Anonym & Switch, Obtaining Power to Retaliate

Chapter 19 (Part Two)

Chapter 19 (Part Two)


Letting out an ear-piercing roar, the smaller black dragons roared back and flew to the sky and away from the area.

The huge dragon then slowly stamped forward, and some kind of noise was heard through its mouth.

Switch was sure that this dragon, was laughing…

About thirty metres behind the huge dragon, others were following and they all got closer and closer towards the Parched Badlands army.

Hearing the roar, and feeling the earth slightly tremble, the Parched Badlands army was starting to get a very bad feeling…

Upon seeing a big black thing walking towards them, they would stare blindly at it. Not long after, voices could be heard, stammering the word ‘Dragon’ and people fell to the floor in both astonishment and fright!

They were all unsure, looking at each other to see others losing their courage and wanting to silently run for their life’s!

But, they hadn’t heard the retreat, they hadn’t heard their General’s yell. If they ran away, their own man would kill them!

The General had been shocked and stunned into silence, only gaining himself when a person slapped him across the face. This person was the same that reminded them that Anonym hadn’t been real, when the ‘sword Anonym’ had come. “General! Sound the retreat, we can come back another time!”


But as they went to turn around, somebody was running through the crowds, in a breathless state, “Gen…General! The…The way back…”

“What about it! Speak!”

“…There’s a fire stopping our way back…Sir…” The runner had wide eyes and couldn’t believe the immense of flames he had seen minutes beforehand. The fire wall, stretched out and even started to entrap them in a circular way, heading back towards the Murkcloud army. “Sir…There is no retreat!”

They all looked back at the monstrous dragon and it was at this time that the dragon snorted loudly, releasing two b.a.l.l.s of flames towards them!


The b.a.l.l.s of flames were small, but it was still fire, one landed on the ground, not hurting anyone, but it still needed to be put out. The other ball landed on the General and quite a few people went to rescue him from the flames.

Through this, the dragon let out a strange sound, moved its head around in a strange way and stamped its claw…

…The dragon was mocking them!?

Switch had a vague idea on what Anonym wanted to do, so he teleported beside her and released his own fire b.a.l.l.s and a small bolt of lightning upon the Parched Badlands army.

It was only four fire b.a.l.l.s, but they hit a few people and fell onto the ground and people started to jump around and run towards water to put them out. On the other hand, nothing could be done to whom the lightning had touched, their body shook tremendously and they fell to the floor, dead in an instant and looking slightly burnt and scarred across their body and armor.

Looking at the dragon beside him, Switch was sure that Anonym was just playing with them. General Clish should have known that if Anonym was here, there was no way the Parched Badlands army would escape.

Already blocking their retreat through her pets, Anonym was obviously going to take her time and enjoy killing these people in revenge, for attempting to take her by force.

As Switch had said before, they really invited h.e.l.l into their home. It really was their own demise.

Anonym let out another strange sound and continued to stamp her claw to the ground.

Smiling, Switch shook his head and released some more fire b.a.l.l.s for her to continue to watch the damage.

What they hadn’t thought, that changed the scene very quickly, was that someone went charging towards the army all by themselves! They roared and charged in with no fear at all.

The dragon stopped laughing and Switch widened his eyes in shock.

“Dragon pets!” Alex yelled, and swung his wooden sword around, while continuing to run towards the opposing army!


“Alex!” Switch yelled, but before he could teleport to his son, Anonym, who had shapeshifted back to her human self, interrupted him. “Spear!”

Doing as he was told, Anonym grabbed it and took a throwing stance and threw it with great power that made it race past Alex and go towards the army who were still putting out fires.

She speared threw one person and the speared stopped inside of another, but before the bodies fell onto the ground, another spear had already been released and was on its way past Alex.

Getting one more spear and then a sword and dagger from Switch, Anonym then raced ahead, towards Alex, who had just pa.s.sed half way, all on his own little two legs.

Seeing Anonym charge forward, the General and the rest of the people behind him charged forward as well.

The odds still weren’t very good, as the Parched Badlands army had nearly double of what the Murkcloud army did, but that didn’t stop them running forward and getting ready to battle!

After throwing the spear, Anonym caught up to Alex in no time and picked him up, “Here.”

Alex’s eyes lit up to the dagger that Anonym was holding out for him. He picked it up with no reservations and held it up.

He, still being small, it looked like a sword anyway and Anonym smiled. “Are you ready?”

