Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 1824: 1824

Chapter 1824: 1824

In the distance, the motorcade was full of people . One by one armed men went down to the car and prepared to camp . Many people carried the parts of machine guns to the top of the hillside, dug out fortifications there, and placed heavy machine guns to prepare for tomorrow"s battle . The busy people were ordinary armed men, while the evolutionists enjoyed the service of others, carrying tea and coffee with their legs crossed, Sitting on one side of the sun chair, talking and laughing, scattered wild flowers quietly open on various kinds of mutated vegetation in the deserted fields in the distance . Outside this busy and peaceful camp, Zhang Xiaoqiang and Liu Jinxiu talk about their topics about Xi"er .

Zhang Xiaoqiang has always attached great importance to Xi"er . It"s not that he values Xi"er"s beauty or that Xi"er can trap him . It"s just that Xi"er can stick to her heart . A girl who can stick to her heart in the most difficult end is admirable . However, he also knows that there is something wrong with Xi"er . The Ning brothers can become his subordinates so smoothly, It has a lot to do with Xi"er"s aloofness and determination . Now when I hear Liu Jinxiu"s complaint, I can"t help but sigh . In the end, no one is perfect . The stubborn Xi"er Kong has power and doesn"t know how to judge the situation . Even if he makes Xi"er his subordinate, he may not be able to tame her .

Liu Jinxiu said a lot about the contradiction between them and Xi"er . The main contradiction is that even if their children become evolutionists, the food and materials they get still can"t meet their needs . Compared with those starving children and poor women, They are a group of evolutionists who go through life and death in search of food and materials, but they have to share food with others . This makes them a group of children who are not deeply involved in the world, who are used to selfishness and do not know how to give and give more unbearable .

Zhang Xiaoqiang understands Liu Jinxiu, a group of small evolutionists, not to mention that their original education made them selfish . Even if they were middle-aged people who grew up under the red flag, they would not be able to bear it . Just like Zhang Xiaoqiang"s former army, the support of soldiers would always be higher than that of ordinary people . Even if ordinary people would go hungry, soldiers would not go hungry, because they need to pay more, In other words, Xi"er understood her management style as people"s commune .

"The past is over . Don"t think too much about it . This task is very dangerous . Be careful and try not to be too far away from me . If you see something wrong, I allow you to run first . In case you are afraid of the four heavenly kings" blame, you can go directly to me to find Ning brothers . At that time, you will say it"s my order . . . "

Liu Jinxiu, a little evolutionist, is not the kind of guy who is heartless and righteous . Since he wants to inquire about his former cla.s.smates, Zhang Xiaoqiang doesn"t want him to die in this vortex full of conspiracies and traps for no reason . Liu Jinxiu can"t react to Zhang Xiaoqiang"s words and looks at him in surprise, To see something different from his face, the child could not hide his expression . Seeing Liu Jinxiu"s surprise, Zhang Xiaoqiang whispered:

"Don"t tell anyone about this . Just know for yourself . At least hundreds of survivors will die this time . You can"t guarantee that it"s not you who will die . I can"t say more . You can take care of it yourself . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang"s words are very clear . No matter what Liu Jinxiu thinks, what he should do is in place . Liu Jinxiu"s face is gloomy . He stands up and nods to Zhang Xiaoqiang . Zhang Xiaoqiang doesn"t care . He"s not afraid of Liu Jinxiu"s words . The top of the four heavenly kings all know this . In Zhang Xiaoqiang"s opinion, the four heavenly kings have lost their heads, It"s shortsighted to sacrifice hundreds of survivors for these things .

"Brother c.o.c.kroach . . . "

Liu Jinxiu"s voice came from behind him again . Zhang Xiaoqiang turned around impatiently and looked over there . Liu Jinxiu, who had already taken more than ten steps, walked back to Zhang Xiaoqiang and squatted down . He whispered in a tiny voice

"Brother c.o.c.kroach, I"m afraid it"s not me who should be careful, but you . The four heavenly kings have already sent out the news, All the evolutors in the city know that there are things that can improve the ability of evolutors in high-level mutated organisms . I don"t know whether the news is true or false . Maybe there will be more evolutors coming than you think . "

When he heard this, Zhang Xiaoqiang was the fool . The news was so blocked that he didn"t know the outside news . When he heard Liu Jinxiu"s news, he instantly calculated the calculation of the four heavenly kings, not to mention how they knew about glia . Even if they hit each other by mistake, it would spoil his idea of fishing in muddy water, let alone glia and crystal nucleus, I"m afraid I can"t even get a bone . The four heavenly kings didn"t just want to find a few helpers when they revealed the news . Even if they just attracted the evolutionists of small and medium forces, they would be at least several times as many as the four heavenly kings . All Zhang Xiaoqiang"s calculations would fail, and he would be in danger .

