Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 1867: 1867

Chapter 1867: 1867

"Why? Why is that? What is the problem? What is there in Shanghai? "

Zhang Xiaoqiang walked aimlessly, faster and faster . Pedestrians on the road only felt a whirlwind blowing from his side . When they looked up again, they found that there was no one else within 10 meters . They could not help but shiver . They tightened their hips, quickened their pace to his goal, and ran to his face with a yelling mung bean eye, which flashed past him .

Jianzhan doesn"t care where Zhang Xiaoqiang is going . No matter how fast Zhang Xiaoqiang"s pace is, he doesn"t feel any difficulty . I don"t know when the mung bean"s eyes behind them have been shaken off . Two people walk in Zhang Xiaoqiang"s daze and go down to the wild . The wild vegetation is dense, and the dense variation gra.s.s is up to six or seven meters, It"s like a boundless city wall and a boundless forest . Only on the road can we see far away . Zhang Xiaoqiang is walking on the road, constantly thinking about the strange appearance of Shanghai"s evolutionists . At the same time, there are all kinds of thoughts mixed together, such as Vladivostok"s precarious days, the migration of thousands of corpses, and the abnormal movement of sea sh.o.r.eline mutant animals, which makes him feel uneasy .

Zhang Xiaoqiang is walking on the silent road with his head down . He looks around as if he is enjoying the scenery . Suddenly, Zhang Xiaoqiang"s body stops abruptly and stands on the road like a stake . He turns around slowly and looks at the sword chop behind him . He asks seriously:

"If you say, The emergence of evolutionists is another way . Believe it or not

Jianzhan looked at Zhang Xiaoqiang with disdain . His nostrils were slightly up in the sky . He said casually:

"If you don"t believe it, you can even pull out the evolutionist by taking a s.h.i.t . Even if you say it comes from sleep, I believe it . . . "

" . . . . . . " Zhang Xiaoqiang looked at Jianzhan speechless and suddenly threw his fist at Jianzhan"s face . Jianzhan was not surprised . He let all the people who came face to face hit him in the face . He saw his huge fist pierce his head and make his image disappear . Then, in the shadow of Zhang Xiaoqiang"s feet, he still appeared a growing figure and rushed to his back, As soon as he was about to hit Zhang Xiaoqiang in the back, his heart was crushed by the sole of his foot . Suddenly, he kicked himself from the dead corner of his sight . At the moment of the sword cutting, he was rolled to the ground with his heart . After rolling for several circles, he jumped up and tried to attack . Zhang Xiaoqiang stood in the same place and didn"t look at him, He said lightly:

"Before I came to Shanghai, I met a lot of evolutionists . Their strength varied from strong to weak, and there were all kinds of strange things . No matter what kind of evolutionists they were, they all had one common feature, that is, they became evolutionists at the same time and step, no matter they were from Hubei, Jiangxi, Sichuan, Inner Mongolia or Russia, All of them are the same . I believe the evolutors all over the world are the same, but you are different . . . "

Jianzhan heard that Zhang Xiaoqiang was more serious than ever before, which made him more serious . He stood up slowly and asked inexplicably:

"Is there something wrong with us?"

"I don"t know . . . " Zhang Xiaoqiang hesitated for a moment, then shook his head and continued: "it may or may not be, but whether it is or not it will not be a good thing . Going to prison today was not my plan, but after getting some information, he suddenly thought that there might be a problem with Shanghai"s evolutionists . I didn"t expect that the problem would be so big, maybe, Maybe the whole of Shanghai has problems . . . "

"What"s the problem? What do you think of? " When Jianzhan asked, there was a little uneasiness in his heart . As an evolutionist, he felt very sensitive . These days, he also felt something wrong . It seemed that there was a kind of pressure pushing towards him . If there was such a feeling, he thought he was just suspicious . Unexpectedly, Zhang Xiaoqiang could feel it

"The palpitations of disaster, It"s not only their own strength that the evolutionists enhance, but also their sixth sense . Except for you, a freak who can suppress danger and foresee, I believe no one can kill an evolutionist at will . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang"s explanation is very direct . He points out Jianzhan"s greatest ability of a.s.sa.s.sination . Without this ability, Jianzhan"s skill is only a little more powerful, which is far from the standard of Yongye a.s.sa.s.sin . Jianzhan is a little unconvinced and wants to argue . He has been open for a long time and can"t say anything against it . Just now, Zhang Xiaoqiang kicked him out with one punch and one kick, Know that Zhang Xiaoqiang is in Liwei, and indirectly tell him that even if his ability has increased, he is still not Zhang Xiaoqiang"s opponent .