“Fight!” Alex yelled, Anonym put him down and drew her own sword and charged ahead, leaving everyone else behind.

This wasn’t forty or fifty people! This was thousands of people, but they were disorganized now and still a little stunned to what was going on.

Alex ran fast, but was overtaken shortly by many others, who charged ahead of him towards their enemy.

Switch teleported into the fray and stayed close to his son and watched out for Anonym. He let out a few more fire b.a.l.l.s to the back of the Parched Badlands army and used magic to close by enemies, to have them stuck to the ground.

He was not happy with seeing his child coming to the battlefield and continued to grow more upset when Alex had his first kill, but he was still busy also watching over Anonym as well.

Anonym had gone so far ahead of him that he could barely see her anymore! Feeling unsure, he wanted to pick Alex up and race to her side but suddenly, out into the distance from where she was, he saw her go into the air and change back into the monstrous dragon and let out a roar. Having her feet stamp out quite a few people, she swiped her claws and tail around, to continue her slaughter of the Parched Badlands army.

It then became two battlefields, as a monstrous dragon was on its own and then a distance away was were the normal people fought.

Alex continued his journey, not knowing that he had stayed out of danger many times already because of his father. He charged forward with his b.l.o.o.d.y dagger and fury eyes, that seemed to be enjoying the moment!

Anonym, on the other hand had known she could kill them all so easily but there was never any enjoyment out that kind of overkill. On purpose, she had gone ahead to make things even more difficult for herself and it most definitely had worked!

Having used quite a lot of her arts and skills, she had been hurt and already turned into a dragon to simplify matters.

Breathing out fire across the battlefield, she saw many of their enemies becoming ash and she stamped her huge claw down on several men before she turned back into her normal body and continued to fight.


Both mother and child enjoyed themselves immensely, Switch spent much time keeping his son safe and keeping an eye on Anonym. The General moved forward to the best of his adapted ability to take advantage of some of their attacks to strike his enemy hard and fast. The rest of the Murkcloud army were quite elated, even seeing some of their brothers fall to their enemy’s hand, they continued with enough spirit and fire that confused the Parched Badlands army.

After Anonym had transformed to the huge dragon for the second time, and released a huge breath of fire, their numbers had certainly dwindled to become less than that of Murkcloud army and all of them were already cheering in their hearts.

The other black dragons came in at Anonym’s dragon roar, and they too joined the fight. They dived down and clawed a few people, picked them up and threw them away and used their fire breath in an area that held a large amount of the Parched Badlands army.

The General of the Parched Badlands had been told to take Anonym hostage again, but now, they were all worried about getting out of this fight alive!

As their numbers continued to grow smaller and smaller, they all panicked and tried to run away, but the fire behind them held them in, like a cage.

Alex, mid-way through the fight, and full of blood on his little toddler body, called for his dragon pet and a grunting dragon came down unwillingly, and let Alex fly on tip of his back.

Switch was bewildered to see his son demand this of the dragon, that always wanted to roar at him with dislike!

But, he was sort of glad, he had been restlessly watching over him and now that Alex was off the ground, he let a sigh out and relaxed. Teleporting to the small black dragon, that Alex was on, he held his son, while watching the scene down below.


His beloved woman seemed like she was in a different world as she continued to trap and shapeshift to kill her enemies. She scratched out their eyes with eagle claws, bit at their necks with panther teeth, trapped them when she threw them away. One person was trapped with a foot, another with an arm, another with their b.u.m, even one was trapped with their private parts! The funniest trap, making Switch chuckle, was trapped people amongst each other. Anonym must have worked very hard to have several traps connected by several people.

Her kills were still very different, as there were many types of ways she used to injure or kill someone. And as she continued to be creative and ruthless, she enjoyed herself immensely...

She even used the beautiful female to make them lose focus, and then go invisible when people were coming at her too hard.

Having gotten hurt in her leg, arm and chest, she was slowing down and felt like she needed to stop soon.

Transforming into the monstrous dragon, she let out a loud, piercing roar and all the black dragons swooped down upon the land and clawed or breathed out fire upon the enemies close to Anonym. Within a thirty-metre distance of the monstrous, black dragon there were no longer any living enemies and a path was opened up towards her allies.

Anonym really was happy!

Transforming back to her human self, she laughed contentedly and laid upon the ground, as the black dragons circled her in protection.

