Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 1871: 1871

Chapter 1871: 1871

From Chen Yu"s experience, we can indirectly guess the intensity of the seaside battlefield . Gu Le did not dare to make a sound when he finished saying Chen Yu"s whereabouts, for fear that Zhang Xiaoqiang would be angry with him . Jianzhan became curious

"Can the defense zone you"ve built by the sea block it? Mutants are not so easy to deal with . . . "

"It should be able to . So far, all the evolutioners sent up are from the outside . The headquarters of Qinghongdao has not been moved yet . The number of evolutioners has been increasing in the past two days . There are both men and women . They are seizing the time to train these evolutioners . It seems that it may not be long before Qinghongdao can form an army of tens of thousands of evolutioners . . . "

Gu Le sends another message to Zhang Xiaoqiang . Zhang Xiaoqiang stares at Gu le with both eyes . Gu Le is scared to step back three steps in a row, only to find that the focus of Zhang Xiaoqiang"s eyes is not on him . Then Zhang Xiaoqiang suddenly jumps up, walks back and forth for a few steps, and says to Jianzhan:

"I can"t wait . You go to Xi"er and control all the evolutors, Don"t hurt anyone . I"ll let Xiaoshan lead a battalion to cooperate . "

After that, he looked at the ancient music and said harshly:

"Did the number of evolutionists increase before or after you merged . . . "

Gu le was originally afraid of Zhang Xiaoqiang . When he heard Zhang Xiaoqiang"s question, a strange idea suddenly flashed in his heart, and he said in surprise:

"You are really amazing . In these three days, there are dozens of them scattered on the first day, more than 200 on the second day, and three or four hundred this morning . G.o.d knows tomorrow, Will evolutionists depreciate . . . "

"You are right . . . "

Before Jianzhan left, he went to the two men and seriously affirmed Zhang Xiaoqiang

"I"m going to solve Xi"er and her family first, and I won"t come back when I"m finished . I"m going to go to the other side of the city to have a look . There"s something wrong . It"s always a bit strange . . . "

"You want to find out why those evolutors evolved and see if there is a chance to improve their abilities . . . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang exposed the purpose of Jianjian on the spot . He didn"t believe that Jianjian was going to safeguard the peace of the earth . Jianjian was not embarra.s.sed either . With a coquettish smile, the ancient music was shocked by the amorous feelings for a moment, but he shrugged his shoulders and said:

"Whatever you think, maybe I will become the hero of saving the earth . . . "

After that, he turned and walked out . Before he reached the door, there was a wind roaring behind him . The shadow of the sword disappeared behind the door . At the moment of his disappearance, the Firebird scimitar flew to the door at a high speed . In the blink of an eye, it fell into the hands of the sword, which flashed out from the shadow . The sword held the knife with one hand and looked at it with doubts, Zhang Xiaoqiang nodded to him and said:

"It"s better to use the claws of higher mutated animals when dealing with mutated animals . You can keep this knife for the time being, and return it to me when you run out of it . . . "

"Mean . . . "

Jianzhan just hummed two words . He turned to go out with disdain . After more than ten steps, he estimated that Zhang Xiaoqiang couldn"t see him . He crossed the cutla.s.s and touched the fire jade like material on the surface of the cutla.s.s with intoxication . He felt the warmth that the body had taught him, but he was determined that this Firebird cutla.s.s should never be returned to Zhang Xiaoqiang . With it, he would be happy, It"s worth taking a lifetime of lunch boxes under Zhang Xiaoqiang .

After Jianzhan was sent out by Zhang Xiaoqiang, Gu le was relieved that the reputation of Yongye a.s.sa.s.sin was not something that he could stand . Although he was also afraid of Zhang Xiaoqiang, he didn"t have to worry about being distracted to answer Jianzhan"s question and let himself neglect it . Since Zhang Xiaoqiang had accepted the gift, he said what he really came for .

