Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 1852: 1852

Chapter 1852: 1852

This time, ishiharano personally led the army to recover all the Baiyun mine once and for all, and clean up all the surrounding counties, pushing the control area to the national boundary, so that there will be no large-scale zombies from the west of Hohhot, so that they can clear a large safety area . Originally, Baiyun mining area did not need so many people, In the past, when we encircled and suppressed the corpses in Baotou City, there were problems in the cooperation of various forces . Some combat units were self righteous and used to fighting according to their own strategies . If they fought alone, it would be OK . But when we encircled and suppressed the more than one million corpses in Baotou City, there was a big problem of wrong connection, Nearly a thousand casualties were acc.u.mulated in one way or another, which made shiyuanye very old . After all, there were sufficient ammunition, flexible motorcade, and various perfect and accurate combat plans . These problems also appeared . It was obvious that the leaders of various troops were a little arrogant .

In a fit of anger, ishiharano ordered all troops not to be disbanded . He forced the troops directly to Baiyun mining area, honed their cooperation ability, and sobered all army officers . In order to save gasoline, tens of thousands of troops carried grain and supplies on their backs and walked close to Baiyunebo mining area with their legs . Along the way, they wiped out zombies in small towns or counties, In this exhausting transition, almost everyone was tired from top to bottom . The last step of the battle was in front of him . On the contrary, everyone breathed a sigh of relief . After solving the zombies here, he quickly went back to his residence to recuperate .

Tens of thousands of troops marched 150 kilometers on foot, swept more than 10 villages and towns and a county along the line after short and fierce fighting, wiped out hundreds of thousands of zombies and rescued nearly 2000 hungry and deformed survivors, and finally arrived at the last stop . They all looked at the magnificent office building and the circular square in front of Baotou Steel Group in the distance, With a single order, the troops will cooperate with each other to form a big net like a comb, just like the previous recovery of Guyang county . All the zombies on the ground will be wiped out at once . When all the princ.i.p.al officials are ready to go and finish the first battle, ishiharano calls to stop and asks all the princ.i.p.al officials to stand by in his command car .

"What do you think? How should we deal with this time when people come to us in person?"

The dreary meeting room was filled with smoke . Every division commander and brigade commander was squinting and holding cigarette to ponder the news brought by vilichko . Everyone in Vladivostok had heard of it, but the details were not very clear . After all, it was a piece of territory that Zhang Xiaoqiang had laid empty handed . Although the population was small, it was just a little more than their casualties in this battle, but it was also his own, Everyone lives under Zhang Xiaoqiang . There is no need to do too much . However, Zhang Xiaoqiang is nowhere to be found . If he comes back and asks for a crime, no one can afford it .

Ishiharano himself can"t make up his mind . The situation in Vladivostok is too complicated . It"s more than 3000 kilometers apart, and it"s impossible for him to support hundreds of millions of zombies in several provinces along the lake . However, no matter he doesn"t ask, he really doesn"t help . People come all the way to ask for help at great risk, Zhao Jun and Zhou Jie had no choice but to send the news to Hubei, and so did huangquan and Zhang Huai"an . It is said that the only person who can make a decision is still reclaiming wasteland in Shanghai . If they want to get in touch again, they have to wait for the Yangtze River fleet to come down along the river, but they really can"t wait, so that they are not broken . Without Nai, huangquan found several officers of the army to brainstorm .

All the people sitting here can stand out in the end of the world . They are all outstanding people . But they don"t have a good way . After all, distance is the biggest problem . There are also means of transportation . If there is a way to get there, a combat brigade will be able to handle it . In addition, they have nothing but food . They are irrigated by hundreds of thousands of zombies in Wuzhong City, The grain price in Yinchuan is rising well . The harvest every three months makes the granary insufficient . The grain processing factory is now the largest factory in Yinchuan . All kinds of deeply processed bagged food are the main food for the combat troops, but there is no way to transport these things .

