonym told him that he should also work on his personal cultivation, so, she gave him her old pressure cuffs. After that, she told him that she would show him how to cultivating Power next time.

Mark thanked them endlessly and went towards a part of the cave, that Switch had made for him. It had a fresh water stream in it and if Mark ever got hungry, he just had to find Switch or Presley.

It was very normal for people to only cultivate at the most of two days, before they had to stop for nourishment…Unless someone had knowledge in the art of Rejuvenation…

With this, Switch knew that he would constantly have to stay this time, instead of gaining more knowledge outside by himself. He hadn"t known this last time, but hadn"t really thought about it. But he found himself really quite lucky that Anonym had that art of Rejuvenation!

Even though he had to stay behind, he was already looking forward to reading and knowing about the past life of this ‘Great Master Belwin’!



Finally, after a full two days from making their ‘hiding spot’, Anonym really wanted one more play before she went into cultivation, as she still hadn"t gone to the Rain Clan yet!

Even though they had to go anyway, because of the materials that she still needed, Anonym was talking about having fun.

Switch already knew that she wanted to play more…He was starting to understand what it was that she wanted now, with her different looks and actions. Seeing her starting to hurry and smile, was her looking forward to going out…

But Switch couldn’t help but feel a little useless, even though he could help her tremendously, sometimes he felt like he was keeping her down!

He had heard about what had happened back in the Hydra Clan, before he had met her…That she had stolen all of the items that he had found in her hidden spot!

Thinking that he can"t stop her from going out and having some enjoyment every now and then, he tagged along with her and had to admit to himself that he was very much excited to see what would happen this time!

He wanted to see what this little runt was like when ‘shopping’!


(Black words on a white background from Author: I have been editing, if the next chapter doesn"t have "Master" as a subheading, then go to chapter 26. Hopefully this won"t happen though and I"ll have all the chapters fixed by the time this is read...)