Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 1896: 1896

Chapter 1896: 1896

More than 100 corpses are hanging around the building like dried sausages . The murderer who killed these people is demonstrating to Zhang Xiaoqiang . The only lucky man who ran back to the camp alive told Zhao Deyi that it took half an hour to kill one person . Zhao Deyi believed it, so the gra.s.sroots soldiers asked for a fight . However, Zhang Xiaoqiang guessed that the other party wanted to tear his face, There is no difference between killing one person and killing a hundred people . When they are anxious, the other party has already begun to wipe the blood of the butcher"s knife .

Xi"er and Zhang Xiaoqiang are standing on the square . The driver stays in the car to check the 89 type heavy machine gun installed in the military vehicle . The light is like snow, and the roar of the diesel generator can be heard . Xi"er, who is wearing scales, is also relieved . She looks around with Zhang Xiaoqiang . Compared with Zhang Xiaoqiang"s ultra long sight distance, Xi"er has the same dark sight as Yueya, Soon she saw the living person hiding in the window of the building . With the enemy, Xi"er"s state immediately returned to normal . She whispered to Zhang Xiaoqiang:

"Do you want to do it?"

Zhang Xiaoqiang took his eyes away from the body, turned his head and told the driver:

"I don"t need you here . Go back and come with Zhao Deyi at dawn . "

The driver got anxious and said:

"Brother c.o.c.kroach, I . . . "

"Go ahead, it"s an order . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang doesn"t allow the driver to say more . He pulls out the rat King blade and moves his eyebrows to Xi"er . Xi"er"s eyes are fierce . Xi"er"s fingers are smeared behind her, and the arrow of the animal"s teeth falls on the bone bow . The bow string is tight and creaks . The driver starts the engine with a black face, turns the car"s head and rushes out . At this moment, Xi"er drinks a high, and the bow string suddenly looses, and the sound of shock is heard, A tiny shadow is shot to the high building on the right . Zhang Xiaoqiang"s dynamic vision instantly catches up with the dim arrow . Suddenly, a bright fireball lights up in the high building . The lighted fireball is as big as a fire basin . It floats in the hands of a man with a vulture expression . The man sneers at the corner of his mouth illuminated by the firelight, and the fireball in his hand suddenly bursts when it is thrown out, Scattered fire into a rain of fire fell from the high-rise disappear, fall and the body into two parts of the evolution .

The sudden change suddenly broke out the silent confrontation between the two sides . More fireb.a.l.l.s rose from the surrounding buildings one after another . Many fireb.a.l.l.s suddenly accelerated and fell down to the moving military vehicles as soon as they flew up . These fireb.a.l.l.s were like meteors, pulling out long lights and shadows and falling on the ground, exploding a sea of fire with a radius of more than 10 meters, In addition, the sound of breaking through the air with metal b.a.l.l.s of various sizes bombards the ground like electromagnetic sh.e.l.ls . In an instant, countless explosion points explode in the open square . At this moment, both the fire ball and the iron ball are extremely powerful . Each iron ball can blast a marble slab with a radius of several meters out of a deep pit, When a metal bullet smashes the ground, it will fly and jump up, just like the previous front chamber sh.e.l.l, which changes direction irregularly . There are too many metal iron b.a.l.l.s and fireb.a.l.l.s flying, which cover the vehicle completely in the blink of an eye . Zhang Xiaoqiang and Xi"er try their best not to stop all the attacks, but let the rat King blade controlled by Zhang Xiaoqiang bounce away in the impact of the iron b.a.l.l.s, It made him want to vomit blood .

"Boom . . . "

The bigger fire burst, and the off-road vehicle suddenly turned over and burst open . Just as the vehicle exploded, more fire fell on the vehicle which was being split and broken, like iron sand attracted by magnets, with gorgeous tail flame changing radians, and then burst into a more eye-catching flame . However, the flame was like broken blood crystal, falling and flying, Let the original only half of the car explode again, the subsequent iron b.a.l.l.s break, scattered scattered spark, hit the remaining half of the car body heavily, the vehicle in continuous impact like a toy, each time discarded will scatter countless Burning parts .

"Bang . . . "

A door flew from the center of the explosion and combustion, smashed open, and the scattered marble debris fell heavily on the ground in front of Zhang Xiaoqiang . The door that wiped the spark stopped at Zhang Xiaoqiang"s toes at the end of the power road . Looking at the severely twisted and deformed burnt black door, his eyes almost dazzled with anger, Originally, he wanted to let the driver leave the battlefield where he was about to fight, but he didn"t expect that the other party didn"t even contact him with a warning . He started directly and made him think that the driver was killed by him .

