Anonym & Switch, Obtaining Power to Retaliate

Chapter 7

Chapter 7

Collection (3)

Just as Anonym continued to watch the old b.a.s.t.a.r.d continue to flirt with the lady, someone from behind made her trip over and fall.

Turning angrily, she rammed towards that person. How dare they! Just because I"m invisible, doesn"t mean you can trip me!

As her push went into him, he lost balance and fell towards another person. Rubbing her hands from the hard push, Anonym watched the show in excitement. Thinking back to past life"s where she had made trouble...Being invisible might be more fun!

Before leaving, she had swapped people"s drinks and meals, she had stolen some shoes to put elsewhere, which ended with someone else being called a thieve. Tripped people onto other people, especially ladies onto men and let some horses free just outside.

The tavern was in a little bit of chaos as the workers there tried to help the unfortunate people who had been Anonym"s victims...

Stealing a bed at a close by inn, Anonym slept like a baby until morning with no one the wiser. If they had thought about it, maybe a few there would remember that they are looking for someone that was invisible, but that kind of thought never entered their heads...




While little terror Anonym was sleeping, there was someone smart enough to say what had happened in the tavern to someone else of higher authority. They hadn"t said anything about invisibility but the elder took a moment and figured it out. The little girl Marissa is taking her revenge in a tavern?

Making the person who had come to inform to repeat himself again, the elder became a little confused. The tricks that the little girl used were just...Immature...No one had gotten killed...It was like she was just having fun!

How maddening! Was she playing with the Hydra Clan!

Banging his fist on the table, he tried to vent his rage to the immature actions of a little girl!

How were they going to catch her? Of course, the only way to catch her would be through her father!

Getting up in a hurry, he wanted to inform the other elders of the clan so that they could form a plan to recapture the little runt Marissa!


Funnily enough, this little runt had practically given up on searching for the a.s.sumed father figure. Instead, she was going through Auction houses and shops for things that she could learn or use.

She had a plan! She was going to get everything she would need for a closed-door cultivation. She looked for books on the talents she had and could learn more in, looked for stones that was needed and items.

Two days since the spectacle from the tavern, Anonym had gathered about four hundred magical stones that she had stolen from random places and people. These stones aren"t cheap! Rich people who had triumphantly showed them off previously, now stood in very low spirits and wanted vengeance!

Two shops had been victims to missing items that would help with personal cultivation and now they were being more closely guarded. Having things stolen out of the blue like that totally frightened the shop owners! They were worried that if one could get away with it, then others would come to try it too, what a bad loss!

Then an auction house had lost quite a priceless object that Anonym decided to make hers.

She had been ruthless! Walked right in, taken it and walked right back out!

Strangely, the objects that she takes could still be seen but as they seem to float in mid air, no one had seemed to see it, except for one! That person thought there was a ghost in the town and started to shriek, making people thin k he was crazy. When he finally said that the item had been taken away, they finally realized that there had been a thief!

But Anonym was long gone! The stash she had hidden away, was slowly growing!

It wasn"t enough though, Anonym planned to be in secluded in cultivation for about two years, so she needed more!



A few days later, as she was wondering if she should go to another clan because of the extra security surrounding the markets, shops, auction houses and rich people, a huge notice was placed on the noticeboard.

An abrupt, loud laughter came out of nowhere and people looked at a place holding only air, with great interest.

One person went to reach out, trying to grab something with their hands but they nearly tripped.

Another laugh followed as he ended up tripping anyway because someone had kicked him from behind and fell in a heap on the floor!

It became a mess of a shuffle, people were using their ears and eyes to try and figure out where this invisible person was.

Anonym, was little and wanted to play! She knew she still wasn"t very strong, but she had to at least knock a couple of people over before running away!

The notice did indeed have a notice for capturing this little runt! People knew of something strange going on lately, and now they finally knew what was going on and now they wanted to get revenge!

Many people had lost stones to this little runt! Even the information of them being invisible didn"t quench their rage!

The notice had also stated that Marissa"s father had been captured and that she was to go to a place to be replaced with him or he will be killed.

The laugh Anonym did, was because she thought that they were helping her by finding the father! She thought they made it much easier since she had already given up. Now she can see what they plan to do and if she really had a chance to talk to Marissa"s father.