Flying in the sky, Switch was bewitched at the sight of his woman surrounded by black dragons, in the middle of a war and fire and dead bodies all around her…

It only took another thirty minutes to finish any others still alive in the Parched Badlands army and then cheers from everywhere broke loss.

With Alex in his arms, Switch teleported from the small, black dragon to Anonym, and sat on the ground next to her.

“Mummy!” Alex said, while running up to his mother and hugging her.




A full day went pa.s.sed and finally they had cleaned up the whole area. The black dragons helped by burning all the enemy dead bodies and Presley flew any ally dead bodies back to their camp.

Anonym didn’t move until she was healed and then the family made their way back to camp, to endeavour in another gathering, where she drank until drunk!

Alex was taken by Switch to bathe and when they returned to Anonym, she could still see the little man holding onto the dagger and never letting it go.

Switch sighed and said, “Every time I take it off him, he cries.”

Anonym took the dagger off Alex and said, “Let him cry.”

Like a storm, Alex started to cry and wanted his dagger back but Anonym said no.

Unable to take his son’s unhappiness, Switch asked, “Should we give it back? He doesn’t hurt anyone.”

“Nope, there’s a time for fighting and a time for playing.”

Switch looked at Anonym blankly, is this what she normally thinks? Thinking back to when he’s known her, she only gets her weapons out when it’s time for fighting and absolutely agreed. “You’re right. Don’t give it back!”

He honestly didn’t want Alex to have the dagger in the first place but he had let things go totally out of his control and can’t take things back now.

Laughing, Anonym smiled at Switch and nodded.

Alex then tackled his mother and reached for the dagger, that was not too far from her side, and Anonym stood up in haste, holding the little man by his arms.

Switch watched while Alex flew his feet around and tried to get out of his mother’s grasp, “Dagger!”





Anonym let go of Alex with one hand and put him on the ground, then smacked his b.u.m.

Alex was taken by surprise and then suddenly tears fell down his cheeks again and he held out a hand to his b.u.m. He just stood there and cried while Anonym finally let him go and sat back down. “He’s tired.”

After Alex cried for two minutes, Anonym put out her hands and Alex climbed onto her lap and got comfortable.

Switch hadn’t really seen much of Anonym punishing Alex before and felt relived, he had thought his son had turned into a little brat for a while now…


Timothy hadn’t really done anything special this whole time!

He had watched the fight from a far and had only wanted to join in half way through, only to find that when he finally showed up to the battlefield, it was almost complete! Having never seen anything like this, he got scared all over again! Magic battles tended to only be a distance fight, never...So much blood!

Feeling a little like an outsider, he leisurely sat around Anonym and stayed relatively quiet.

But, after they had their gathering, Timothy found that he was wanted once again. Anonym and Switch both came to him and wondered if he was ready to attempt to continue their journey, of finding another like themselves, and Timothy happily said that he was ready whenever they were.

Without even saying goodbye to the Murkcloud army, Anonym only spoke to General Clish and they bid themselves farewell…Once again.

She had gotten her revenge and the war was over, nothing else made her want to stay longer…

The General was sad to see them go…Again…He always enjoyed Anonym’s and Switch’s company...And really wanted them to be the ones to explain to the Emperor about what happened.

He was really worried that the Emperor was going to be truly upset that they had totally destroyed the whole Parched Badlands army, when they weren’t supposed to…

But, none of that mattered to Anonym, she became the monstrous dragon, that dragons and people got on top of, and disappeared for the last time from the planet of Roneglaise…




(Typed black words on a white background from Author: This indeed is the end of the side story ‘Anonym & Switch, Obtaining Power to Retaliate’. The point that they teleport to next is in ‘Universal Creations’. So from this side story we have learnt that there’s a very powerful old man, a strange ‘thing’ that seems to gobble everything up and Anonym is a real…*Anonym covers my mouth and says, “Awesome person!”* … From the other side story of ‘Loralle, her journey’ (spoiler alert if you haven’t read it) we discover that there’s a galaxy that can destroy immortal beings and that their ‘father’ had put them into ‘punishment’. There is yet to be another side story to introduce why Switch can teleport and the obvious reason of what happened to the capital on ‘Bracabra’. It is called, ‘Spirituous, Earth before condemnation’. There will also be a prequel to this one, called, "The Legendary Great Master Belwin." I Hope everyone enjoyed the typed black words on a white background.