Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 1845: 1845

Chapter 1845: 1845

"What minister Zhang said is all the achievements we have made during this period . It can be said that we have gone through the most difficult stage of defense, from stalemate to counter attack . The dawn of victory is not far away . Zombies are not beasts after all . One dead one will lose one . One day, we can eliminate all the zombies in China and strive for a peaceful living s.p.a.ce for our future generations, Before that, our task is still very heavy and we still have a long way to go . I hope you can maintain confidence and complete the combat task with a positive and optimistic att.i.tude . "

When Zhang Huai"an gave you stimulants to stir up your emotions, Huang Quan made a summary here . As soon as he got around the topic, he talked about Zhang Xiaoqiang

"This foundation is hard won by brother c.o.c.kroach . He started with more than a dozen people and has come to this day step by step . Compared with other parts of the country, Only Hubei and Yinmeng are the safest . I hope you don"t have other ideas . You must be loyal to brother c.o.c.kroach . If . . . "

Speaking of this, Huang Quan"s face was not good . He swept over the faces of the audience slowly and said in an emphatic tone:

"If anyone disobeys discipline and wants to stand on his own, I swear to let him watch his blood run out and die . . . "

All of the officers sitting in front of them straightened their backs, looked at the yellow spring with burning eyes, and did not evade . They all went step by step from the bottom to today . Naturally, they knew that the world was difficult . Now the situation in Hubei base is very good, and the direction of Sichuan is a great depth . In addition, there are millions of soldiers and civilians in Yinmeng to open up territory for Zhang Xiaoqiang, Is there a leader more worthy of following than Zhang Xiaoqiang in China? What"s more, Zhang Xiaoqiang"s goal is to revive China . He is generous to the survivors under his command . He pays the most attention to the cultivation of the younger generation, and spares no effort to build the army . With such a good foundation, a fool is willing to go out and live in the dangerous environment outside . Huang Quan is more a warning than a beating, Let them dare not forget that Zhang Xiaoqiang is their leader all the time . No matter where he is, as long as he is still alive, the soldiers in Hubei base can"t have two hearts .

"I will resolutely obey the leadership of brother c.o.c.kroach, the arrangement of Minister Huang, and oppose any Splittism and mountaintop ism . As long as there are signs, I will firmly . . . "

As a result, these officers only feel that their bones are about to rust, and the army that has been waiting for Ge also needs a battle to verify their training results . Huang Quan sees that the officers who can still keep calm in the excitement below nod slightly, and their morale can be used, At this time, Zhang Huai"an also said:

"All the logistics of this operation can be allocated from Wuhan, and we can supply weapons, equipment and ammunition as much as possible . Sichuan has accepted the first group of 3000 immigrants, established several temporary settlements, and can train the two cities and underground bases into a line within one month, So you don"t have to worry about the impact of Sichuan"s development on this war . However, I hope you can have a good fight . "

At this point, Zhang Huai"an stopped talking and let the officers below look at each other face to face . Huang Quan, sitting next to Zhang Huai"an, saw that the soldiers below could not feel their heads . His eyes lit up a star flame . He slapped the table and yelled at them:

"Don"t you understand? Let me tell you, because you didn"t meet the requirements of brother c.o.c.kroach, brother c.o.c.kroach would rather go out alone to solve the problem of Shanghai than take you . . . "

This sentence was like gasoline thrown into the flames, which immediately exploded the officers . In an instant, the conference room was noisy, and most of the soldiers" faces were ugly . Especially Zhao Deyi and others, their troops were already elite enough . If the 3000 strong independent regiment had no shortage of ammunition, it would be able to deal with 300000 or 500000 zombies, Such an army is a miracle in the last days, but why does huangquan say so? Are they really unbearable in front of Zhang Xiaoqiang?

"I"m not convinced . My soldiers train for 12 hours every day . The training cla.s.s is all completed according to the training subjects of the former special forces . There is only a lot more training . Even if we encounter a zombie tide of type 2 with the same number as our department, we are confident of annihilating it . Why does brother c.o.c.kroach look down on us . . . "

A low-key Zhao Deyi can"t help but stand up and yell . At the same time, he also yells out the voice of others . This time, not only Zhao Deyi"s face is not good, but also Xiao Shan"s face is not good . He asked himself that his independent regiment is far inferior to the first regiment of the first division . Even they are not regarded by Zhang Xiaoqiang . What is his army?

"Because you"ve been training all the time, and you haven"t really captured any city, I"ve seen you stay in the camp all day long, but I"ve never seen you ask to wipe out the surrounding cities, nor have you sorted out the battle plans for recovering other cities, waiting all day long for them to put the plans in your hands, It"s so hard that you can"t do anything without support? "

As he spoke, a man came into the combat room . He had a straight uniform, a straight haircut, deep and resolute eyes and a thick beard . Zhao Deyi recognized him for the first time . He was his old boss in the search team, LV Xiaobu . As soon as LV Xiaobu came in, Huang Quan could not sit up to greet him, Although LV Xiaobu didn"t show up during the period when Zhang Xiaoqiang left, and some new soldiers and officers rarely heard of LV Xiaobu"s name, they didn"t change the fact that he was a senior brother of Zhang Xiaoqiang< br>