"What do you want to do? What"s the use of telling me that? Do you really think you"re the Savior, ready to stop this catastrophe that no one can tell? "

Jianzhan thought that he was not Zhang Xiaoqiang"s opponent . He was a little frustrated and asked three questions in a row about his dissatisfaction with Zhang Xiaoqiang .

Zhang Xiaoqiang didn"t answer any of his questions . He looked at the gra.s.s floating with the wind in the distance . At the next moment, the sword also disappeared on the road . Only Zhang Xiaoqiang was left to wait for something in the distance . The wind was strong in the wilderness, and the gra.s.s like a green city wall came to life under the action of the wind . It floated like a green tide, The rustling sound is mixed between the heaven and the earth . The dark clouds make the green field a bit old . Just at this time, Zhang Xiaoqiang"s fingers moved, a bright thin line flashed away, and large tracts of gra.s.s suddenly fell back like the ebb waves . Three or five seconds later, all the gra.s.s within 30 meters of Zhang Xiaoqiang was sliced by laziness . "Don"t do it, don"t do it . . . We don"t mean it, we don"t mean it . . . "

With a cry of surprise, the fallen gra.s.s was flying in the air one after another, and more than a dozen men were covered with weeds . The embarra.s.sed men stood up from the low gra.s.s on one side of the road . Then when they just stood up, they fell into the gra.s.s one after another with a dull sound and hum . The broken gra.s.s that had just been scattered fell on them and covered them up . More than a dozen men were overturned in the blink of an eye, The only young man who yelled at the scene was dull . He looked around like a ghost and couldn"t find the a.s.sailant . Only Zhang Xiaoqiang put the rat King blade back into his waist holster and looked coldly at the frightened young man .

"I . . . ah!"

The young man was about to explain his intention, but he got a foot in the back without warning . He flew out with a loud scream . The direction of flying was Zhang Xiaoqiang, who was looking at him coldly . With a plop, the man fell heavily on the cement road beside Zhang Xiaoqiang"s feet, arousing a layer of dust . Before he got up, there was another dull noise behind him, Turning around, he saw a pile of people piled up on the road, like a harvest of crops . He was very anxious . Regardless of his pain, he jumped up and yelled to Zhang Xiaoqiang:

"Wronged . . . "

Jianzhan picked up the unknown guys, picked up a rifle and went to the road . Before he could see the guy who was knocked unconscious by him carefully, a very sad injustice made him lose his footing . He staggered out and jumped out for three steps in a row before he could stand firm . We all know the meaning of the word injustice, but we seldom use it, A lot of people may feel wronged many times in their life, but they will never yell so loudly . Obviously, this guy can perfectly explain this injustice by means of movies, which is also a masterpiece .

"The villain"s name is Weng Li . He used to be a native of Shanghai . Now he is twenty-one years old . He is kind-hearted and never changes . He only lives for justice . When he has the ability, he is willing to be an unsung hero and guard the people . If he kills me with one knife, he will be a little bit less righteous . . . Elder brother, I didn"t mean to . . . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang had a sense of familiarity with a piece of rhyme and rhyme that came out of the mouth of the 21-year-old boy named Weng Li . Although the words were not beautiful and the top and bottom were incoherent, Zhang Xiaoqiang then made a speech

"This boy is dishonest . He uses Tang Po Hu"s lines in Qiuxiang to deceive us . Kill us . . . "

So Zhang Xiaoqiang immediately understood that this guy"s mouth was numb and his eyes were flickering . At a glance, he knew that he was the kind of guy who was used to being greasy . He was not happy . He raised his foot and kicked him to the ground . He stepped on his chest, looked into his eyes and asked harshly:

"On the other side of Qinghong road? What"s the purpose of coming here? Also, why don"t you come here in a fair way . . . "

Being trampled on his chest by Zhang Xiaoqiang, Weng Li tries to struggle . He feels that Zhang Xiaoqiang"s right foot is as motionless as an iron mountain . The ice cold in his eyes makes him feel numb . In a hurry, he explains his intention clearly .

"It"s said that the elder brother is benevolent and righteous . I"ve admired him for a long time . Today, I come to visit the wharf to see the elder brother"s style . Maybe I want to join the elder brother for a meal . We are all small forces, with hundreds of rifles and more than ten people . I admire the elder brother"s heroism in the battle of Taihu Lake that day . "< br>