Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 1891: 1891

Chapter 1891: 1891

After hearing this, the lieutenant opened the memo in his hand, cleared his throat, and spoke out clearly .

"The news is transmitted from Yinmeng area . Miss Miaomiao of Ordos City has arrived in Vladivostok on a rainbow carving and gradually evacuated the survivors on Longhua island . In addition, vilichko has given up the jurisdiction of Russian survivors and only retained the control of the army . The survivors with nearly 10000 people there automatically belong to us . But the current situation is not very good, The urban area has been completely lost, and the survivors of Vladivostok have been forced into YONGGU fortification . It"s very difficult to evacuate all of them . . . Ishihara asks brother c.o.c.kroach to order Miss Miaomiao to evacuate immediately and prepare for the worst . "

Vladivostok was almost forgotten by Zhang Xiaoqiang . On that day, Miaomiao went missing, causing chaos in the third division . Finally, Zhang Xiaoqiang nodded and asked Miaomiao to take yueya"er"s Hongying brigade to support him . Unexpectedly, the defense forces of Vladivostok were really incompetent . They were forced to retreat by relying on the fort . Once the mutant beast rushed out of YONGGU fortification, Thousands of survivors there are likely to be destroyed .

Ishiharano"s proposal to retreat is not to be afraid of the mutant beast, but rather not to consume the power of silver and Mongolia for those Russians to defend Vladivostok . However, miaowao is reluctant to give up the wealth earned by Zhang Xiaoqiang, and blindly makes a fuss . As a last resort, ishiharano forwards it to Zhang Xiaoqiang, hoping that Zhang Xiaoqiang can give orders directly to miaowao and let her return to the safe inland .

"Well . . . Did ishiharano send back the detailed war situation of Vladivostok?"

Zhang Xiaoqiang could not sit still any more . He stood up and walked for two steps, and asked the staff officer seriously . The staff officer glanced at the crowd around him, took out the doc.u.ment from his satchel and sent it to Zhang Xiaoqiang . He blocked other people"s sight with his body . Zhang Xiaoqiang took the doc.u.ment at a glance and then released his brow for a long time

"What"s the matter with the bacon factory in Longhua island? How do you do this at this time? Isn"t it bulls.h.i.t that there is transportation capacity to transport the bacon, but no transportation capacity to transport the survivors? "

"Well, it"s said that Miss meow is too powerful to kill all the mutant animals that climb deep on Longhua island . The flesh and blood of those mutant animals are very nourishing, which makes the female evolutors of Hongying team continuously improve their ability and have a lot of high-quality materials . It"s a pity that they give up and make bacon, They were transported back to Yinmeng as the special food for the b.l.o.o.d.y battle group in Yinmeng area . "

According to the staff, Zhang Xiaoqiang thought of the glial body and crystal nucleus that meow got when he returned to Hubei from Inner Mongolia . The mutant animal is not a threat to meow . On the contrary, it is the ant that meow can crush to death at will . A flash of lightning flashed in his brain . It seems that Vladivostok can do so .

"Inform shiyuanye and Zhao Jun that they don"t need to take care of miaowao and rescue the survivors as much as possible . Once the survivors are rescued, defend Longhua island for me and give support to Longhua island as much as possible . The b.l.o.o.d.y battle group also sends elite evolutionists to Longhua island for support . . . "

With meow meow, the meaning of Longhua island is different . Zhang Xiaoqiang can easily transform ordinary people into evolutionists, but there is not enough means for the evolutionists to improve . Only relying on Longya fruit and those vegetable silver tea, the effect is slow . Tiezhongyuan"s original discovery of Tiansheng essence is an effective way for the evolutionists to improve their purification ability . Zhang Xiaoqiang will never let it go .

The staff officer was stuffed with Zhang Xiaoqiang"s orders and turned to the communication room . Mo Shaoyun also went out to do his work . Xi"er then reacted and asked in surprise:

"Who are you?"

Zhang Xiaoqiang smiles and replies flatly

"I"m brother c.o.c.kroach . . . "

"At present, the situation is very bad . The first layer of fortifications has been completely occupied . The land within three kilometers is all those things . The second layer of fortifications is precarious . The third layer of fortifications has just been built . We don"t have much time to build the core fortifications, and the materials and ammunition are beginning to struggle . There are too many of those things, I"m afraid we have to prepare for the worst . "

The low voice and dull statement is no more energetic than the painful poetry reading in the mouth of a school weary child . The speaker"s expression is as dull as his words . One bad news after another is said in his mouth, and the listeners are silent . They just smoke expensive hand-made cigars and taste red wine . There are three people present, one speaking and two listening, The environment is resplendent, and the huge reception hall can pull more than 100 people to set up more than 20 mahjong tables . But at this time, there are only three sofas sitting on three men, which is extremely empty . The bright light of crystal chandeliers makes the room gorgeous, without any dead corner hiding in the dark . All the decorations and furnishings are luxurious and shining, just like a cave full of treasures, The only gloomy thing was the faces of the three men .