"The three giants of Qinghongdao are kind-hearted about the rise of brother c.o.c.kroach . Brother c.o.c.kroach is a strong man or a top strong man . They already have the right to speak in Shanghai . Therefore, the first gift is to show their good intentions . The second one is to make an alliance with brother c.o.c.kroach . Now the seaside is not quiet and the cannibal corpses are all around . The Chinese should keep watch and help each other . If brother c.o.c.kroach wants to, Qinghong road"s fourth top position is vacant . Brother c.o.c.kroach can take this opportunity to ascend to the sky and become a real top figure in Shanghai . "

Gu Le"s words of lotus beautify the invitation of Zhang Xiaoqiang by Qinghong Dao . For a time, it shows that Zhang Xiaoqiang"s name is true . On the other hand, it shows that the three giants of Qinghong Dao are thirsty for talents . At the same time, it implies privately that Zhang Xiaoqiang may not be able to further become the real leader of Shanghai if he has enough strength . Zhang Xiaoqiang squints at the red faced Gu le, Suddenly he asked:

"Did they ask in detail how the snake destroyed the camp of four heavenly kings?"

The flow of ancient music stopped abruptly, and his eyes were a little evasive

"Yes, I did, but I didn"t say anything specific . I just said that the king of four days set fire to the whole camp, the snake rushed into the camp, and no one came out alive . "

"OK, go back and tell the big three that I"ll visit them some other day . Now there are so many ch.o.r.es that I can"t get away from them . "Knowing that Gu Le had limited information, Zhang Xiaoqiang stopped talking about it and sent him away early .

"Brother c.o.c.kroach, how do you solve those evolutionists you captured last time? The big three have said that if brother c.o.c.kroach needs materials, he can try his best to mention them . As long as he can let go of this group of evolutors, after all, now we have to share a common hatred . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang didn"t say that he agreed to form an alliance or that he would not . Gu Le had no bottom in his heart, so he thought of the evolutioners detained in Zhang Xiaoqiang"s hands . In just three days, Zhang Xiaoqiang could not swallow all of them . If he fished back a few evolutioners, he would make up for his mistakes . Didn"t Zhang Xiaoqiang embarra.s.s him this time? He waved his hand, He said

"Take all . . . "

Gu Le left 18 carts of materials and took hundreds of evolutioners back to the city . Zhang Xiaoqiang sat down in front of him with a bad looking Weng Li . Just now, Zhang Xiaoqiang asked Weng Li to stand in the back of the hiding place and not avoid him . Instead, he let Weng Li know the origin of Gu Le clearly . Although Zhang Xiaoqiang was powerful, Weng Li thought that he would die, I want to see how Zhang Xiaoqiang will deal with him .

"Do you think I will make an alliance with Qinghongdao?"

Zhang Xiaoqiang glanced at Weng Li"s expression and asked casually . Weng Li looked to one side angrily and said with disdain:

"I thought you killed so many people in Qinghongdao, and you were a hero . I didn"t expect that you would go along with them . The evolutor you put back would be their accomplice, At that time, I don"t know how many ordinary people will be bullied by them . Qinghong road may not be sincere to you . You are digging your own grave . "

"Hum . . . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang, with a cold complexion, took out his cigarette from his pocket and lit it . After a while, he shook his head and said, "it"s good to be righteous, and it"s also l.u.s.tful to keep your true colors . But you should learn to be flexible . I know that you are a local in Shanghai, and you have local feelings for the survivors here . Even if you want to take responsibility and take care of ordinary people, First of all, you have to ensure that you can survive and have the opportunity to become stronger, but you will not be flexible . Sooner or later, you will be killed by your own character, even if you learn to be glib . Obstinacy is the biggest harm . . . "

Weng Li didn"t pay attention to Zhang Xiaoqiang"s lesson, so he retorted

"I"m not a guy like you who forgets when you have the ability . I have my own persistence and my own pursuit . Even if the road ahead is hard, as long as I go forward, I won"t have any regrets even if I fall on the way, Because I don"t have the conscience to do things that hurt others, and I won"t be selfish when I have the ability . I can"t control others, but I can control myself, I can"t change others, and others can"t change me . . . "

With a sonorous and powerful pa.s.sage, Weng Li has changed his slippery image and become persistent and resolute . It is obvious that he has prepared for the worst . Zhang Xiaoqiang takes a deep breath and shakes his head wordlessly . He has a little respect for this big boy, just as he respects Xi"er, who almost killed him . The younger he is, the simpler he is, They will stick to what they believe, and even if they are broken, they will not change easily . Only when they are cheated again and again and learn from experience, will they change slowly, and gradually sharpen the edges and corners into smoothness . Why is it not the case with Zhang Xiaoqiang at the beginning?

"Are you enjoying yourself now?"

Zhang Xiaoqiang puffed out a puff of smoke, and a smile suddenly flashed at the corner of his mouth, showing his white teeth, which made Weng Li slightly stunned . Why did he say this< br>