Zhang Xiaoqiang didn"t think of something too far away for the moment . Liu Jinxiu"s news made him understand his current danger . Looking up at Liu Jinxiu with a tangled face, he saw that Liu Jingxiu was in a hurry and turned to look behind him from time to time . He was obviously afraid that the news he told Zhang Xiaoqiang would be discovered, which also proved the truth Liu Jingxiu said, Looking at the fl.u.s.tered Liu Jinxiu in front of him, Zhang Xiaoqiang pondered for a while and said:

"You can"t stay here any longer . You tell me the news that the king of heaven will kill you . The only way is to feign death . In the evening, you ask some people to go to the river . I"ll let you disappear without any flaw . Then you go to my site to find Mo Shaoyun, Let him arrange for you to leave Shanghai . . . "After telling Zhang Xiaoqiang the news, he will be in danger because of Zhang Xiaoqiang"s change of plan . Zhang Xiaoqiang inherits the favor and comes up with a way to keep him . Liu Jinxiu understands the seriousness of the matter when she hears Zhang Xiaoqiang"s words . She is scared to the ground and looks at Zhang Xiaoqiang in horror, His mouth was shaking, but he couldn"t say anything . He didn"t think it was too far away, but Zhang Xiaoqiang gave him a kind reminder, which made him feel that Zhang Xiaoqiang was a good person . By the way, he warned him, but he didn"t think it would cause him a lot of trouble . Looking at the young face in front of him, Zhang Xiaoqiang sighed, these children don"t have enough mind even if they have the ability, Xi"er is like this, So is Liu Jinxiu in front of him .

After Liu Jingxiu left, Zhang Xiaoqiang couldn"t sit still any longer . He stood up and walked back and forth by the river . The situation was so big that it was far beyond his control . More and more thoughts flashed through his mind . The four heavenly kings were not as idiotic as he thought, or they thought Zhang Xiaoqiang was an idiot . If all the survivors in Shanghai knew the news, I"m afraid this place will become the most concentrated place for evolutionists . Zhang Xiaoqiang thinks further . Although the mutated animals are terrible, when there are enough evolutionists, it may not be possible to deal with the mutated animals with too much loss . But Zhang Xiaoqiang can think that the four heavenly kings can"t think of it . At this time, Zhang Xiaoqiang"s heart is a little trembling . If so, I"m afraid the four heavenly kings have long been unable to see the mutant beast . They are looking at other forces in Shanghai .

When the four heavenly kings swallow up those forces, there is no doubt that they can definitely grow into the top ones . However, this will inevitably break the balance of the three forces and cause public indignation . They will be attacked by the three forces . As the four heavenly kings who have just formed the fourth force, they will collapse without other people"s efforts .

"I . f.u.c.k . Your eighteen generations of ancestors, you who have no sons, can"t die well . . . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang"s head was full of fire . He walked around anxiously for more than ten steps, but he didn"t let Zhang Xiaoqiang suppress his anger and scold him out of control . No one ever calculated him like this . He thought that Zhang Xiaoqiang had never been bullied like this in the last days . Anger and chagrin spread in his heart like poisonous weeds, Zhang Xiaoqiang"s heart is full of murderous intention . A sharp murderous intention diffuses from him, squeezing out the gra.s.s leaves around his feet and forming a perfect semicircle . All the time, he tries to control his murderous intention as much as possible . Murderous intention can form a huge deterrent force to deter others, but it can also become a red light flashing alarm to tell others Zhang Xiaoqiang"s real strength, So the more he tries to stop killing, the less he can reduce his threat to others . It"s an alternative disguise,

At the moment, Zhang Xiaoqiang, who was too angry, forgot to restrain his killing intention . His eyes were scarlet, his forehead was blue, and his face was twisted . He moved back and forth by the river . He tortured the four heavenly kings in his heart . When he walked back and forth with him, the transparent mask formed by his killing intention also moved, Until he came to the water, the surface of the water was close to Zhang Xiaoqiang"s side, and countless tiny water flowers were formed . Each water flower was like a molecule jumping out of the ripples and colliding in the air . Countless small water flowers were waving on the coil that kept rippling, forming a strange frequency, which spread far in the water< br>