"The evolutionists suffered heavy casualties . The first line evolutionists suffered 70% casualties in three days, and the second level evolutionists suffered 40% casualties . There were less than 300 evolutionists captured by the scattered forces . The number of ordinary armed men killed in battle was three times that of the evolutionists, and they were injured more . It is estimated that the three-tier defense can only last for five days at most, The strategy of limiting the battlefield to the outskirts of the urban area has completely failed, but this is not necessarily a bad thing . Those evolutionists have long complained about me . If they had not been blocked, they might have gone far away and cleaned up some of them . The rest are good guys, and they can consider absorbing them into the core team . "The bald man with a red wine gla.s.s spoke . He was not tough, but rather bookish . He had a thin face, bright eyes, a delicate moustache on the corner of his mouth, and was very leisurely sitting on the sofa . Looking at his young appearance and bearing, he was very much like the Yamen childe before the end of the world . He spoke calmly and forcefully, but with a little laziness, The life and death of several hundred and thousands of people were wiped out by his saying that he had the best of both worlds, which showed that his heart was ruthless .

The cigar smoking man is a middle-aged man with black frame gla.s.ses and looks like a university teacher . He is not outstanding in appearance and bearing, but his silent appearance is like a fierce beast lurking in the dark . He slowly exudes a very dangerous breath and doesn"t talk much . He mostly listens to the other two people"s stories, but he doesn"t want to express his own ideas, If change a person who don"t know the depth, still think he is a steady and down-to-earth man .

The schadenfreude in the bald man"s words didn"t arouse the disgust of the former speaker . This man has a square face, a high forehead, a high nose, and angular lips . Generally speaking, he is a righteous person, but his integrity is destroyed by the treachery of his eyes . Under his thick eyebrows, his eyes are deeply sunken, and his turbid eyes flicker, The tone of his voice was the same as before, and his face was still rigid . If it wasn"t for his wandering eyes, he thought he was a zombie .

"In the past few days, the number of evolutionists has increased dramatically . According to my statistics, there are 1200 new evolutionists . I believe there will be at least 2000 tomorrow . It is suggested that we should stop hurting ordinary people from now on, and the labor intensity should be reduced . No one knows whether the ordinary people who die today will be the evolutionists of tomorrow, and their food should be strengthened, The increase in the number of evolutionists is of great benefit to us . Even if the whole urban area of Shanghai is reduced to a battlefield, it has enough strength to resist . . . "

"Didn"t you think about withdrawing from Shanghai? Although there are some things in the back of Shanghai, there are none across the river . . . As long as we are all right, we can"t find any materials there? "

The bald man suddenly interrupted this person"s topic, put down the red wine, put his hands on his chest, asked in his honest eyes, and did not let go of any changes in the expression on his face .

"You can"t leave . . . Everyone will die if you leave . Shan Qingchao, you don"t know who"s planning, do you?"

When he was interrupted by the bald Shan Qingchao, the sly man didn"t get angry . As soon as he picked up his eyelids, his eyes flashed a little light, which accentuated his tone . The warning was very heavy, which made Shan Qingchao smile a little embarra.s.sed and shake his head

"I"m just saying that Shanghai is a dead place, No one knows how many things there are in the sea . Up to now, many of us have died, but those things are too difficult to deal with . Even if the three of us do it ourselves, we may not be able to deal with them alone . I really don"t know why that one has to trap us in Shanghai? These words are true . Brother Hongyun naturally knows that . I think . . . Brother Hongyun, you won"t tell the truth, will you? Even if you snitch, it won"t do you any good . Why do we all feel sorry for each other? "

Shan Qingchao"s explanation and rhetorical question made his face slightly embarra.s.sed and his eyes dim . At this time, the steady man who smoked cigar pressed his cigar heavily in the ashtray in front of him and got up . He ignored the two men and went straight to the gate, making the remaining two confused . He was cunning and didn"t make a sound, but his eyes swept towards Shan Qingchao, I want him to talk first< br>