Anonym & Switch, Obtaining Power to Retaliate

Chapter 60

Chapter 60



A roar sounded from the large dragon and the smaller black dragons pulled their necks back and then breathed out fire upon the magic officers, who had no time to even yell out in pain.

Switch watched as a snort was heard from the large dragon and then the smaller black dragons flew away.

Walking up to the larger dragon, Switch finally saw that it seemed to be bleeding...Before he could investigate further, it disappeared and Anonym was back to her normal sixteen-year-old girl body.

The first thing she did was cough a mouth full of blood and started to fall to the ground.

"Anonym!" Switch teleported to her and stopped her from falling all the way. "Anonym!"

She looked at him, and smiled, "Hey...Sorry I"m...Late."

Her words were weak, making him panic even more. But what made him officially scared silly, was that he couldn"t heal her!

"I...Do it." Was all she said, before she fell unconscious.

Not wasting any time, Switch teleported them back to the cave and he put her down on the bed, trying many more times to heal her, but it never worked...





After two days, Anonym woke up and Switch could barely contain himself, "You are...Badly hurt!"

Anonym wanted to laugh, but it hurt too much, "Mmm, I"ll...Do it now."

Focusing entirely on her recuperation, she didn"t hear Switch ask what had happened. Actually, Anonym had been officially scared for the first time in a very long time...Even if she had heard him, she wasn"t ready to tell him how much of a failure she had been, for having gotten this hurt!

Having spent a lot of time already pacing backwards and forwards, Switch continued it anyway, as he waited impatiently for Anonym to heal.

Even being with Alex hadn"t stopped him from worrying endlessly about Anonym, while she had been sleeping all this time.

Why does she always get into so much trouble!?


Because Anonym was so weak, she took a longer time to get her body back to be a hundred percent. She had broken bones, flesh taken off her, even her foot had been cooked for a brief period of time! She had to use both types of arts to get herself back to normal again, because the art of Rejuvenation wouldn"t completely remove the burn...

What was even worse, was that if she had waited another day, she would have died!

Anger interrupted her healing process, which in turn, made it longer to be completed.

Healing herself took an entire day, that was how damaged she had been...

Switch hadn"t been able to tell at all, but what he did know was that she had spent at least half an hour fixing her hand, when she had hit the mountain. When she had been slashed across her stomach by the General, she had also been healing herself for nearly up to an hour…If she spent a full day...

Unable to wait any longer, Switch shook her body, "Speak to me!"

Anonym opened her eyes, rage flowing through them. He honestly thought she was mad at him, so he stepped away from her, "Sorry."

Looking away from him, she breathed out and said, "I"m almost done, one more hour."

Her voice was conflicted, she was so angry that she hadn"t exacted all her revenge! She wanted to do more!

Closing her eyes, she finished healing for another hour...


Switch, seeing an end in sight to her healing, he could calm down. The rage in her eyes also helped him, as he went down to play with Alex. It had been obvious to him now that she wasn’t pale and bleeding anymore…

When an hour was up, Switch came back to Anonym, to see her in the pool of water, that Switch put there for them to use.

She didn"t look like herself at all, normally she would play with the water, but this time...What had happened!?

Taking his clothes off, he got in. Finding courage, he went to her and started to wash her.

He thought that he was pushing the line already, so when she said, "I thought you wanted to know what happened."

He was taken by surprise!

"Of course, I want to know! But...Are you willing to tell me?" Switch asked, gloomily.

"Mmm, after you left, it seemed like someone had seen me change into a dragon. They got more people and came after me. If I had gone back to the black dragons, I would have been fine. But...After you left, I didn"t feel like doing anything! So...I had spent a couple of hours sitting there already waiting for you, trying to figure out what I did wrong. Even if I did finally figure out what I did wrong, then I tried to figure out how to fix it...You really..."

Anonym sighed, even though she had just gone through a dramatising episode, she easily could remember his face and what he said!

Switch didn"t say anything, secretly he was glad that she was thinking about stuff like that. He continued to wash her body and stay quiet, giving her body small kisses every now and then.


"It was witches! Those d.a.m.ned witches! I"ve never been so...I used everything I had! You know what saved me?"

Anonym looked at Switch behind her.

Switch wondered, even black dragons hadn"t been a problem for her, how was this even possible!?

"Soul Scribing! Soul Scribing was the only thing left! If I went Invisible, they spoke ludicrous words, that made me visible again! Then they did the same to my invisible pushes! If I Shapeshifted, they spoke more ludicrous words to stop me from doing it! I even tried to turn myself into gra.s.s, and turn gra.s.s into me to run away! I laid down traps for them but after one of them got trapped, they said even more ludicrous words!”

Anonym clenched her hands in rage and her eyes were dancing in flames, “There was like fifteen of the b.a.s.t.a.r.ds, two were cutting skin off me and then another put my foot in a pot! They gathered my blood, hardly any of it went on the ground! How disgusting! My...My beautiful sword! They took it, even though they can"t use it, they took it! Stingy, nasty, bullies!"

Taking in her words, Switch was really surprised. Fifteen witches! Fifteen! Unbelievable!

"Once I used the art of Soul Scribing, I was able to get away from them, so I shapeshifted into the big dragon. Seeing that when I used invisibility as a dragon, I noticed I became smaller, so I didn’t use it. I called my pets and we destroyed the place! Oh yeah! We killed the whole area, big flames of fury! Black ash! Those b.a.s.t.a.r.d witches, they got h.e.l.l! But, I wasn"t able to run around looking for them, I knew I was meeting you at some stage and I felt really weak. Then I saw you in trouble...Dam, what a day! b.a.s.t.a.r.d witches!"

Switch was speechless, he couldn"t believe it! The Elders, with quite a few dozens of magic officers and the magical army, would have lots of trouble with fifteen witches!

Sighing in relief, Switch put his arms around her and kissed her shoulder, "I’m glad that you’re safe."

Anonym turned around, now facing Switch and put her hands around his neck, cuddling into him.

She wasn"t a hugger...But...This was a hug!

A smile formed on Switch"s face, as he hugged her back.