"Thirteen . . . "

Xi"er"s crisp voice makes Zhang Xiaoqiang sober from his rage . He turns to Xi"er, who raises her bone bow and says to Zhang Xiaoqiang:

"I"ve killed thirteen and I"ve got five arrows left on me . . . "

"Go ahead, be careful . . . "

Ignoring the fire around him, Zhang Xiaoqiang orders Xi"er in a low voice . Xi"er nods, turns around and rushes to the sea of fire . The falling fireball has a small pause after the explosion of the vehicle . Xi"er moves, and the fireball moves . More than ten fireb.a.l.l.s flash from the high-rise building again . The meteor falls to Xi"er, and Zhang Xiaoqiang suddenly runs at this moment, In the blink of an eye, he dashed 50 or 60 meters away from the three high-rise buildings . There was a roar of anger in the high-rise buildings . Half of the fireb.a.l.l.s flying in the air suddenly turned to rush towards Zhang Xiaoqiang . Zhang Xiaoqiang lowered his head and rushed hard . Every step was like a flash of light, which made his speed reach the extreme . Those flying fireb.a.l.l.s seemed to move faster, In the blink of an eye, he was about to explode in front of him . Just a moment before the explosion, countless thin threads pa.s.sed through the fireball . Each fireball was like an orange with 16 petals, which differentiated into countless floating Mars and could no longer form its previous power . The roar of anger suddenly raised Zhang Xiaoqiang"s head . At the same time, it also made the fireball in the high-rise buildings extinguish instantly . More than ten shadows fell from the high-rise buildings one after another . The roar almost compared with the high-frequency sound of Z-shaped zombies made Zhang Xiaoqiang just feel dizzy, but it caused great damage to the evolutors hiding in the high-rise buildings, More than a dozen people fell out of the windows one after another in the extreme howl of pain .

Zhang Xiaoqiang rushed to the front of the building at the moment when the other party was in chaos . He was about to rush into the middle building . Suddenly, an invisible fear suddenly occupied his heart . With a roar from the battlefield, Zhang Xiaoqiang jumped back and overturned, falling heavily on the concrete side wall of the flower stand in front of the building . Just as he was about to land, all the gla.s.s in the first, second and third floor building was blown to pieces at the same time, The white gla.s.s particles like the Milky Way tilt, instantly occupy all the s.p.a.ce in front of the building .

In the flower bed, the vegetation is luxuriant, the weeds and trees are tangled, and there is no gap . Zhang Xiaoqiang falls in front of the broken gra.s.s . The rat King blade that never leaves him is like the big scissors that cut off the branches of flowers . He has cut away the weeds that are more than meters in diameter . Without the covered weeds, Zhang Xiaoqiang falls heavily on the ground covered with gra.s.s leaves, without waiting for a breath of turbid air in his lungs, The chaotic gla.s.s is coming with the pieces . The instant the gla.s.s breaks, the highest speed can reach 2000 kilometers per hour . Even before the gla.s.s explodes, Zhang Xiaoqiang reacts, there are still dozens of flying fragments chiseling into his body, which makes him suffer a lot . Before Zhang Xiaoqiang can feel the paralyzed place clearly, large pieces of humming fragments will arrive .

Zhang Xiaoqiang, who is lying in the flower bed with his head in his arms, is waiting for the torrential rain to fall . Suddenly, the sky is in full bloom . Tens of thousands of colorful lights disperse the dim night sky in an instant . Countless flying pieces refract the surrounding light . The Milky way water curtain like gla.s.s fragments form a gorgeous crystal waterfall . In the golden light flash, All kinds of dazzling or soft light show a miracle in the open s.p.a.ce in front of the building . The miracle appears and disappears at the beginning . With a roar, crystal sand like dust is blasted out behind the concrete side wall where Zhang Xiaoqiang is hiding . It is like a wave rushing into the air, and the golden light is flashing, just like a golden ocean . At the moment when the Golden Ocean diffuses, the vegetation in the flower bed is devastated, Dense plants seem to be engulfed by black holes . Most of them disappear in the blink of an eye, and there is no plant in the blink of an eye . The noise is more intense than the factory"s processing workshop . Under the gorgeous golden light, Zhang Xiaoqiang endures the scream of this word, and a layer of crystal mist slowly falls on his skin< br>