"I personally think that the people on Longhua island are easy to say . Let them transport them by airship . It takes them three days to go back and forth, and it only takes one and a half months to transport all those people . The difficulty is the Russian general . They have at least 8000 people, and they can"t transport them in a year, Moreover, we don"t know if they can stay there for a year . If they lose the dock area and the naval base, their food has become a problem . If there is no accident, even if they retreat to YONGGU fortification, they may not be able to hold on for two months . "

Ding Ziqiang, as the first division commander, has honed enough to be steady during this period of time . He will no longer be impulsive . His first thought is about interests and choices, and his words are also the voice of everyone . Compared with angel, the survivors of Longhua Island, vilichko is only Zhang Xiaoqiang"s verbal ally, The cooperation between Zhang Xiaoqiang and vilichco has already learned the details from Paul . It turns out that Zhang Xiaoqiang suffered a loss and helped the group recover the city . In fact, the income is only a small island .

"I agree that we can give them food as much as we want, but the reinforcements can"t be sent out . According to the transportation capacity when they come, we can send 150 people at most every time, and they can"t send food . Moreover, it"s easy for people to come back, and it"s not easy for them to come back . Unless they can bring enough benefits, I think it"s better to delay, Drag to their position to be conquered, all requests will automatically become invalid . . . "Li Zhongyue, a member of the b.l.o.o.d.y battle regiment, is always ruthless . In his eyes, there are only his own people and enemies . Since vilichko is not Zhang Xiaoqiang"s real subordinate, they don"t have to care . If they die, they will die . Anyway, all the dead are Russians . Others look at each other . It can be said that they are extremely selfish to say these words, but ishiharano seems very satisfied and nods, He shook his head again and said with regret:

"After all, they are allies with us . It was originally a dark game played by brother c.o.c.kroach . It"s not good to do too much . You know, the new era is not ready to let us go . If Lu Qishan didn"t set up an air defense system in Ordos this time, he might lose both sides . If we can"t accept them, It will push them to a new era and really make them die . It"s a good thing to say, but if we can"t, maybe we will be their most hated enemies . Therefore, even if it"s something about face, we have to do it well . "

Most people are satisfied with Ishihara"s words . Is that right? How can we say that he is also an ally? How can he not save himself from death? Even if they are not competent enough, they can"t be as selfish as Li Zhongyue said . After all, China is still a land of etiquette, but they don"t know that there is no difference between Ishihara"s words and Li Zhongyue"s words . The only difference is that Ishihara"s words are more pleasant to listen to, and actually the contents are almost the same .

"Well, I don"t think there is no way . . . "

I don"t know what muscle of Lakshman"s army, so I suddenly cut in and let the others look at him . But Lakshman didn"t know how to go on . He didn"t understand the Chinese people . What the Chinese want is face . It"s OK to have a good face . It may not be true, Originally, they were not in the same mind with the rejuvenation of China . When there was no danger, they couldn"t remember who they were . When they couldn"t go on, they ran to them to ask for this and that . Ishiharano had already said that they could only live with face, and only the desperate Lakshman was really worried about these Russians . In the final a.n.a.lysis, it was the lack of Chinese culture, I don"t know what it means .

"Oh? If it"s not that complicated, it might be possible . . . "

Shi Yuanye doesn"t care . Lakshen really thinks of a way . Ding Ziqiang and Li Zhongyue have already said the way . As long as angel insists for a month and a half, let the airship transport all the survivors who belong to Zhang Xiaoqiang together . At that time, they can transport people when they come back and grain and ammunition when they go . Anyway, as long as they don"t send the army there, Everything is easy to say .

Lakshman didn"t know that all the people around him looked at him with strange eyes, for fear that he might say something wrong . He could not help but untie the tight knot, picked up his handkerchief, wiped the sweat off his forehead, stopped for a moment, considered the words, and said what he thought in his heart:

"I"ve been to Vladivostok . The city is not very big in Vladivostok, The main body of Vladivostok is still the continuous mountains . It took the Soviet Union 60 or 70 years to build YONGGU fortification . I think no matter how many mutant animals there are, it is impossible to conquer all fortifications in a short time . In this way, time will be squeezed out . While transporting personnel, we can ask vilichko to repair other airships as much as possible, An airship that can transport more than 100 people at a time is equivalent to a large transport plane . As long as there are more than two airships, we can transport all the spare parts of other airships back . If these airships are a.s.sembled on our site, they will be repaired faster than Vladivostok . "< br>